This Thursday night, we get to launch a new Bible Study in Hershey. Rather than host the meeting in a church or private home, we will be holding our gathering at one of our favorite shops on the Hershey strip - Phillip Arthur's. Not only does this allow easy access, familiarity, and great food; but, more importantly, it puts the Church and its Gospel in the heart of the community it has come to serve.
Thursday nights hope to be more than a chance to learn the Bible or hang with friends. It's purpose is to be the church in Hershey. We will open with casual talking points about personal life and events, but then allow God to tie them into an intentional, intellectual, and faith-building study of the Bible. By God's grace, we will leave each meeting with a clear sense of community, God's Word, and His plan for each person's life. Anything less than and we've missed the mark, because this is exactly what the church is to be all about - learning God's will and doing it.
So, if you are in the area on Thursday - join us! If not, then please pray for us. Pray for Christians to be empowered; non-believers to find faith; and, for God to be glorified in all we say and do. Let's see Acts 2 happen all over again.