Thursday, May 29, 2014

Having a Routine Makes a Difference

I have long sought the book of Acts for wisdom in effective evangelism.  While there are many, many lessons and principles described in its narratives, I believe that there is one point/practice that is often overlooked by Christians and church leaders: repetition.

From the outset description of the Early Church, the writer of Acts identifies the group as practicing a routine worship schedule (Acts 2:46).  This not only allowed the church to grow in fellowship and understanding, but it also allowed the outside, non-believing world to have a consistent witness and access point (Acts 2:47).  Christians and church ministries need to be consistently engaged in their community and easily accessible if their witness is to be effective.

This point became much clearer in my own ministry, both in NYC and now back here in PA.  For several weeks now, myself and a couple of other Christians have been gathering every week inside the same coffee shop at the same time to talk about Jesus and His Word.  The first week, no one seemed to notice that we were present, much less care what we were doing or discussing.  However, by the second week, the baristas identified us as 'weekly regulars' and began asking questions as to what we were talking about/doing every week.  The door is now open for the Gospel to be presented effectively.  The baristas know who we are, know when to expect us, and know that our purpose is a holy and relevant pursuit of God through His Word.  Salvation has come to the coffee shop because of routine discipline and obedience!

Be consistent.  Be empowered.  Be biblical.  Develop a routine of (and for) ministry.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Amazing Week, Amazing Hope

Big Guy got free Chips from Chipotle
on our prayer walk.  Turns out the Manager
was Believer too!
This past week, I was blessed to participate in an overwhelming number of ministry opportunities, each one producing amazing results.  God has simply opened up doors in Harrisburg, Lancaster, Hershey, and within the local military community that are ripe for harvest and investment.  Who would have thought that such a need existed in such measure!

To make things even better, however, is that fact that each new ministry context also provides a local church to identify with and lead people into.  One thing that we have certainly learned in all our years of ministry is that without the existence of the local church (be it startup or established), successful ministry just does not happen.  Praise God for the Assemblies of God and their strong emphasis on church planting and relationships.  Regardless of where I am or who I am ministering to, there is always a friend and church I can count on!

It was also a blessing this week to have my youngest son helping me in the ministry.  He handed out just as many invite cards as his daddy, and never complained about how far we had to walk or how many people we stopped to talk with.  My prayer is that he grows up seeing how happy sharing Jesus made his daddy, and also that he will learn just how easy (and important) it is to share Jesus with others!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rescue has come to Harrisburg

I was able to hang out with a long time aquatint, and fellow church planter, this week in Harrisburg. AG minister, Tommy Arnold, is tearing it up in the Capital City.  He is reaching new people, providing a killer worship experience, and casting a God-size vision of redemption and hope.  I was one happy camper as I sat across the lunch table with him and heard about his past, present and future of ministry.  The guy get's 'it.' Tommy knows that he and his church are never going to be able to truly reach 'everyone,' but they can reach the 'one.'

Whether it is an issue of economics, race, income, heritage, or mere preference, there are going to be people who are simply not going to like the way that he and Rescue CC (his church) do their services and ministry; and he is OK with this.  Tommy knows who he is, and he knows that his uniqueness has been appointed by God to reach a certain demographic of people.  Rather than be ignorant of this truth or rebel against it in contempt, he and his team accept it as a gift of revelation and power.  Because God has redeemed Tommy, and all his traits and skills, he recognizes that he is a divinely appointed vessel for such a time and place for God's good use.  This affords him and his team a confidence that is beyond understanding and scrutiny, as well as, a freedom to walk in divine boldness and humility.  Knowing this truth of identity is what makes a church excel in greatness, rather than founder in gimmicks, trends, and vagueness. (God wants each of His churches to be unique and intentional!)

I love Tommy and believe strongly in the church he is overseeing in Harrisburg.  No, they are not perfect or at the level of service that they would like to be, but they are on the right path and they have the right heart and understanding.  They have an incredible service team (worship, hospitality, kids, etc.) and an equally awesome meeting space inside of the William Penn museum (with a high HD projector, stage, and comfort seating).  If you are looking for a church with 'spunk' and a serious calling to bless others, then please check out Rescue CC.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I Miss my Queens Family

It's been several weeks since we resigned our position in Forest Hills, Queens.  We knew it was the Lord's timing and will for our transition, and we have seen amazing success and growth since.  However, I would be lying if I did not confess that not a single day goes by that I do not think/pray for my Queens family and miss our dynamic relationship.

While every pastor is privileged to enjoy a special bond with his congregation, I do think that what we experienced in Queens was unique. Beyond authority, experience, or shared interests, what made the church in Queens so amazing was its absolute love for what God was doing in (and through) me, the pastor, every week.  I do not think that we (myself and the church) could have been any more transparent with one another.  My weekly sermon prep was significant, but paled in comparison to how would use my personal struggles and victories throughout the week.   My role as the pastor was not one of mere preaching and administration but, rather, as that of a living witness.  Please understand that I am not suggesting that I was a guru or person of perfection who replaced the Scriptures or became the focal point of the congregation. No, I am simply trying to illustrate that church was more about relationships than it was about religion (affirming a set of beliefs).  And it was in these weekly moments of vulnerability and clarity that the work and presence of God would be most manifest and effective.

Of all the lessons learned through our NYC journey, this one is easily the most significant and lasting.  The church of Christ is not a confession or a mere gathering or individuals affirming His position or ideals.  It is the power and presence of the Living Christ made manifest through His Spirit in the daily routine of individuals who are honest and desperate enough to simply enjoy and recognize His presence.  Few understand this or are willing to embrace its simplicity; but the Queens church certainly did.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dad Only

Yesterday, I got to be a 'Dad Only' for the first time in a very, very long time.  The two oldest boys had 'field day' at their elementary school, and all they wanted was for dad to come and watch them play.  So, despite torrential downpours outside, the youngest one and I spent the day watching them blow peanuts across the room, complete feats of strength with balloon tennis and wingnut toss, and amaze the world with their beanie baby pogo skills.  It was an incredible day and I was reminded again that my first ministry and calling must always be to my family.  Oh, how quickly we forget...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Talking to Kids about the Holy Spirit

One of my greatest joys since moving back to PA, is the ability to speak at a local Christian school. Through a series of great friendships, I am routinely asked to lead the chapel services for both elementary and middle school age kids.  While the school is solidly Christian, the majority of kids exercise a spirituality that is identical to that which is displayed inside of the typical local church.  Almost all identify as "Christian,' but their practice is either one of apathy or blind religion (which in this case means, 'passionate and sincere, yet not very comprehensive').  Being an outsider, young, and male, my presence alone allows me the opportunity to present the Gospel with a new perspective and clarity.  However, I must confess that the true joy and power of presenting is the result of the Spirit who breaks through my personality and their complacency, and brings us face-to-oface with embodied truth.  (I'm telling you, these chapel services can get crazy awesome!)

Today, I will be speaking to the middle school classes on the life of Stephen (Acts 6/7).  This patriarch of the faith becomes one of the first heroes of the church because he allows himself to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  In a day and age where we are told that we can do anything, I believe it is critically important to realize that 'anything' can mean both wonderful and horrible things.  It is only a life that is yielded to the Holy Spirit that can perform tasks that are truly 'glorious' and worthy of honor.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bible Study in Hershey Starts

This Thursday night, we get to launch a new Bible Study in Hershey.  Rather than host the meeting in a church or private home, we will be holding our gathering at one of our favorite shops on the Hershey strip - Phillip Arthur's.  Not only does this allow easy access, familiarity, and great food; but, more importantly, it puts the Church and its Gospel in the heart of the community it has come to serve

Thursday nights hope to be more than a chance to learn the Bible or hang with friends.  It's purpose is to be the church in Hershey.  We will open with casual talking points about personal life and events, but then allow God to tie them into an intentional, intellectual, and faith-building study of the Bible.  By God's grace, we will leave each meeting with a clear sense of community, God's Word, and His plan for each person's life.  Anything less than and we've missed the mark, because this is exactly what the church is to be all about - learning God's will and doing it.

So, if you are in the area on Thursday - join us! If not, then please pray for us.  Pray for Christians to be empowered; non-believers to find faith; and, for God to be glorified in all we say and do.  Let's see Acts 2 happen all over again.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Trip to Springfield & A Coin

Just wrapped up an incredible time in Springfield, MO.  Christine and I traveled out to "mecca" to be
interviewed by the chaplaincy department for Ecclesiastical Endorsement.  This is a critical step in being able to minister within the military, and one that does not come easy.  We are happy to report, however, that our time was very enjoyable and successful.  We now possess the full and formal confidence of the Assemblies of God to minister according to our traditions among military personnel.   What an incredible honor!!

The image to the left, is the 'ministry coin' given to those endorsed by the Assemblies.  It features a picture  of St. Martin of Tours, namesake of modern chaplain ministry.  Google it for some cool trivia facts and history.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

One Man Can't

Having been through a successful church plant, and now being part of another, I am reminded anew that ministry cannot, and should never be, a one-man effort.  Sure, the Bible credits individuals for amazing feats, but their detailed narratives always display a dynamic support team right there with them.

We are grateful to be aiding Pastor Shawn and the LifeChurch-Hershey team as they commit their lives to serving Jesus in Hershey, PA.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I cannot even begin to tell you how much we enjoy working alongside Pastor Shawn and
LifeChurch-Hershey!  He and his team have a true calling to minister, and they are not cutting any corners or taking any of it lightly.

Today, I was able to help Shawn prep the 'gear trailer' for our first Sunday service in our new location - Hershey Elementary School.  After several months in a local movie theater, it was clearly time to move to a more spacious and accommodating location.  The smell of popcorn was great...but the school has natural lighting, more open space, and greater ties into the immediate community; and that's what LifeChurch is all about!  We truly want to see the entire community of Hershey be blessed with the presence and favor of the Lord.  This new location (along with several other exciting and upcoming events/ministries) is really going to aid in our goal and commitment.  Please be in prayer for us this Sunday as we do a setup 'test run' at 8:30 and then our first service at 10:00am.  And if you are in the area...JOIN US!

Having seen and witnessed the supernatural presence and favor of the LORD in unprecedented ways in NYC, we can honestly say the same is taking place in Hershey.  Don't miss this.