Thursday, August 28, 2014

Worried about the West

I hate to run the possibility of being cynical, but I suspect that Western (read: American) Christianity is really all about self-medication.  In other words, we do not go to church to get what really need, we go to get what we really 'want.'  Most messages, programs, and church environments are entirely built around getting you or I (the audience) to feel good, find encouragement in what we want to believe in, and only view God as a means to our own happiness.  After all, God really wants you and I to be 'happy,' whatever that means...

I'm sorry, but I believe in the God of the Bible who is infinitely greater than I am and whose will, purpose, and glory far surpasses His individual love for 'me.'  Yes, He loves me and cares for me as a Father, but the role and identity as Father, Friend, and Giver are only conditional attributes to be used to describe particulars of His relationship to us.  In other words, God is my Father, because I exist as His child; but if I did not exist, would He still be considered Fatherly?  No.  What God is consistently and unconditionally is SOVEREIGN and HOLY.  Therefore, what should be our primary means of worship and knowledge of God should be these two above all.  Church should be a place where we are brought LOW and into SUBMISSION to God, first and foremost.

Of course, embracing and celebrating God's love is not wrong or naive, but it must not become our primary means and reason for worship and relationship.  This warps everything into a conditional relationship and places my desire, comfort and existence before His.  Error - in fact, such a mentality and position is the foundation of sin itself.

Let me ask you a question: What would happen to your theology and relationship with God if the story of Job was real and personal?  What about Hosea?  What about Paul's call to go to Jerusalem and suffer for 'the name?'  Would you still worship?  Would you still love Him?  If the answer is 'no' or if you find yourself trying to conjure up a theological defense on why your God would never allow such fate to befall you, then your God isn't the one of the Bible, he is merely the image of your self-conscience.