As I have mentioned before, repetition is a key component to successful ministry. Last night marked 'week #4' for our Starbucks Bible Study and the Holy Spirit did not disappoint. In every way possible, the group is increasing in both size, effectiveness and outreach!
The number of people attending the group is PERFECT and growing. We started with one and are now at four persons, plus myself. Some may think this is too small a group, but anything much larger would: (a) be too big for the venue, (b) discourage personal interaction from all members, (c) undermine the purpose of the study, which is a total transformation of our understanding and application of being a Christian. (I know this last statement is huge and it is not meant to imply that anyone of us was not a Christian prior to participation. I simply mean to say that we are doing this group to have our lives and preconceived way of 'believing' challenged and expanded.) With the group starting off in such small numbers, the level of understanding each person receives is significant enough to warrant increased participation and the acceptance of others into the group. In other words, by the end of a person's first night, they are ready to bring others in and act as facilitators immediately following. This is true success because it means we can grow without limit or loss of integrity!
Second, the effectiveness of the group is increasing. This point has already been alluded to in the summary above, but it is significant to note how much participation and conversation the group and study is generating in both our time together and throughout the week. EVERYONE contributes as we read and study our Bible. There is in increase in understanding how deep the Bible is and how practical its implications are to EVERYONE's daily life. The group is not homogeneous in any manner, yet every one is growing each week. This is obviously the power of the Word, but also the power of group interaction. When everyone contributes, a plurality of understanding, observation and questioning is generated that increases the scope and reach of the text beyond all expectations. This, of course, is very exciting and relevant and leads to people talking about Jesus and His Word wherever they go throughout the week. I love scanning Facebook and seeing members telling others online what they have learned or discovered through our time together. If this is happening on FB, then who knows how many other countless times it is happening in homes, at work, or elsewhere!
Perhaps what is most amazing is the growth in the groups immediate outreach. By meeting in the same space with the same people, Starbucks is getting ROCKED with the Gospel in increased measure every week. Again, as our people become more familiar with the text and each other, they become more involved and animated (not out of control, but excited) and this certainly gets the attention of others in the coffee shop. Of course, a group of five is also noticeable in a shop of its size, so this also contributes to drawing others attention to us and our activity. BUT, what is truly making a difference is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that as we become more sensitive to Him, and prove to Him and ourselves that we are committed to knowing and obeying Him, He, in turn, is increasing His power and presence in and through our study group.
Last night, several people interrupted us to ask questions and/or encourage us. That was great. BUT, what was really cool, was that at one point, the entire coffee shop was fixed on us and over conversation. No one was screaming, making loud noises or animated - we were just reading and discussing, but the topic was so powerful and relevant that the Spirit just fixed everyone's gaze and attention upon us. Everyone knew who we were, what we were doing, and that is was of importance and significance; and in so many ways it was just like Acts 2:12-13. God was being glorified, the Spirit was witnessing, and the crowds were responding in kind, both with wonder and skepticism. It was awesome and is exactly what should be happening when Christians behave as Christians out in the world!
Please keep us, the church, and this group in your prayers. And, if you can, please join us some week or start your own Bible Study. God wants to do these same works in and through YOU!