Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Talking to Kids about the Holy Spirit

One of my greatest joys since moving back to PA, is the ability to speak at a local Christian school. Through a series of great friendships, I am routinely asked to lead the chapel services for both elementary and middle school age kids.  While the school is solidly Christian, the majority of kids exercise a spirituality that is identical to that which is displayed inside of the typical local church.  Almost all identify as "Christian,' but their practice is either one of apathy or blind religion (which in this case means, 'passionate and sincere, yet not very comprehensive').  Being an outsider, young, and male, my presence alone allows me the opportunity to present the Gospel with a new perspective and clarity.  However, I must confess that the true joy and power of presenting is the result of the Spirit who breaks through my personality and their complacency, and brings us face-to-oface with embodied truth.  (I'm telling you, these chapel services can get crazy awesome!)

Today, I will be speaking to the middle school classes on the life of Stephen (Acts 6/7).  This patriarch of the faith becomes one of the first heroes of the church because he allows himself to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  In a day and age where we are told that we can do anything, I believe it is critically important to realize that 'anything' can mean both wonderful and horrible things.  It is only a life that is yielded to the Holy Spirit that can perform tasks that are truly 'glorious' and worthy of honor.