Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I Miss my Queens Family

It's been several weeks since we resigned our position in Forest Hills, Queens.  We knew it was the Lord's timing and will for our transition, and we have seen amazing success and growth since.  However, I would be lying if I did not confess that not a single day goes by that I do not think/pray for my Queens family and miss our dynamic relationship.

While every pastor is privileged to enjoy a special bond with his congregation, I do think that what we experienced in Queens was unique. Beyond authority, experience, or shared interests, what made the church in Queens so amazing was its absolute love for what God was doing in (and through) me, the pastor, every week.  I do not think that we (myself and the church) could have been any more transparent with one another.  My weekly sermon prep was significant, but paled in comparison to how would use my personal struggles and victories throughout the week.   My role as the pastor was not one of mere preaching and administration but, rather, as that of a living witness.  Please understand that I am not suggesting that I was a guru or person of perfection who replaced the Scriptures or became the focal point of the congregation. No, I am simply trying to illustrate that church was more about relationships than it was about religion (affirming a set of beliefs).  And it was in these weekly moments of vulnerability and clarity that the work and presence of God would be most manifest and effective.

Of all the lessons learned through our NYC journey, this one is easily the most significant and lasting.  The church of Christ is not a confession or a mere gathering or individuals affirming His position or ideals.  It is the power and presence of the Living Christ made manifest through His Spirit in the daily routine of individuals who are honest and desperate enough to simply enjoy and recognize His presence.  Few understand this or are willing to embrace its simplicity; but the Queens church certainly did.