Big Guy got free Chips from Chipotle on our prayer walk. Turns out the Manager was Believer too! |
To make things even better, however, is that fact that each new ministry context also provides a local church to identify with and lead people into. One thing that we have certainly learned in all our years of ministry is that without the existence of the local church (be it startup or established), successful ministry just does not happen. Praise God for the Assemblies of God and their strong emphasis on church planting and relationships. Regardless of where I am or who I am ministering to, there is always a friend and church I can count on!
It was also a blessing this week to have my youngest son helping me in the ministry. He handed out just as many invite cards as his daddy, and never complained about how far we had to walk or how many people we stopped to talk with. My prayer is that he grows up seeing how happy sharing Jesus made his daddy, and also that he will learn just how easy (and important) it is to share Jesus with others!