LifeChurch-Hershey! He and his team have a true calling to minister, and they are not cutting any corners or taking any of it lightly.
Today, I was able to help Shawn prep the 'gear trailer' for our first Sunday service in our new location - Hershey Elementary School. After several months in a local movie theater, it was clearly time to move to a more spacious and accommodating location. The smell of popcorn was great...but the school has natural lighting, more open space, and greater ties into the immediate community; and that's what LifeChurch is all about! We truly want to see the entire community of Hershey be blessed with the presence and favor of the Lord. This new location (along with several other exciting and upcoming events/ministries) is really going to aid in our goal and commitment. Please be in prayer for us this Sunday as we do a setup 'test run' at 8:30 and then our first service at 10:00am. And if you are in the area...JOIN US!
Having seen and witnessed the supernatural presence and favor of the LORD in unprecedented ways in NYC, we can honestly say the same is taking place in Hershey. Don't miss this.