Monday, September 22, 2014

Warnings and Observations - Part II (b)


While reading online today, I came across this post in a comment section on 'mega church' and contemporary Christianity.  I believe it is not only insightful, but TRUE.

Speaking to a particular Mega Church:  'Churches like this may be good for introducing people to Jesus. But living in Christ means using our minds renewed by God to know and grow closer to Him each day, not prioritizing temporary emotional pulses of good vibrations and stimulating human senses (emphasis added).
[Most observers] didn't get very deep into [Pastor's Name] shaky theology and doctrine, but my biggest complaint here is when about halfway through the video the hipster [Pastor's Name] equates his crowds to the throngs that followed Jesus. The main motivation of the crowds that followed Jesus was getting healed physically, and getting freed from Roman rule; that is, what Jesus could do for them and their earthly lives. The crowds following Jesus were not interested in His message of their helpless fallen spiritual condition and dependence on Him for their reconciliation with God. Well, maybe [Pastor's Name]' flock is similar? But then Jesus' crowds turned against Him, and called to the Romans for His torture and crucifixion. That part is no comparison, is it [Pastor's Name]?'