Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Meals for the Community

Many of the youth who attended our block party returned the following evening (a Sunday) in hopes of receiving more goodies.  While there was no bounce house, we WERE conducting our regular Sunday service.  Because it was now outside, and because we allowed them to eat the food we had brought as a potluck, these kids came inside—something they first expressed fear of doing because of their cultural background.  God had divinely ordained these circumstances to create a comfortable environment to welcome them. 
     We have turned this into a regular ministry, creating “Happy Meals” to share Jesus’ love each Sunday evening with the kids on the street who wouldn’t otherwise approach a church.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Reaching Queens NY

MatchlessFire and Forest Hills Community Church ended the summer with a bang—celebrating Jesus with several Christian bands, a bounce house, kids’ crafts, health & financial counseling, literature give-aways, and lots of free food.  Held on the lawn of the church from whom we rent, one of the busiest, most visible intersections in town, God drew 500+ people to be connected with Him and the church.