Whether it is an issue of economics, race, income, heritage, or mere preference, there are going to be people who are simply not going to like the way that he and Rescue CC (his church) do their services and ministry; and he is OK with this. Tommy knows who he is, and he knows that his uniqueness has been appointed by God to reach a certain demographic of people. Rather than be ignorant of this truth or rebel against it in contempt, he and his team accept it as a gift of revelation and power. Because God has redeemed Tommy, and all his traits and skills, he recognizes that he is a divinely appointed vessel for such a time and place for God's good use. This affords him and his team a confidence that is beyond understanding and scrutiny, as well as, a freedom to walk in divine boldness and humility. Knowing this truth of identity is what makes a church excel in greatness, rather than founder in gimmicks, trends, and vagueness. (God wants each of His churches to be unique and intentional!)
I love Tommy and believe strongly in the church he is overseeing in Harrisburg. No, they are not perfect or at the level of service that they would like to be, but they are on the right path and they have the right heart and understanding. They have an incredible service team (worship, hospitality, kids, etc.) and an equally awesome meeting space inside of the William Penn museum (with a high HD projector, stage, and comfort seating). If you are looking for a church with 'spunk' and a serious calling to bless others, then please check out Rescue CC.