Thursday, May 29, 2014

Having a Routine Makes a Difference

I have long sought the book of Acts for wisdom in effective evangelism.  While there are many, many lessons and principles described in its narratives, I believe that there is one point/practice that is often overlooked by Christians and church leaders: repetition.

From the outset description of the Early Church, the writer of Acts identifies the group as practicing a routine worship schedule (Acts 2:46).  This not only allowed the church to grow in fellowship and understanding, but it also allowed the outside, non-believing world to have a consistent witness and access point (Acts 2:47).  Christians and church ministries need to be consistently engaged in their community and easily accessible if their witness is to be effective.

This point became much clearer in my own ministry, both in NYC and now back here in PA.  For several weeks now, myself and a couple of other Christians have been gathering every week inside the same coffee shop at the same time to talk about Jesus and His Word.  The first week, no one seemed to notice that we were present, much less care what we were doing or discussing.  However, by the second week, the baristas identified us as 'weekly regulars' and began asking questions as to what we were talking about/doing every week.  The door is now open for the Gospel to be presented effectively.  The baristas know who we are, know when to expect us, and know that our purpose is a holy and relevant pursuit of God through His Word.  Salvation has come to the coffee shop because of routine discipline and obedience!

Be consistent.  Be empowered.  Be biblical.  Develop a routine of (and for) ministry.