Due to an overwhelming demand, our Wed night Bible Study started up again last night on the West Shore. A good mix of old members and new, came together to study the letter of Peter and the Holy Spirit was present in force! I love teaching the Bible, but, even more, I love seeing new people fall in love with the Scriptures and the God who wrote them!!
If you have not yet joined us for a study, come on out!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Warnings and Observations - Part II (b)
While reading online today, I came across this post in a comment section on 'mega church' and contemporary Christianity. I believe it is not only insightful, but TRUE.
While reading online today, I came across this post in a comment section on 'mega church' and contemporary Christianity. I believe it is not only insightful, but TRUE.
Speaking to a particular Mega Church: 'Churches like this may be good for introducing people to Jesus. But living in Christ means using our minds renewed by God to know and grow closer to Him each day, not prioritizing temporary emotional pulses of good vibrations and stimulating human senses (emphasis added).
[Most observers] didn't get very deep into [Pastor's Name] shaky theology and doctrine, but my biggest complaint here is when about halfway through the video the hipster [Pastor's Name] equates his crowds to the throngs that followed Jesus. The main motivation of the crowds that followed Jesus was getting healed physically, and getting freed from Roman rule; that is, what Jesus could do for them and their earthly lives. The crowds following Jesus were not interested in His message of their helpless fallen spiritual condition and dependence on Him for their reconciliation with God. Well, maybe [Pastor's Name]' flock is similar? But then Jesus' crowds turned against Him, and called to the Romans for His torture and crucifixion. That part is no comparison, is it [Pastor's Name]?'
Observations and Warnings - Part II
While speaking to a pastor of a MEGA church the other day, he called his church's growth the product of God's new and ongoing 'Revival.' They have over 10k people attending each week, they baptized 300 people last year, and they gave almost a million dollars to charity. Impressive numbers by any stretch of the imagination, but does this qualify as a revival?
Consider the following:If 'revival' is only happening at one house of worship, then it is probably not God who is achieving the results but, rather, the church leadership and methodology. As is evidenced by some of the success of recent non-profit 'challenges' and the rise of religious fanaticism, getting people to respond in droves to self-less causes is not always as difficult as we would imagine - you just have to make it interesting (self-rewarding) enough.
I believe in Revival and pray it happens, but when it does it will not be experienced by a single church, it will not lead to self-boasting, and it certainly will not be achieved through human effort. Revival happens when humanity is brought low by the Spirit of God and His power and presence alone (through human vessels) is the means of achievement (miracles and super-natural demonstrations).
I'm not trying to knock the 'good' out of growing churches, but I do want us all to consider WHY we may be experiencing these results. There are no shortcuts to the Kingdom or its salvation.
Consider the following:If 'revival' is only happening at one house of worship, then it is probably not God who is achieving the results but, rather, the church leadership and methodology. As is evidenced by some of the success of recent non-profit 'challenges' and the rise of religious fanaticism, getting people to respond in droves to self-less causes is not always as difficult as we would imagine - you just have to make it interesting (self-rewarding) enough.
I believe in Revival and pray it happens, but when it does it will not be experienced by a single church, it will not lead to self-boasting, and it certainly will not be achieved through human effort. Revival happens when humanity is brought low by the Spirit of God and His power and presence alone (through human vessels) is the means of achievement (miracles and super-natural demonstrations).
I'm not trying to knock the 'good' out of growing churches, but I do want us all to consider WHY we may be experiencing these results. There are no shortcuts to the Kingdom or its salvation.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Observations & Warnings - Part I
This week, I had the opportunity to participate in several conferences for pastors. I try not to attend too many of these kinds of events because, too often, they become a trap and means for avoiding the real business of the Kingdom: reaching the Lost and training the Found. It is so easy to enjoy the 'safety' and appearance of relevance by hanging out in the confines of fellow ministers, presuming that the purpose is new insights and renewal, but what really happens is that most ministers put too much emphasis on 'self-care' (ignoring the priority of others) or become accustomed to believing their own press and assumptions about ministry and church models. If you really want to find personal renewal & zeal and want to know what the Lost are thinking and doing, then GO OUT AND BE WITH THE LOST!! Hanging out with other professional ministers who also live in secluded churches or ministry contexts different than your own, is not going to be an adequate means of benefit.
What I loved most about pastoring and being a minister is spending time with the LOST and those who are Saved and still interacting with the LOST. I guess that is another reasons why pastor conference and meetings are such a personal nightmare for me...it's so disconnected from my passions and personal practices.
Pastors - GO out and be a pastor and minister in your community and world. Not your style or cup of tea?; then, please, reconsider your profession. If you love working in the church and for the church, then consider being the Admin Pastor or take up Church Board ministry. The church is supposed to be a place when the Holiness of Heaven meets the Brokenness of the World. In order for this to happen, the leadership of the church, namely its mouthpiece and representative, needs to be interacting and ministering within their local and Lost world. Hiding out at a 'relevance' conference doesn't count and will only frustrate everyone.
What I loved most about pastoring and being a minister is spending time with the LOST and those who are Saved and still interacting with the LOST. I guess that is another reasons why pastor conference and meetings are such a personal nightmare for me...it's so disconnected from my passions and personal practices.
Pastors - GO out and be a pastor and minister in your community and world. Not your style or cup of tea?; then, please, reconsider your profession. If you love working in the church and for the church, then consider being the Admin Pastor or take up Church Board ministry. The church is supposed to be a place when the Holiness of Heaven meets the Brokenness of the World. In order for this to happen, the leadership of the church, namely its mouthpiece and representative, needs to be interacting and ministering within their local and Lost world. Hiding out at a 'relevance' conference doesn't count and will only frustrate everyone.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Loved as Family
Since becoming full-time missionaries in 2005, it has been amazing to see how deeply we have been adopted by God's people. We can never adequtely thank our supporters for how they have loved us, encouraged us, and miraculously been the hands, feet, and even, the voice of God, over the years.
I know it is almost cliche to refer to the church as the 'family of God,' but when you experience it as we have over the years, it is supernatural.
To all of you who have loved us as your own: Thank you! We're just as committed and empowered as ever.
I know it is almost cliche to refer to the church as the 'family of God,' but when you experience it as we have over the years, it is supernatural.
To all of you who have loved us as your own: Thank you! We're just as committed and empowered as ever.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Weekend with a Marine
This past weekend, I was able to travel halfway across the country to bless a fellow Brother and a Marine. He and I went to Bible College together and, ironically, both felt a calling to serve the Marines during our college years. He, however, went off to USMC officer school after graduating, while I went off to the domestic mission field. Nevertheless, God has kept us secure in His calling and provision and has allowed us both to accomplish incredible ministry in our respective fields.
My buddy's new assignment involved a cross-country move and I was glad to help. Having not seen each other since 2001, it was great to reconnect, meet his beautiful family, and spend some amazing time reflecting on ministry and building each other up in the Lord.
As was the case in those early college years, He continues to call us to serve within the military field and is using us, His church, to prepare and execute that mission.
Added Bonus: Eating at The Cracker Barrel!
My buddy's new assignment involved a cross-country move and I was glad to help. Having not seen each other since 2001, it was great to reconnect, meet his beautiful family, and spend some amazing time reflecting on ministry and building each other up in the Lord.
As was the case in those early college years, He continues to call us to serve within the military field and is using us, His church, to prepare and execute that mission.
Added Bonus: Eating at The Cracker Barrel!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Good Leaders
Today, I had the opportunity to show appreciation for a great leader. No, he and I rarely see eye-to-eye on theology and ministry, but the man is a great leader who loves Jesus and seeks to serve His church through the strengths He has given him; and that makes all the difference!
What makes this pastor great is that he leads from his strengths and allows his weakness to always take a backseat to his planning and response. Again, he and I are rarely on the same page, but he has never punished me, limited me, or spoke evil of me. On the contrary, he has embraced me and placed me in positions to succeed. He's not naive or some evil sneak who is waiting for a chance to get me down the road. No, he is simply a great leader who knows who he is and operates from the security of his God-given strengths. How rare!
Most leaders are aware of their strengths and use them to accomplish their objectives, but they also know their weaknesses and consistently live in fear of having those exposed or taken advantage of. Therefore, they limit others and spend significant time promoting their particulars while knocking the traits of others. What a waste...
I love this local pastor and I have learned so much from him. May I respond to God's calling and giftings the way this man has. Doing so will not only lead to my happiness, but also the expansion of God's Kingdom and Church.
What makes this pastor great is that he leads from his strengths and allows his weakness to always take a backseat to his planning and response. Again, he and I are rarely on the same page, but he has never punished me, limited me, or spoke evil of me. On the contrary, he has embraced me and placed me in positions to succeed. He's not naive or some evil sneak who is waiting for a chance to get me down the road. No, he is simply a great leader who knows who he is and operates from the security of his God-given strengths. How rare!
Most leaders are aware of their strengths and use them to accomplish their objectives, but they also know their weaknesses and consistently live in fear of having those exposed or taken advantage of. Therefore, they limit others and spend significant time promoting their particulars while knocking the traits of others. What a waste...
I love this local pastor and I have learned so much from him. May I respond to God's calling and giftings the way this man has. Doing so will not only lead to my happiness, but also the expansion of God's Kingdom and Church.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Challenging Theology
Once again, I was blessed to lead chapel for a local Christian middle school. I prayed hard about what to speak on and the LORD just would not allow the word 'existential' to leave me mind.
For those of you who may not be familiar with the term, the short explanation is that it describes a philosophy of personal meaning and experience, and perhaps the best writer on the matter is the Dane, Kierkegaard. His declared that while the empirical truth claims of Christianity are all well and good, they had very little significance for his personal life and worldview. What did it matter is God made the heaven and existed in a state of Love if Kierkegaard could not experience and be moved by the God and His love.
While not a perfect worldview or philosophy, Kierkegaard is certainly on to something and I believe that there are many in our local context and culture who can relate to his longing and frustrations. Evangelical Christianity is all about declaring truth claims and defenses but it often fails to communicate the personal and relational aspects of God with His creation. As I contemplated existentialism and the local Christian school, I knew that these kids would be receiving healthy doses of empirical evidence of God and His Word, but mere facts can never influence a heart.
Reading from Colossians 1:15-23, I attempted to draw the correlation between an empirical and relational God through the person of Christ. "All things were created by Him and for Him (v.16)...reconciling the world through His cross (v.20)." Yes, God has done magnificent things within creation and for us, but it is Him alone who is to be worshipped, sought after, experienced, and glorified. He is great; He care for us; but, He alone is to be object of our satisfaction.
I challenged the kids to leave every Bible study, church service, chapel or church event pondering the question, "So what? How does that which was said and taught have any meaning to me and to growing closer in worship to God?" If a message is merely about us, then it has failed and diverted into heretical ideas. Simultaneously, if the message only speaks of God's transcendence, then it, too, has failed, because it has neglected the power of His salvation to transform individuals.
This is big stuff, I know, but I believe that theology must be challenging and not merely affirming.
For those of you who may not be familiar with the term, the short explanation is that it describes a philosophy of personal meaning and experience, and perhaps the best writer on the matter is the Dane, Kierkegaard. His declared that while the empirical truth claims of Christianity are all well and good, they had very little significance for his personal life and worldview. What did it matter is God made the heaven and existed in a state of Love if Kierkegaard could not experience and be moved by the God and His love.
While not a perfect worldview or philosophy, Kierkegaard is certainly on to something and I believe that there are many in our local context and culture who can relate to his longing and frustrations. Evangelical Christianity is all about declaring truth claims and defenses but it often fails to communicate the personal and relational aspects of God with His creation. As I contemplated existentialism and the local Christian school, I knew that these kids would be receiving healthy doses of empirical evidence of God and His Word, but mere facts can never influence a heart.
Reading from Colossians 1:15-23, I attempted to draw the correlation between an empirical and relational God through the person of Christ. "All things were created by Him and for Him (v.16)...reconciling the world through His cross (v.20)." Yes, God has done magnificent things within creation and for us, but it is Him alone who is to be worshipped, sought after, experienced, and glorified. He is great; He care for us; but, He alone is to be object of our satisfaction.
I challenged the kids to leave every Bible study, church service, chapel or church event pondering the question, "So what? How does that which was said and taught have any meaning to me and to growing closer in worship to God?" If a message is merely about us, then it has failed and diverted into heretical ideas. Simultaneously, if the message only speaks of God's transcendence, then it, too, has failed, because it has neglected the power of His salvation to transform individuals.
This is big stuff, I know, but I believe that theology must be challenging and not merely affirming.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Bike Ministry
I do more ministry outside the walls of the church then I could ever hope to do inside of it.
Blessed to have time today to ride with my dad and a brother in the faith. He has lots of challenges before him and no church family to embrace and strengthen him. While only home for a few days, being able to spend a few hours riding our bikes together and talking afterwards has opened up many doors and avenues for God's Spirit to minister.
I love being a Christian minister. Where I go, He goes.
Blessed to have time today to ride with my dad and a brother in the faith. He has lots of challenges before him and no church family to embrace and strengthen him. While only home for a few days, being able to spend a few hours riding our bikes together and talking afterwards has opened up many doors and avenues for God's Spirit to minister.
I love being a Christian minister. Where I go, He goes.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Worried about the West
I hate to run the possibility of being cynical, but I suspect that Western (read: American) Christianity is really all about self-medication. In other words, we do not go to church to get what really need, we go to get what we really 'want.' Most messages, programs, and church environments are entirely built around getting you or I (the audience) to feel good, find encouragement in what we want to believe in, and only view God as a means to our own happiness. After all, God really wants you and I to be 'happy,' whatever that means...
I'm sorry, but I believe in the God of the Bible who is infinitely greater than I am and whose will, purpose, and glory far surpasses His individual love for 'me.' Yes, He loves me and cares for me as a Father, but the role and identity as Father, Friend, and Giver are only conditional attributes to be used to describe particulars of His relationship to us. In other words, God is my Father, because I exist as His child; but if I did not exist, would He still be considered Fatherly? No. What God is consistently and unconditionally is SOVEREIGN and HOLY. Therefore, what should be our primary means of worship and knowledge of God should be these two above all. Church should be a place where we are brought LOW and into SUBMISSION to God, first and foremost.
Of course, embracing and celebrating God's love is not wrong or naive, but it must not become our primary means and reason for worship and relationship. This warps everything into a conditional relationship and places my desire, comfort and existence before His. Error - in fact, such a mentality and position is the foundation of sin itself.
Let me ask you a question: What would happen to your theology and relationship with God if the story of Job was real and personal? What about Hosea? What about Paul's call to go to Jerusalem and suffer for 'the name?' Would you still worship? Would you still love Him? If the answer is 'no' or if you find yourself trying to conjure up a theological defense on why your God would never allow such fate to befall you, then your God isn't the one of the Bible, he is merely the image of your self-conscience.
I'm sorry, but I believe in the God of the Bible who is infinitely greater than I am and whose will, purpose, and glory far surpasses His individual love for 'me.' Yes, He loves me and cares for me as a Father, but the role and identity as Father, Friend, and Giver are only conditional attributes to be used to describe particulars of His relationship to us. In other words, God is my Father, because I exist as His child; but if I did not exist, would He still be considered Fatherly? No. What God is consistently and unconditionally is SOVEREIGN and HOLY. Therefore, what should be our primary means of worship and knowledge of God should be these two above all. Church should be a place where we are brought LOW and into SUBMISSION to God, first and foremost.
Of course, embracing and celebrating God's love is not wrong or naive, but it must not become our primary means and reason for worship and relationship. This warps everything into a conditional relationship and places my desire, comfort and existence before His. Error - in fact, such a mentality and position is the foundation of sin itself.
Let me ask you a question: What would happen to your theology and relationship with God if the story of Job was real and personal? What about Hosea? What about Paul's call to go to Jerusalem and suffer for 'the name?' Would you still worship? Would you still love Him? If the answer is 'no' or if you find yourself trying to conjure up a theological defense on why your God would never allow such fate to befall you, then your God isn't the one of the Bible, he is merely the image of your self-conscience.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Stressed Out Kids
School is starting and I am getting all kinds of crazy messages and prayer requests from my young brothers who are still in grade school. It seems that they all are stressed out and nervous for the new school year. Some are even having panic attacks and other physical symptoms.
When asked what they are so nervous about, there is never a real or specific answer, just apprehension over the 'unknown' and an inability to handle the adrenaline. Some of this is normal, but what is new and alarming to me is that these kids are unable to comprehend and handle the everyday stress of a normal life. I mean, honestly, these kids are not facing anything that you or I didn't face then and do not face now. It's really concerning, because if they cannot handle something as simple as the first day of school where all they have to do is 'show up,' how are they going to handle paying bills, going to work, or any other commitment that requires responsibility? I'm not sure we (as a society) are doing a very good job raising our youth to be responsible individuals.
I love these kids and am so very grateful that the Lord has placed my family and I in a position to love and serve so many kids in His name and Word. Besides praying with these stressed out brothers, we are also showing them through both the Word and our own lives, the peace and provision that comes through obedience and dedication to the Lord and His commands.
Matt 6:33-34 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Reflecting on the Simplicity
Our Wednesday night Bible Studies in Harrisburg have been absolutely amazing! I cannot even begin to describe the number of miracles, healings, divine encounters, and explosions of faith have takes place over the past three months. God has been at work and He has done it in the most simplistic ways imaginable.
Consider this: our largest group meeting has only been 9. The cost for meeting inside of Starbuck's week: $2.12 for a cup of coffee. The cost for teaching materials: $0.00. We simply read the Bible. The amount of money spent of marketing, connections, etc.: $0.00 We use social media (Facebook & text messaging) and good ol' fashion "word of mouth." There have been no hand outs, no video clips, no weird illustrations or social programs. We just get together and READ the BIBLE and SEEK JESUS - that's it! And you know what?...He always shows up in power and confidence.
American Christians: Stop chasing fads and trying to 'woo' people into the church and/or a relationship with Jesus. THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB! Your job is to love the Lord and be contagious in your love and pursuit of Him. He is lovely and sufficient enough to win people to Himself. All we need to do is allow Him to be revealed.
Consider this: our largest group meeting has only been 9. The cost for meeting inside of Starbuck's week: $2.12 for a cup of coffee. The cost for teaching materials: $0.00. We simply read the Bible. The amount of money spent of marketing, connections, etc.: $0.00 We use social media (Facebook & text messaging) and good ol' fashion "word of mouth." There have been no hand outs, no video clips, no weird illustrations or social programs. We just get together and READ the BIBLE and SEEK JESUS - that's it! And you know what?...He always shows up in power and confidence.
American Christians: Stop chasing fads and trying to 'woo' people into the church and/or a relationship with Jesus. THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB! Your job is to love the Lord and be contagious in your love and pursuit of Him. He is lovely and sufficient enough to win people to Himself. All we need to do is allow Him to be revealed.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Back to School
The kids went back to school this week and everyone is very, very happy...except for Mom and Dad. Christine and I are those weird parents who actually enjoy having the kids home and being able to share life's moments together. Yes, it is easier to grocery shop or do errands without the drama, but they are only young and living at home once.
No one will ever love our kids they way we can, and, therefore, no one can teach them about life, the Lord, and social skills like we can. It is a high calling to be a parent and I am so very, very glad the Lord has entrusted my wife and I with the challenge of raising three boys.
No one will ever love our kids they way we can, and, therefore, no one can teach them about life, the Lord, and social skills like we can. It is a high calling to be a parent and I am so very, very glad the Lord has entrusted my wife and I with the challenge of raising three boys.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Chilling with the Young Guns
We have been so blessed in so many ways since moving back to PA, especially in regards to ministry opportunities. Man of you know of our ongoing relationship with a local Christian school and serving as campus ministers and mentors. Well, this summer has been full of requests from former and current students to 'hang out' and be mentored in the Christian life and faith. It is so rewarding to 'coach' these young men (teenagers) in what it means to be a Leader and a Follower for Jesus in spiritual, cultural, and relationship matters. Plus, it is hilarious to hear some of the crazy attempts at reasoning and the goofy mistakes teenagers seem prone to make!
But, in addition to pouring into these lives, Christine and I are making the most with our three boys. Their school year begins next week and promises to be very challenging with all of our ministry changes approaching. PLEASE pray with us for our boys, their faith, our interaction with them, and for a wonderful transition into a new school year and ministry adventure (and/or location). PLEASE.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Great Day with His Church
I am so very grateful or the men and women who God has put in my life. A lot of crazy things have been taking place and there is even more uncertainty in the near future. I could be a wreck and twitch and try to solve every problem on my own, or I can allow Jesus, through His Church, to guide and comfort me through every obstacle. I like the "Jesus Option" best and it gives me (and other members of Jesus' church) to not only experience the power of the Spirit, but also serve as a means of His Spirit.
By the way, tonight is also Starbuck's Bible Study on Paxton St. If you have not yet join us for a round of discussion on the Gospel of John, then make tonight your night! We kick off at 7pm and wrap up around 8:15p. I guarantee you will have a blast meeting new people and learning about Jesus and His Word in a powerful new way.
By the way, tonight is also Starbuck's Bible Study on Paxton St. If you have not yet join us for a round of discussion on the Gospel of John, then make tonight your night! We kick off at 7pm and wrap up around 8:15p. I guarantee you will have a blast meeting new people and learning about Jesus and His Word in a powerful new way.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
I love the Local Church
Today, I was incredibly blessed to preach in both morning worship services at RIVER OF GOD church in Enola, PA. This church is truly awesome (Grounded in the Word, Generous, Pentecostal, Led by Leaders, etc.) and has long been a soild source of support for our family and ministry. It is a great feeling to be so loved and trusted by a church and its leadership!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Loving on a Brother
It was great to spend a few days in the deep South loving on fellow brother and his two young sons. "James" is a fellow church planter and Navy chaplain who I met last year during chaplaincy school. We quikcly became friends, as did our families. However, just a few months ago, this incredible family lost their wife and mommy to a tragedy and God sent us to bless them as His church and presence.
In addition to bringing food, cooked meals, and a lot of love, we were able to play together, share stories and needs, and return a sense of 'normal' to a very sad situation. God was very, very present and we simply cannot describe the emotions and ministry we received in and through this time together.
Please keep this family in your prayers!
Saturday, August 2, 2014
First Stop - Annapolis

I'd be lying if I said I did not get goose bumps every time I see a Plebe, Midshipmen, or Officer on this campus. You never know, they could be future parishioners, colleagues, or even Commanding Officers (a.k.a. my Boss)!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Family Mission Tour
Thursday, July 31, 2014
New Opportunity, New Challenge
LifeChurch-Hershey has (another) new meeting space. This one is huge(!), offers fulltime access, & is very affordable. Plus, its located in an iconic downtown building. However, its old & needs a little STLC. This is not a problem for us. It's just like Forest Hills all over again.
Monday, July 28, 2014
I preach the salvation of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father, and I do it because I believe in the authority of the Bible. Why is this such a dangerous, outdated, insensitive, and/or ignorant approach to Christianity?
What has happened to the American Church?
What has happened to the American Church?
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Sermon Notes from July 23
BEING a Christian
Everyone likes to quote a verse like John 3:16 or Romans 10:9 and think that this simple confession of 'belief' is the purpose of life or the key to being a Christian. While being great expressions of God's love and the importance of what He has done for us, these verses do not describe a lifestyle or action apart from mere 'head knowledge.'
God has created us to DO the right things in life for Him. Genesis 1:26-27
As God's 'image bearers,' our purpose is to be an ongoing reflection (image) of His glory and behavior. Thus, the Bible unanimously declares that the essence of all Biblical commands is that of ACTION unto God (Deut. 6:5-6, Lev. 19:18, Matt. 22:37-39). Simply believing in the Bible or Jesus is insufficient and puts us in the company (shared behavior) of demons (James 2:14-26). God's command is for us to DO!
The problem is, however, that we CAN'T do the right thing. Romans 8:14-25
It's not that we do not know what is 'right' or 'wrong' or have insufficiency motivation to do what is 'right.' No, the problem with us (and all humanity) is that we are inept (powerless) sinners by choice. Not only do we fashion every decision primarily around our own personal needs/wants, but even those actions charged for the sake of others are misguided and cannot undo the evil we've done previously. Remember: our purpose is to live for God, not for self or even for others (God first, then neighborly love (Matt. 20:37-39)). The Bible describes our tragic state of affairs as 'dead men walking' (Rom 8:14, 21).
Through Jesus' death and resurrection, there is HOPE and OPPORTUNITY. Romans 7:25, 8:1-4.
Jesus' death on the cross paid for our past sins. His resurrection and ascension, free us from our mortal limitations and enables to enjoy His Spirit within us. Accepting the truth and sufficiently of Jesus as God's Son and payment for our sins, frees us from our past and grants us a new life and power to please God (obey Him) in the power of His Spirit.
A Christian is one who lives every day DOING the right thing in the power of the Spirit for the Glory of God. (Romans 8:5-8)
A Christian is one who lives for God through his/her actions. They do not seek their own glory, success of even mere humanitarianism. A true Christian lives for God alone. This a work of the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit. Every day, and in every situation, a Christian must seek the power of the Holy Spirit to do what is right. Only then, can a person know joy and receive the promised gift of eternal life - God's shared glory and presence (Romans 8:17)!
Everyone likes to quote a verse like John 3:16 or Romans 10:9 and think that this simple confession of 'belief' is the purpose of life or the key to being a Christian. While being great expressions of God's love and the importance of what He has done for us, these verses do not describe a lifestyle or action apart from mere 'head knowledge.'
God has created us to DO the right things in life for Him. Genesis 1:26-27
As God's 'image bearers,' our purpose is to be an ongoing reflection (image) of His glory and behavior. Thus, the Bible unanimously declares that the essence of all Biblical commands is that of ACTION unto God (Deut. 6:5-6, Lev. 19:18, Matt. 22:37-39). Simply believing in the Bible or Jesus is insufficient and puts us in the company (shared behavior) of demons (James 2:14-26). God's command is for us to DO!
The problem is, however, that we CAN'T do the right thing. Romans 8:14-25
It's not that we do not know what is 'right' or 'wrong' or have insufficiency motivation to do what is 'right.' No, the problem with us (and all humanity) is that we are inept (powerless) sinners by choice. Not only do we fashion every decision primarily around our own personal needs/wants, but even those actions charged for the sake of others are misguided and cannot undo the evil we've done previously. Remember: our purpose is to live for God, not for self or even for others (God first, then neighborly love (Matt. 20:37-39)). The Bible describes our tragic state of affairs as 'dead men walking' (Rom 8:14, 21).
Through Jesus' death and resurrection, there is HOPE and OPPORTUNITY. Romans 7:25, 8:1-4.
Jesus' death on the cross paid for our past sins. His resurrection and ascension, free us from our mortal limitations and enables to enjoy His Spirit within us. Accepting the truth and sufficiently of Jesus as God's Son and payment for our sins, frees us from our past and grants us a new life and power to please God (obey Him) in the power of His Spirit.
A Christian is one who lives every day DOING the right thing in the power of the Spirit for the Glory of God. (Romans 8:5-8)
A Christian is one who lives for God through his/her actions. They do not seek their own glory, success of even mere humanitarianism. A true Christian lives for God alone. This a work of the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit. Every day, and in every situation, a Christian must seek the power of the Holy Spirit to do what is right. Only then, can a person know joy and receive the promised gift of eternal life - God's shared glory and presence (Romans 8:17)!
Monday, July 21, 2014
I Want & Need the Trinity!
Somebody recently asked me what I look for in a church. My answer was very simple: I want to see, experience, hear and learn about the Trinity. They asked me if I was serious...
Tragically, our Christian faith has become so common and LAZY that many of us have no real idea what the Trinity involves or WHY it is so important to both our understanding and our salvation. We just assume that because we all affirm the simple idea of "three persons in One entity' that this alone is sufficient for orthodoxy (right belief) and orthopraxis (right behavior). But, it's not!
I don't presume that any of us will ever fully understand the uniqueness of our Triune God, but He has given us enough information about Himself and His behavior to understand it's function and importance in His behavior, understanding, and will for our lives. God, not nature, is the fundamental force and model for all creation. God was not randomly acting when He set forth the cosmos or the unique composition of man. In fact, the Bible specifically states that MAN is His 'image bearer,' which does not imply a physical mirroring, still communicates shared qualities and abilities. Therefore, every human beings purpose and command in life is to mirror this Triune Creator, yet how can we when no one ever takes the time to talk about Him as such..even within His own church!?!?
Hopefully, over the next few days I will post some fundamental aspects of the Trinity that our paramount to our understanding of God, ourselves and our salvation in/through Him. I will try to keep it simple and clear, but I confess that I am not the best writer so bear with me...
In the meanwhile, please take a minute and try to answer the following questions:
1 - How would you communicate the Trinity to a friend? Could you? Would you?
2 - When was the last time you learned about the Trinity in Church? Merely singing the word in a song does not count. Even if the sermon was not specifically on the Trinity, when was the last time you learned of the important roles/functions of each of its members?
3 - What questions do you have the Trinity?
Tragically, our Christian faith has become so common and LAZY that many of us have no real idea what the Trinity involves or WHY it is so important to both our understanding and our salvation. We just assume that because we all affirm the simple idea of "three persons in One entity' that this alone is sufficient for orthodoxy (right belief) and orthopraxis (right behavior). But, it's not!
I don't presume that any of us will ever fully understand the uniqueness of our Triune God, but He has given us enough information about Himself and His behavior to understand it's function and importance in His behavior, understanding, and will for our lives. God, not nature, is the fundamental force and model for all creation. God was not randomly acting when He set forth the cosmos or the unique composition of man. In fact, the Bible specifically states that MAN is His 'image bearer,' which does not imply a physical mirroring, still communicates shared qualities and abilities. Therefore, every human beings purpose and command in life is to mirror this Triune Creator, yet how can we when no one ever takes the time to talk about Him as such..even within His own church!?!?
Hopefully, over the next few days I will post some fundamental aspects of the Trinity that our paramount to our understanding of God, ourselves and our salvation in/through Him. I will try to keep it simple and clear, but I confess that I am not the best writer so bear with me...
In the meanwhile, please take a minute and try to answer the following questions:
1 - How would you communicate the Trinity to a friend? Could you? Would you?
2 - When was the last time you learned about the Trinity in Church? Merely singing the word in a song does not count. Even if the sermon was not specifically on the Trinity, when was the last time you learned of the important roles/functions of each of its members?
3 - What questions do you have the Trinity?
Friday, July 18, 2014
Just like that...
...and just like that, you can have a bad day.
On my way home from a very productive time on the West Shore, the truck in front of me blew his tire and took out my front bumper. He didn't stop, but I didn't die either. 'Hooray' for insurance, 'boo' for deductibles.
Looking for an opportunity to glorify God in all of it.
On my way home from a very productive time on the West Shore, the truck in front of me blew his tire and took out my front bumper. He didn't stop, but I didn't die either. 'Hooray' for insurance, 'boo' for deductibles.
Looking for an opportunity to glorify God in all of it.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
As we continue to discern the Lord's will and plan for our lives in ministry, it remains obvious that He has placed a deep 'call' (burden) on my heart for our military personnel. While I can easily get excited about the 'adventure' and physical lifestyle that accompanies chaplain ministry, these aspects alone are not reason enough to undergo the intense labor and sacrifice demanded by the ministry. Asking my family to move every three years (or less) and be separated for months at a time so I can put on camouflage and hang out with guys with guns is pretty lame. For me, it is all about the service member and his/her family. For a Sailor or Marine to know the LORD and grow in His ways and understanding is why I am willing to do whatever it takes to succeed be engaged in the chaplaincy.
I love these people, and I know that I have been uniquely burdened and equipped to minister His Truth through my life and family's ministry. I am so very grateful that He has entrusted us with this 'call' and is, therefore, consistently brining us members and opportunities to minister. It is amazing how many service members (and their families) we have been able to connect with and minister to over these past few months. My prayer is that we will be faithful in these ventures and the He may entrust us with an even greater love, burden, and opportunity in the future.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Being a Mentor
Another great thing about the summer is the chance to hang out with some really cool kids. Some of my former soccer players have become really close friends and young 'brothers,' and it is my honor to serve as a mentor to them.
Every time we hang out, God opens the door for some incredible conversations and opportunities for teaching and trust. Rarely are there moments of weeping and/or quiet prayer (in fact, this has never happened), but there are always times when God provides a powerful moment for TRUTH and EXPERIENCE. As a Spirit-filled person, all I need to do is humble myself, get out of the way, and let the Lord use my life and His Word as all the inspiration and instruction these young lives need to succeed.
I am so very grateful to be a Christian and to be so effectively used by the Creator of the universe to love others in His name.
Every time we hang out, God opens the door for some incredible conversations and opportunities for teaching and trust. Rarely are there moments of weeping and/or quiet prayer (in fact, this has never happened), but there are always times when God provides a powerful moment for TRUTH and EXPERIENCE. As a Spirit-filled person, all I need to do is humble myself, get out of the way, and let the Lord use my life and His Word as all the inspiration and instruction these young lives need to succeed.
I am so very grateful to be a Christian and to be so effectively used by the Creator of the universe to love others in His name.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Why Christian Schools are Cool
One of the privileges we've been able to enjoy since being back in PA, is the connection and option to send our kids to a small, local Christian school. No, it is not cheap and it does demand a little more time and effort on our part to work with a different school schedule; but, in reflection, the benefits certainly outweigh the small challenges.
Our kids are getting an incredible education, smaller class sizes, learning Christian values, and, above all, are memorizing large portions of Scripture and participating in weekly chapel services (where daddy sometimes get to preach/teach). My kids know the Bible, they know how to pray, and the know how to be held accountable to Christian ideals. The know that 'right' is 'right' because of God's rule and nature, and not simply because a government or leadership says so. And being a part of a Christian not only provides my kids with a great education and spiritual life, but it also provides them an opportunity for a christian environment. All of their parents and friends are Christian, too. (Now, we know that not every person who attends a Christian school is a Christian, but, regardless, the values and standards are enforced in every person's life who is associated with the school. That, too, is significant.)
But, choosing to enroll our kids in a Christian school is not only blessing the kids, but has also proved to be a blessing and source of ministry to the entire family! Christine is a room parent, actively involved in the mom's prayer group, and is a constant figure at the school's events. And in addition to being a chapel speaker, I, too, have been able to serve in a variety of positions, including as the boys' soccer and basketball coach. Our entire family is being blessed by our choice and opportunity to sacrifice a little more and give our kids a Christian education and community...and we have no regrets.
Our kids are getting an incredible education, smaller class sizes, learning Christian values, and, above all, are memorizing large portions of Scripture and participating in weekly chapel services (where daddy sometimes get to preach/teach). My kids know the Bible, they know how to pray, and the know how to be held accountable to Christian ideals. The know that 'right' is 'right' because of God's rule and nature, and not simply because a government or leadership says so. And being a part of a Christian not only provides my kids with a great education and spiritual life, but it also provides them an opportunity for a christian environment. All of their parents and friends are Christian, too. (Now, we know that not every person who attends a Christian school is a Christian, but, regardless, the values and standards are enforced in every person's life who is associated with the school. That, too, is significant.)
But, choosing to enroll our kids in a Christian school is not only blessing the kids, but has also proved to be a blessing and source of ministry to the entire family! Christine is a room parent, actively involved in the mom's prayer group, and is a constant figure at the school's events. And in addition to being a chapel speaker, I, too, have been able to serve in a variety of positions, including as the boys' soccer and basketball coach. Our entire family is being blessed by our choice and opportunity to sacrifice a little more and give our kids a Christian education and community...and we have no regrets.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Another Amazing Night
The details are just too incredible, numerous, and unbelievable to possibly explain in a blog post, but let me simply state that God is not disappointing each week at our Starbuck's Bible Study!
Last night, we talked John 3:1-15 and the conversation was amazing. Not only was everyone participating and growing in knowledge and appreciation for the text, but others in Starbuck's were also being drawn into the conversation. One man even asked to join us, which he did with great excitement and reward!
The simple truth is that when God is lifted up through His Word, He will do what only He can do in our midst. The Church is not a building or event we attend; it is a community built on Jesus through the power of the Spirit. He is willing and able to do the same miracles and salvations He has done previously, if only we will give Him the opportunity with a submissive and hungry heart.
God is doing a great work in Harrisburg!
Last night, we talked John 3:1-15 and the conversation was amazing. Not only was everyone participating and growing in knowledge and appreciation for the text, but others in Starbuck's were also being drawn into the conversation. One man even asked to join us, which he did with great excitement and reward!
The simple truth is that when God is lifted up through His Word, He will do what only He can do in our midst. The Church is not a building or event we attend; it is a community built on Jesus through the power of the Spirit. He is willing and able to do the same miracles and salvations He has done previously, if only we will give Him the opportunity with a submissive and hungry heart.
God is doing a great work in Harrisburg!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Claiming Orthodox without Being Orthodox
I am alarmed by the current state of America's church. I am not talking about style, attendance numbers, or even denominational trends. Those things are nothing compared to a much bigger problem that appears to exist in churches regardless of the particulars mentioned above. What I am finding is a 'claim' of orthodoxy without signs of 'living' orthodoxy. In other words: few people are LIVING their Christian beliefs.
Of course, this is nothing new as nominalism will always be a historical problem within all societies and religions. But the form that I am witnessing today is truly alarming and appears to have reached a new level of hypocrisy. You can literally walk into almost any local church and hear little mention of the Bible or its texts. Sermons and mission statements have become little more than a repackaging of major commercial slogans or the sayings of Oprah, Dr. Phil, or Dr. Oz. This is insanity!
I used to think (hope) that such behavior was merely the sincere efforts of local pastors and church leaders hoping to be relevant reach more people for Jesus. While the mass marketing (outreach) of the church was invoking these cliche techniques, church members and believers were still reading their bibles, growing in their faith, and experiencing more of the Spirit's work and power in growing desperation and anticipation. I was wrong.
Over the past few weeks, I have met a lot of 'die-hard' church goers and professing Christians. When asked about their 'beliefs,' they quickly and sincerely list off the tenets of the faith that would align with the historical (orthodox) Christian church. They affirm a belief in the Trinity, respect for the Scriptures, atonement through Christ's sacrifice, and a hope in the resurrection and eternal life with God in heaven upon His return or their death. However (and this is the BIG ISSUE), while declaring these tenets to be true, they simultaneously deny their universal application, implication or necessity. In other words, they knew what Christians should believe, but they, personally, do not affirm these beliefs with their personal lives and convictions.
There are many, many reasons for this new and dangerous trend, but the most blatant is the fact that NO ONE IS READING THEIR BIBLE! Any why should they when most pastors don't even use the text for their sermons or teachings. Simply referencing a Bible verse or story is not the same thing as exacting a message and doctrine from the text. The Bible is not a book of mere illustrations and suggestions: it is our means of knowing and testing both God and humanity. No, it is not the 4th member of the Trinity, but it is the only means and text which explains, reveals, and affirms the truth and existence of the Trinity, human depravity, the atonement, grace, and a living salvation.
Pastors and fellow Christians, if you do not think the Bible is relevant or that the text is too complicated, then you are just too lazy and your faith is clearly dead. The book, after all, was written mainly by the uneducated and common man for the common man. There exists today more resources, aids, translations and tools for study and teaching than has ever existed at any other time in history - and most are FREE! But beyond this, the fundamental fact is that without the text we have NOTHING of power or uniqueness to offer. Through the BIBLE we learn of our need for Christ and the power of the Spirit and also its means of reception. And apart from the Spirit, we cannot know or please God (Romans 8).
Knowing what is right is not the same as doing what is right. The American church is in mortal danger of losing its allegiance and identity with the historical (orthodox), Biblical church, and the primary reason is that NO ONE IS READING THEIR BIBLE.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
God's Glory through a Flying Dog on Vacation
This past week, we took an opportunity to spend the week at the beach. It was meant to be a relaxing and care-free time, and we even found a house that would allow us to bring our dog, Greta. Well, life is never 'care-free' is it?
Without going into too many details here, the short story is that Greta jumped 20' on to this concrete driveway. Immediately, she was limping & bleeding & we prayed. An hour later & the Dr could find NOTHING wrong. He could not believe it!!! God did a miracle!!!
Without going into too many details here, the short story is that Greta jumped 20' on to this concrete driveway. Immediately, she was limping & bleeding & we prayed. An hour later & the Dr could find NOTHING wrong. He could not believe it!!! God did a miracle!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The Necessity of the Church
I am incredible blessed with great, Godly friends who not only understand 'me,' but also share my understanding and conviction regarding God and His Church. Of course, no two people agree on everything, but our difference are small and are common convictions are great. Beyond spending time with my wife and kids, there are few other things in life that I look forward to than sharing a meal with my spiritual 'brothers.' Yesterday, was one of the days where we were able to connect and the conversation and encouragement did not disappoint.
I share this information because all too often I hear of people who have little to no contact/relationship with other Christians. More and more people are living disconnected lives as individuals without accountability or investment. This is a tragedy, especially in regards to the Church!
Being a Christian is about more than having a knowledge and trust in the saving work of Christ - it is about being in relationship with Christ, which includes His body, the Church. Being a faithful Sunday attendee is great, but it does not equal partnership/investment/membership within the church. How many of us got to church, have a few choice conversations at best with a few people we like and then go home after the mandatory service elements (worship, message/sermon, benediction) are over? Far too many, I am sure...
As I read my Bible, I see the church displayed as a fellowship more than a lecture hall. Sure, there is mention of reading/singing the psalms and scriptures, but there is also mention of the interaction and fellowship of the members. They were all deeply involved in the lives of each other, and they valued (and sometimes, undervalued) these relationships - associating them with membership in Christ and His Kingdom (I Cor 5). I fear that in today's age of 'coolness,' we have become so familiar with the institutional elements of church that we have denigrated it to merely a place we go to check our proverbial 'time card' to prove to ourselves and others that we are 'good Christians.' What a tragedy! Not only are we mocking God's work and presence on the earth, but we are also castrating ourselves from the source of His healing, power, and authority.
As Christians, we have a holy calling and responsibility to be invested in the work of the Church. We need the oversight and opportunity that only God's church can give, and, likewise, there are others who need our personal ministry brought into theirs. I am so very grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who both minister to me and allow me to minister into their lives. The forgiveness, love, power and gifts of God that the Bible routinely speaks of in the NT is always on display in these church-oriented relationships and not necessarily in the church worship service.
Please find a good brother or sister in the Lord and invest in one another. Do not deny the ministry of His living church any longer in your life. The church is about relationships centered on and empowered by Christ and His Spirit for the glory of God. Be the CHURCH and advance its ministry in your life and community.
I share this information because all too often I hear of people who have little to no contact/relationship with other Christians. More and more people are living disconnected lives as individuals without accountability or investment. This is a tragedy, especially in regards to the Church!
Being a Christian is about more than having a knowledge and trust in the saving work of Christ - it is about being in relationship with Christ, which includes His body, the Church. Being a faithful Sunday attendee is great, but it does not equal partnership/investment/membership within the church. How many of us got to church, have a few choice conversations at best with a few people we like and then go home after the mandatory service elements (worship, message/sermon, benediction) are over? Far too many, I am sure...
As I read my Bible, I see the church displayed as a fellowship more than a lecture hall. Sure, there is mention of reading/singing the psalms and scriptures, but there is also mention of the interaction and fellowship of the members. They were all deeply involved in the lives of each other, and they valued (and sometimes, undervalued) these relationships - associating them with membership in Christ and His Kingdom (I Cor 5). I fear that in today's age of 'coolness,' we have become so familiar with the institutional elements of church that we have denigrated it to merely a place we go to check our proverbial 'time card' to prove to ourselves and others that we are 'good Christians.' What a tragedy! Not only are we mocking God's work and presence on the earth, but we are also castrating ourselves from the source of His healing, power, and authority.
As Christians, we have a holy calling and responsibility to be invested in the work of the Church. We need the oversight and opportunity that only God's church can give, and, likewise, there are others who need our personal ministry brought into theirs. I am so very grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who both minister to me and allow me to minister into their lives. The forgiveness, love, power and gifts of God that the Bible routinely speaks of in the NT is always on display in these church-oriented relationships and not necessarily in the church worship service.
Please find a good brother or sister in the Lord and invest in one another. Do not deny the ministry of His living church any longer in your life. The church is about relationships centered on and empowered by Christ and His Spirit for the glory of God. Be the CHURCH and advance its ministry in your life and community.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Father's Day Bonus
I had an incredible Father's Day this year. It was an awesome day spent with my family, riding my bike in 'perfect' weather, and eating incredible bbq chicken and homemade cake at my parents. All while my dog played to her heart's content without a leash!
HOWEVER, what was truly incredible was being able to spend an hour talking Faith, God, and Freedom with a dozen Moroccan Muslims at the local park. I love these people and I love sharing my story and hearing theirs. It makes me so very, very happy to be used by the Lord in these cultural contexts!
HOWEVER, what was truly incredible was being able to spend an hour talking Faith, God, and Freedom with a dozen Moroccan Muslims at the local park. I love these people and I love sharing my story and hearing theirs. It makes me so very, very happy to be used by the Lord in these cultural contexts!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
How He Loves Us!
It has been an amazing 48hrs - full of the good, the bad and the ugly. Yesterday, I was able to help my dad in the midst of a very hard and trying season for his business. Simply being able to jump in, help him get ahead of the work load, and spend the day with him was a huge blessing to both of us. But the day had to be cut a little short, because I also had the privilege of representing the US Navy at a local High School graduation ceremony. Several students were going off to new careers with the Navy and the local recruiters were there to cheer them on; but, for some crazy reason, they wanted me, the chaplain, present and participating, too! It was a very day, but a HUGE honor in every aspect.
And then there was today...
Let's just say that today as full of challenges in every respect and ended with my son's bike being stolen from our front yard! (Believe it or not, this was not even the worst part of the day.) With the kids getting bigger and our small apartment remaining small, the privilege of being able to allow the kids the freedom to go out and ride their bikes in front of the house is a welcome blessing each day...and doesn't cost any money or require us to physically go anywhere. The loss of a bike meant that that freedom and joy was gone, especially since our budget is completely tight these days. Of course, we organized a search party and canvassed the neighborhood to no avail. Depressed and angry, we put the kids to bed and I decided to go for an evening run (it's how I clear my head and pray).
As I approached my destination at the end of my run, I found myself full of energy and decided to go a few meters further. Once I hit that point, I felt that I should go, again, a few meters further. Reaching this third destination, I stopped and looked down. Believe it or not, there was the bike!! It was in the middle of nowhere, where no kids ever venture, yet almost surrounded by everything. There was no possible reason that bike was where it was, but it was! God had found our bike!! And He did for no other reason other than to let us know how much He loves us!
Immediately I began shouting praises to the Lord. i knew that this was a miracle and I knew that it was a sign of comfort and presence for us as a family. The whole 1/4-mile home I kept shouting praises to the Lord, to the point where Christine came out of our apartment to make sure everything was all right. I told her the Lord had done a miracle!
God is so good and He loves us. It is so easy to get caught up in service/work/ministry and/or the challenges of life and forget just how personal the presence and love of God is for each of us. While the crime and heartache of a stole bike is all-together evil and representative of the injustice of life, I am still so very glad that HIS love and presence is always greater and always available!
And then there was today...
Let's just say that today as full of challenges in every respect and ended with my son's bike being stolen from our front yard! (Believe it or not, this was not even the worst part of the day.) With the kids getting bigger and our small apartment remaining small, the privilege of being able to allow the kids the freedom to go out and ride their bikes in front of the house is a welcome blessing each day...and doesn't cost any money or require us to physically go anywhere. The loss of a bike meant that that freedom and joy was gone, especially since our budget is completely tight these days. Of course, we organized a search party and canvassed the neighborhood to no avail. Depressed and angry, we put the kids to bed and I decided to go for an evening run (it's how I clear my head and pray).
As I approached my destination at the end of my run, I found myself full of energy and decided to go a few meters further. Once I hit that point, I felt that I should go, again, a few meters further. Reaching this third destination, I stopped and looked down. Believe it or not, there was the bike!! It was in the middle of nowhere, where no kids ever venture, yet almost surrounded by everything. There was no possible reason that bike was where it was, but it was! God had found our bike!! And He did for no other reason other than to let us know how much He loves us!
Immediately I began shouting praises to the Lord. i knew that this was a miracle and I knew that it was a sign of comfort and presence for us as a family. The whole 1/4-mile home I kept shouting praises to the Lord, to the point where Christine came out of our apartment to make sure everything was all right. I told her the Lord had done a miracle!
God is so good and He loves us. It is so easy to get caught up in service/work/ministry and/or the challenges of life and forget just how personal the presence and love of God is for each of us. While the crime and heartache of a stole bike is all-together evil and representative of the injustice of life, I am still so very glad that HIS love and presence is always greater and always available!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Seeing Pentecost at Starbucks
As I have mentioned before, repetition is a key component to successful ministry. Last night marked 'week #4' for our Starbucks Bible Study and the Holy Spirit did not disappoint. In every way possible, the group is increasing in both size, effectiveness and outreach!
The number of people attending the group is PERFECT and growing. We started with one and are now at four persons, plus myself. Some may think this is too small a group, but anything much larger would: (a) be too big for the venue, (b) discourage personal interaction from all members, (c) undermine the purpose of the study, which is a total transformation of our understanding and application of being a Christian. (I know this last statement is huge and it is not meant to imply that anyone of us was not a Christian prior to participation. I simply mean to say that we are doing this group to have our lives and preconceived way of 'believing' challenged and expanded.) With the group starting off in such small numbers, the level of understanding each person receives is significant enough to warrant increased participation and the acceptance of others into the group. In other words, by the end of a person's first night, they are ready to bring others in and act as facilitators immediately following. This is true success because it means we can grow without limit or loss of integrity!
Second, the effectiveness of the group is increasing. This point has already been alluded to in the summary above, but it is significant to note how much participation and conversation the group and study is generating in both our time together and throughout the week. EVERYONE contributes as we read and study our Bible. There is in increase in understanding how deep the Bible is and how practical its implications are to EVERYONE's daily life. The group is not homogeneous in any manner, yet every one is growing each week. This is obviously the power of the Word, but also the power of group interaction. When everyone contributes, a plurality of understanding, observation and questioning is generated that increases the scope and reach of the text beyond all expectations. This, of course, is very exciting and relevant and leads to people talking about Jesus and His Word wherever they go throughout the week. I love scanning Facebook and seeing members telling others online what they have learned or discovered through our time together. If this is happening on FB, then who knows how many other countless times it is happening in homes, at work, or elsewhere!
Perhaps what is most amazing is the growth in the groups immediate outreach. By meeting in the same space with the same people, Starbucks is getting ROCKED with the Gospel in increased measure every week. Again, as our people become more familiar with the text and each other, they become more involved and animated (not out of control, but excited) and this certainly gets the attention of others in the coffee shop. Of course, a group of five is also noticeable in a shop of its size, so this also contributes to drawing others attention to us and our activity. BUT, what is truly making a difference is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that as we become more sensitive to Him, and prove to Him and ourselves that we are committed to knowing and obeying Him, He, in turn, is increasing His power and presence in and through our study group.
Last night, several people interrupted us to ask questions and/or encourage us. That was great. BUT, what was really cool, was that at one point, the entire coffee shop was fixed on us and over conversation. No one was screaming, making loud noises or animated - we were just reading and discussing, but the topic was so powerful and relevant that the Spirit just fixed everyone's gaze and attention upon us. Everyone knew who we were, what we were doing, and that is was of importance and significance; and in so many ways it was just like Acts 2:12-13. God was being glorified, the Spirit was witnessing, and the crowds were responding in kind, both with wonder and skepticism. It was awesome and is exactly what should be happening when Christians behave as Christians out in the world!
Please keep us, the church, and this group in your prayers. And, if you can, please join us some week or start your own Bible Study. God wants to do these same works in and through YOU!
The number of people attending the group is PERFECT and growing. We started with one and are now at four persons, plus myself. Some may think this is too small a group, but anything much larger would: (a) be too big for the venue, (b) discourage personal interaction from all members, (c) undermine the purpose of the study, which is a total transformation of our understanding and application of being a Christian. (I know this last statement is huge and it is not meant to imply that anyone of us was not a Christian prior to participation. I simply mean to say that we are doing this group to have our lives and preconceived way of 'believing' challenged and expanded.) With the group starting off in such small numbers, the level of understanding each person receives is significant enough to warrant increased participation and the acceptance of others into the group. In other words, by the end of a person's first night, they are ready to bring others in and act as facilitators immediately following. This is true success because it means we can grow without limit or loss of integrity!
Second, the effectiveness of the group is increasing. This point has already been alluded to in the summary above, but it is significant to note how much participation and conversation the group and study is generating in both our time together and throughout the week. EVERYONE contributes as we read and study our Bible. There is in increase in understanding how deep the Bible is and how practical its implications are to EVERYONE's daily life. The group is not homogeneous in any manner, yet every one is growing each week. This is obviously the power of the Word, but also the power of group interaction. When everyone contributes, a plurality of understanding, observation and questioning is generated that increases the scope and reach of the text beyond all expectations. This, of course, is very exciting and relevant and leads to people talking about Jesus and His Word wherever they go throughout the week. I love scanning Facebook and seeing members telling others online what they have learned or discovered through our time together. If this is happening on FB, then who knows how many other countless times it is happening in homes, at work, or elsewhere!
Perhaps what is most amazing is the growth in the groups immediate outreach. By meeting in the same space with the same people, Starbucks is getting ROCKED with the Gospel in increased measure every week. Again, as our people become more familiar with the text and each other, they become more involved and animated (not out of control, but excited) and this certainly gets the attention of others in the coffee shop. Of course, a group of five is also noticeable in a shop of its size, so this also contributes to drawing others attention to us and our activity. BUT, what is truly making a difference is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that as we become more sensitive to Him, and prove to Him and ourselves that we are committed to knowing and obeying Him, He, in turn, is increasing His power and presence in and through our study group.
Last night, several people interrupted us to ask questions and/or encourage us. That was great. BUT, what was really cool, was that at one point, the entire coffee shop was fixed on us and over conversation. No one was screaming, making loud noises or animated - we were just reading and discussing, but the topic was so powerful and relevant that the Spirit just fixed everyone's gaze and attention upon us. Everyone knew who we were, what we were doing, and that is was of importance and significance; and in so many ways it was just like Acts 2:12-13. God was being glorified, the Spirit was witnessing, and the crowds were responding in kind, both with wonder and skepticism. It was awesome and is exactly what should be happening when Christians behave as Christians out in the world!
Please keep us, the church, and this group in your prayers. And, if you can, please join us some week or start your own Bible Study. God wants to do these same works in and through YOU!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
What a Day
Well, there is a lot to write about today, but I'm not feeling very up to it. Despite the fact that we have received some very good news in terms of ministry and discipleship opportunities, I cannot help but feel frustrated, and even a little anger, after learning that my alma mater, Central Bible College, is officially for sale.
Regardless about what you know or where you stand concerning the recent history of the school or its merger with Evangel U, it is still tragic that a single purpose Bible college has died and will not be replaced in contemporary times. Call me crazy (or monastic), but I do not think it narrow or foolish to perceive vocational ministry as unique and specific. Faith is a critical part of human existence and individuals will always need and seek out the help of qualified ministers. But with the death of, or at least the severe undermining, of single purpose professional training, what kind of service is this multi-discipline minister going to offer?
Please understand that I am not saying that a minister should not be well-rounded in his/her knowledge of the humanities and only know the narrow dogma of a particular denomination or faith. I am only saying that when we tell ministers that it is equally important, if not more important, for them to have a business degree or the like to compliment their Bible training, we are, directly or not, undermining the primacy of their calling as ministers of faith. No one ever tells a Marine to diversify, nor do they say the same to a Dr, lawyer, or the like. Somewhere along the way, we, the Church, have dropped the ball and blamed our crappy results and ineffectiveness (and/or persecution) on our training rather than our own insecurities. This is tragic and will not lead to any good results.
I am a trained minister and I make no apologies for my singular training, nor do I feel inadequate in any way, shape or form to minister to any person. My living faith and the abiding Spirit overcomes all my weaknesses, and is my sole strength and effectiveness. I learned these truth through my single-purpose Bible College and the experienced and dedicated professors who taught me. I do not know where this passion will take me, but I am remain convinced that a school like CBC needs to be available to future generations for the world's sake!
Regardless about what you know or where you stand concerning the recent history of the school or its merger with Evangel U, it is still tragic that a single purpose Bible college has died and will not be replaced in contemporary times. Call me crazy (or monastic), but I do not think it narrow or foolish to perceive vocational ministry as unique and specific. Faith is a critical part of human existence and individuals will always need and seek out the help of qualified ministers. But with the death of, or at least the severe undermining, of single purpose professional training, what kind of service is this multi-discipline minister going to offer?
Please understand that I am not saying that a minister should not be well-rounded in his/her knowledge of the humanities and only know the narrow dogma of a particular denomination or faith. I am only saying that when we tell ministers that it is equally important, if not more important, for them to have a business degree or the like to compliment their Bible training, we are, directly or not, undermining the primacy of their calling as ministers of faith. No one ever tells a Marine to diversify, nor do they say the same to a Dr, lawyer, or the like. Somewhere along the way, we, the Church, have dropped the ball and blamed our crappy results and ineffectiveness (and/or persecution) on our training rather than our own insecurities. This is tragic and will not lead to any good results.
I am a trained minister and I make no apologies for my singular training, nor do I feel inadequate in any way, shape or form to minister to any person. My living faith and the abiding Spirit overcomes all my weaknesses, and is my sole strength and effectiveness. I learned these truth through my single-purpose Bible College and the experienced and dedicated professors who taught me. I do not know where this passion will take me, but I am remain convinced that a school like CBC needs to be available to future generations for the world's sake!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Life Interrupted by God
It's Saturday and I am suppose to be home and enjoying the beautiful day with the family. Unfortunately, the print shop messed up our order and this quarter's newsletter where not going to be ready for pick up until today. In addition to being a day spent without the family, it also meant another trip down to Lancaster and the 32miles in gas and abuse. i figured I could at least redeem this messed up situation with the help of my trusty road bike.
So, this morning I put on an empty backpack and rode the 17m (oneway) into Lancaster to get the newsletters. Everything was going smooth and I was making really good time (over 17mph average). I called the Mrs to let her know I would be home sooner than expected and would take the kids (and the dog) to the park so she could get some down time, too. But, as I was leaving the parking lot to return home, for some strange reason I went South instead of North. It eventually worked out to my advantage as it allowed me to miss some dangerous traffic and pass by a favorite ministry spot. But today was Saturday and no one would be at this location...or so I thought.
As I was whipping by at 22mph, I couldn't help but notice someone walking out of the very venue where I frequently share the Gospel and minister. Could someone possibly be inside and available today? I had to find out. Because if there is one thing I love more than riding my bike and being with my family, it is sharing Jesus!
Low and behold, inside was a single brother who admitted that he had no idea what he was doing in the office today. In his frustration, he was just getting ready to leave when I walked in. Within minutes we were talking about Jesus and His church and encouraging one another in the faith. This was incredibly significant because this was not only the first meaningful conversation I had with the brother, but also one where encouragement was needed more than direction or correction. He and his family are new members of a dynamic church, still new in their faith, and, like so many, find themselves in the minority as committed believers.
I am not sure who ministered more to who today, but I know that this day was to be about more than newsletters, cycling, or even playing at the park. Jesus' church needed help and today was the day He was going to send an answer. What an honor to be used and directed by the Lord and His Spirit!!
So, this morning I put on an empty backpack and rode the 17m (oneway) into Lancaster to get the newsletters. Everything was going smooth and I was making really good time (over 17mph average). I called the Mrs to let her know I would be home sooner than expected and would take the kids (and the dog) to the park so she could get some down time, too. But, as I was leaving the parking lot to return home, for some strange reason I went South instead of North. It eventually worked out to my advantage as it allowed me to miss some dangerous traffic and pass by a favorite ministry spot. But today was Saturday and no one would be at this location...or so I thought.
As I was whipping by at 22mph, I couldn't help but notice someone walking out of the very venue where I frequently share the Gospel and minister. Could someone possibly be inside and available today? I had to find out. Because if there is one thing I love more than riding my bike and being with my family, it is sharing Jesus!
Low and behold, inside was a single brother who admitted that he had no idea what he was doing in the office today. In his frustration, he was just getting ready to leave when I walked in. Within minutes we were talking about Jesus and His church and encouraging one another in the faith. This was incredibly significant because this was not only the first meaningful conversation I had with the brother, but also one where encouragement was needed more than direction or correction. He and his family are new members of a dynamic church, still new in their faith, and, like so many, find themselves in the minority as committed believers.
I am not sure who ministered more to who today, but I know that this day was to be about more than newsletters, cycling, or even playing at the park. Jesus' church needed help and today was the day He was going to send an answer. What an honor to be used and directed by the Lord and His Spirit!!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Busy Week of Ministry
This week 'officially' kicked off our summer ministry schedule. What had been informal or sporadic meetings and outreaches have now developed into routine opportunities and appointments. We are very, very grateful for this transition and maturity as it will hopefully lead to more salvations, disciples, and overall Kingdom growth.
Partnerships - I am incredibly blessed to have such amazing friends in ministry. AS much as I love sharing the Gospel with strangers or training others in the faith, I equally love fellowshipping with my Brothers! I need guys who will challenge me, hear me out, or share a passion and vision with me. Above all, I need guys who will push me deeper and harder with Jesus and His Spirit. I am so very grateful for my routine visits with my Brothers!
Discipleship - The Bible studies are developing a rhythm and continue to build momentum. Not only are people growing closer to Jesus and His Word, but they are 'fleshing out' their faith in the community of the church and then changing their world afterwards. This is leading to incredible testimonies and new people joining us each week. We are still small, but we are making a real difference in the Kingdom! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THESE STUDIES.
Evangelism - Central PA has a lot of churches and a great tradition of churches and wholesome values, however, there remains a very large need for evangelism. So many people are now walking with Jesus, despite their knowledge of His ways and having done so previously. Additionally, new generations have emerged that do not know Jesus, they have only simply heard about Him. Everywhere I go, I meet more people who do NOT go to church, then who do. And what is worse is that NO ONE IS INVITING THEM TO CHURCH. The fields of PA remain 'white for harvest.'
Time to get back to work...
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Have Bike, Will Travel
I am so glad that winter is completely over and that spring is in it's 'warm' phase. With this great weather now upon us, I can finally do the things that I love best, all at the same time!
Living in Lancaster County, I am right in the middle of all the ministry action. Less than 20 miles from Harrisburg, Hershey, or Lancaster, I can ride my bike to any destination, on any number of road options, and share Jesus while enjoying a great cardio workout.
So, be on the look out for a guy on a bike with a Bible! And if you like to ride too, then give me a call and let's go out 'two by two!"
Living in Lancaster County, I am right in the middle of all the ministry action. Less than 20 miles from Harrisburg, Hershey, or Lancaster, I can ride my bike to any destination, on any number of road options, and share Jesus while enjoying a great cardio workout.
So, be on the look out for a guy on a bike with a Bible! And if you like to ride too, then give me a call and let's go out 'two by two!"
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Living In and As the Word
This may be a redundant post, but please deal with it...
The true beauty of our NYC church plant was its biblical representation. Not only were we committed to preaching the Word in every meeting and event, but we emphatically strived to live out the Word in our fellowship, ministry, and purpose. We were the Church. We were a New Creation made up of different parts, but working towards a common goal with Christ as the Head. We were also the object of His miracles and the means by which they were also carried out and administered to countless others. It was incredible and miraculous, and I do not believe that I am simply looking back on history with 'rose tinted' glasses...
In our return to PA, there have certainly been moments where we feared that what we experienced in NYC may never be found again. After visiting some very nice churches and communicating with some great pastors, great friendships and hopes for ministry have emerged but, all in all, none have been able to capture that 'living church' motif that we had come to know. God forbid, but we found ourselves thinking like so many other believers who had 'fallen out' of church and simply convinced themselves that nothing would ever be as good as it was. But then this happened...
Pastor Shawn and Pastor Tommy of Life Church and Rescue CC, respectively, came into our lives and allowed us to experience the living power of the church once again. Both of these leaders have taken the mission and substance of the church seriously and are overseeing communities of authentic faith and power. It is not merely dogma or moralism but rather holy knowledge and trust. LifeChurch in Hershey is an ever-growing family of first-degree relationships. People come to the church as strangers, but by the end of the service everyone is sharing phone numbers and home addresses so as to share a meal together. It's not just PA-hospitality or the result of 'grow or die' leadership philosophy. Through the prompting of the Spirit, members are intentionally loving one another in the power of the Church.
Up in Harrisburg, Pastor Tommy and Rescue CC are conducting a prayer walk to see an entire city block be given for God's purpose and glory. Yeah, it's ambitious; Yeah, it's youthful zeal; but, it is also grounded entirely in the understanding and experience that comes from knowing Jesus, His Call and His provision. If God could turn the world upside down in Acts, then why couldn't He do the same today in Harrisburg? Regardless of what the Lord provides for Rescue CC, I am confident it will be something more than could ever hope for and will exceed their expectations for the Lord's glory. There is too much trust and experience within that Church for anything less to me manifested!
God is doing a great work in PA and we are honored to be here, at this time, to witness it and share in its activity. If you have not yet found a church home, or are looking for one with the 'power' that the Bible speaks of, then please check out these two churches. Each is unique in its presentation and makeup, but both share the same power, foundation, purpose, and hope. Come be a part of God's LIVING CHURCH.
The true beauty of our NYC church plant was its biblical representation. Not only were we committed to preaching the Word in every meeting and event, but we emphatically strived to live out the Word in our fellowship, ministry, and purpose. We were the Church. We were a New Creation made up of different parts, but working towards a common goal with Christ as the Head. We were also the object of His miracles and the means by which they were also carried out and administered to countless others. It was incredible and miraculous, and I do not believe that I am simply looking back on history with 'rose tinted' glasses...
In our return to PA, there have certainly been moments where we feared that what we experienced in NYC may never be found again. After visiting some very nice churches and communicating with some great pastors, great friendships and hopes for ministry have emerged but, all in all, none have been able to capture that 'living church' motif that we had come to know. God forbid, but we found ourselves thinking like so many other believers who had 'fallen out' of church and simply convinced themselves that nothing would ever be as good as it was. But then this happened...
Pastor Shawn and Pastor Tommy of Life Church and Rescue CC, respectively, came into our lives and allowed us to experience the living power of the church once again. Both of these leaders have taken the mission and substance of the church seriously and are overseeing communities of authentic faith and power. It is not merely dogma or moralism but rather holy knowledge and trust. LifeChurch in Hershey is an ever-growing family of first-degree relationships. People come to the church as strangers, but by the end of the service everyone is sharing phone numbers and home addresses so as to share a meal together. It's not just PA-hospitality or the result of 'grow or die' leadership philosophy. Through the prompting of the Spirit, members are intentionally loving one another in the power of the Church.
Up in Harrisburg, Pastor Tommy and Rescue CC are conducting a prayer walk to see an entire city block be given for God's purpose and glory. Yeah, it's ambitious; Yeah, it's youthful zeal; but, it is also grounded entirely in the understanding and experience that comes from knowing Jesus, His Call and His provision. If God could turn the world upside down in Acts, then why couldn't He do the same today in Harrisburg? Regardless of what the Lord provides for Rescue CC, I am confident it will be something more than could ever hope for and will exceed their expectations for the Lord's glory. There is too much trust and experience within that Church for anything less to me manifested!
God is doing a great work in PA and we are honored to be here, at this time, to witness it and share in its activity. If you have not yet found a church home, or are looking for one with the 'power' that the Bible speaks of, then please check out these two churches. Each is unique in its presentation and makeup, but both share the same power, foundation, purpose, and hope. Come be a part of God's LIVING CHURCH.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Having a Routine Makes a Difference
I have long sought the book of Acts for wisdom in effective evangelism. While there are many, many lessons and principles described in its narratives, I believe that there is one point/practice that is often overlooked by Christians and church leaders: repetition.
From the outset description of the Early Church, the writer of Acts identifies the group as practicing a routine worship schedule (Acts 2:46). This not only allowed the church to grow in fellowship and understanding, but it also allowed the outside, non-believing world to have a consistent witness and access point (Acts 2:47). Christians and church ministries need to be consistently engaged in their community and easily accessible if their witness is to be effective.
This point became much clearer in my own ministry, both in NYC and now back here in PA. For several weeks now, myself and a couple of other Christians have been gathering every week inside the same coffee shop at the same time to talk about Jesus and His Word. The first week, no one seemed to notice that we were present, much less care what we were doing or discussing. However, by the second week, the baristas identified us as 'weekly regulars' and began asking questions as to what we were talking about/doing every week. The door is now open for the Gospel to be presented effectively. The baristas know who we are, know when to expect us, and know that our purpose is a holy and relevant pursuit of God through His Word. Salvation has come to the coffee shop because of routine discipline and obedience!
Be consistent. Be empowered. Be biblical. Develop a routine of (and for) ministry.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Amazing Week, Amazing Hope
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Big Guy got free Chips from Chipotle on our prayer walk. Turns out the Manager was Believer too! |
To make things even better, however, is that fact that each new ministry context also provides a local church to identify with and lead people into. One thing that we have certainly learned in all our years of ministry is that without the existence of the local church (be it startup or established), successful ministry just does not happen. Praise God for the Assemblies of God and their strong emphasis on church planting and relationships. Regardless of where I am or who I am ministering to, there is always a friend and church I can count on!
It was also a blessing this week to have my youngest son helping me in the ministry. He handed out just as many invite cards as his daddy, and never complained about how far we had to walk or how many people we stopped to talk with. My prayer is that he grows up seeing how happy sharing Jesus made his daddy, and also that he will learn just how easy (and important) it is to share Jesus with others!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Rescue has come to Harrisburg
Whether it is an issue of economics, race, income, heritage, or mere preference, there are going to be people who are simply not going to like the way that he and Rescue CC (his church) do their services and ministry; and he is OK with this. Tommy knows who he is, and he knows that his uniqueness has been appointed by God to reach a certain demographic of people. Rather than be ignorant of this truth or rebel against it in contempt, he and his team accept it as a gift of revelation and power. Because God has redeemed Tommy, and all his traits and skills, he recognizes that he is a divinely appointed vessel for such a time and place for God's good use. This affords him and his team a confidence that is beyond understanding and scrutiny, as well as, a freedom to walk in divine boldness and humility. Knowing this truth of identity is what makes a church excel in greatness, rather than founder in gimmicks, trends, and vagueness. (God wants each of His churches to be unique and intentional!)
I love Tommy and believe strongly in the church he is overseeing in Harrisburg. No, they are not perfect or at the level of service that they would like to be, but they are on the right path and they have the right heart and understanding. They have an incredible service team (worship, hospitality, kids, etc.) and an equally awesome meeting space inside of the William Penn museum (with a high HD projector, stage, and comfort seating). If you are looking for a church with 'spunk' and a serious calling to bless others, then please check out Rescue CC.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I Miss my Queens Family
It's been several weeks since we resigned our position in Forest Hills, Queens. We knew it was the Lord's timing and will for our transition, and we have seen amazing success and growth since. However, I would be lying if I did not confess that not a single day goes by that I do not think/pray for my Queens family and miss our dynamic relationship.
While every pastor is privileged to enjoy a special bond with his congregation, I do think that what we experienced in Queens was unique. Beyond authority, experience, or shared interests, what made the church in Queens so amazing was its absolute love for what God was doing in (and through) me, the pastor, every week. I do not think that we (myself and the church) could have been any more transparent with one another. My weekly sermon prep was significant, but paled in comparison to how would use my personal struggles and victories throughout the week. My role as the pastor was not one of mere preaching and administration but, rather, as that of a living witness. Please understand that I am not suggesting that I was a guru or person of perfection who replaced the Scriptures or became the focal point of the congregation. No, I am simply trying to illustrate that church was more about relationships than it was about religion (affirming a set of beliefs). And it was in these weekly moments of vulnerability and clarity that the work and presence of God would be most manifest and effective.
Of all the lessons learned through our NYC journey, this one is easily the most significant and lasting. The church of Christ is not a confession or a mere gathering or individuals affirming His position or ideals. It is the power and presence of the Living Christ made manifest through His Spirit in the daily routine of individuals who are honest and desperate enough to simply enjoy and recognize His presence. Few understand this or are willing to embrace its simplicity; but the Queens church certainly did.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Dad Only
Yesterday, I got to be a 'Dad Only' for the first time in a very, very long time. The two oldest boys had 'field day' at their elementary school, and all they wanted was for dad to come and watch them play. So, despite torrential downpours outside, the youngest one and I spent the day watching them blow peanuts across the room, complete feats of strength with balloon tennis and wingnut toss, and amaze the world with their beanie baby pogo skills. It was an incredible day and I was reminded again that my first ministry and calling must always be to my family. Oh, how quickly we forget...
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Talking to Kids about the Holy Spirit
Today, I will be speaking to the middle school classes on the life of Stephen (Acts 6/7). This patriarch of the faith becomes one of the first heroes of the church because he allows himself to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit. In a day and age where we are told that we can do anything, I believe it is critically important to realize that 'anything' can mean both wonderful and horrible things. It is only a life that is yielded to the Holy Spirit that can perform tasks that are truly 'glorious' and worthy of honor.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Bible Study in Hershey Starts
Thursday nights hope to be more than a chance to learn the Bible or hang with friends. It's purpose is to be the church in Hershey. We will open with casual talking points about personal life and events, but then allow God to tie them into an intentional, intellectual, and faith-building study of the Bible. By God's grace, we will leave each meeting with a clear sense of community, God's Word, and His plan for each person's life. Anything less than and we've missed the mark, because this is exactly what the church is to be all about - learning God's will and doing it.
So, if you are in the area on Thursday - join us! If not, then please pray for us. Pray for Christians to be empowered; non-believers to find faith; and, for God to be glorified in all we say and do. Let's see Acts 2 happen all over again.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Trip to Springfield & A Coin

interviewed by the chaplaincy department for Ecclesiastical Endorsement. This is a critical step in being able to minister within the military, and one that does not come easy. We are happy to report, however, that our time was very enjoyable and successful. We now possess the full and formal confidence of the Assemblies of God to minister according to our traditions among military personnel. What an incredible honor!!
The image to the left, is the 'ministry coin' given to those endorsed by the Assemblies. It features a picture of St. Martin of Tours, namesake of modern chaplain ministry. Google it for some cool trivia facts and history.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
One Man Can't
Having been through a successful church plant, and now being part of another, I am reminded anew that ministry cannot, and should never be, a one-man effort. Sure, the Bible credits individuals for amazing feats, but their detailed narratives always display a dynamic support team right there with them.
We are grateful to be aiding Pastor Shawn and the LifeChurch-Hershey team as they commit their lives to serving Jesus in Hershey, PA.
We are grateful to be aiding Pastor Shawn and the LifeChurch-Hershey team as they commit their lives to serving Jesus in Hershey, PA.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
LifeChurch-Hershey! He and his team have a true calling to minister, and they are not cutting any corners or taking any of it lightly.
Today, I was able to help Shawn prep the 'gear trailer' for our first Sunday service in our new location - Hershey Elementary School. After several months in a local movie theater, it was clearly time to move to a more spacious and accommodating location. The smell of popcorn was great...but the school has natural lighting, more open space, and greater ties into the immediate community; and that's what LifeChurch is all about! We truly want to see the entire community of Hershey be blessed with the presence and favor of the Lord. This new location (along with several other exciting and upcoming events/ministries) is really going to aid in our goal and commitment. Please be in prayer for us this Sunday as we do a setup 'test run' at 8:30 and then our first service at 10:00am. And if you are in the area...JOIN US!
Having seen and witnessed the supernatural presence and favor of the LORD in unprecedented ways in NYC, we can honestly say the same is taking place in Hershey. Don't miss this.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Hershey Keeps Getting Sweeter

Pastor Shawn and the Life Church team have taken intentional steps to build a community - and they are leading by example. Rarely is there is a week where he and his family are not opening up there home for others or inviting the church to join them on a nature hike. These simple, yet personal, touches make all the difference in establishing the legitimate 'family of God.'
We are blessed to be considered a part of the team and are eager to begin following in their footsteps of hospitality and concern. With winter now behind us, the people of Hershey are gathering again at parks and local venues - and we will be there to meet them! In addition to our community Bible Study starting in May, there are several other plans to get God's people out and into the neighborhood. The future of God's Kingdom is so bright here in Hershey - and its coming forth from God's people showing God's love for others (I John 4:16)!
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