Friday, August 15, 2014

Chilling with the Young Guns

We have been so blessed in so many ways since moving back to PA, especially in regards to ministry opportunities.  Man of you know of our ongoing relationship with a local Christian school and serving as campus ministers and mentors.  Well, this summer has been full of requests from former and current students to 'hang out' and be mentored in the Christian life and faith.  It is so rewarding to 'coach' these young men (teenagers) in what it means to be a Leader and a Follower for Jesus in spiritual, cultural, and relationship matters.  Plus, it is hilarious to hear some of the crazy attempts at reasoning and the goofy mistakes teenagers seem prone to make!

But, in addition to pouring into these lives, Christine and I are making the most with our three boys.  Their school year begins next week and promises to be very challenging with all of our ministry changes approaching.  PLEASE pray with us for our boys, their faith, our interaction with them, and for a wonderful transition into a new school year and ministry adventure (and/or location).  PLEASE.