Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Necessity of the Church

I am incredible blessed with great, Godly friends who not only understand 'me,' but also share my understanding and conviction regarding God and His Church.  Of course, no two people agree on everything, but our difference are small and are common convictions are great.  Beyond spending time with my wife and kids, there are few other things in life that I look forward to than sharing a meal with my spiritual 'brothers.'  Yesterday, was one of the days where we were able to connect and the conversation and encouragement did not disappoint.

I share this information because all too often I hear of people who have little to no contact/relationship with other Christians.  More and more people are living disconnected lives as individuals without accountability or investment.  This is a tragedy, especially in regards to the Church!

Being a Christian is about more than having a knowledge and trust in the saving work of Christ - it is about being in relationship with Christ, which includes His body, the Church. Being a faithful Sunday attendee is great, but it does not equal partnership/investment/membership within the church.  How many of us got to church, have a few choice conversations at best with a few people we like and then go home after the mandatory service elements (worship, message/sermon, benediction) are over?  Far too many, I am sure...

As I read my Bible, I see the church displayed as a fellowship more than a lecture hall.  Sure, there is mention of reading/singing the psalms and scriptures, but there is also mention of the interaction and fellowship of the members.  They were all deeply involved in the lives of each other, and they valued (and sometimes, undervalued) these relationships - associating them with membership in Christ and His Kingdom (I Cor 5).  I fear that in today's age of 'coolness,' we have become so familiar with the institutional elements of church that we have denigrated it to merely a place we go to check our proverbial 'time card' to prove to ourselves and others that we are 'good Christians.'  What a tragedy!  Not only are we mocking God's work and presence on the earth, but we are also castrating ourselves from the source of His healing, power, and authority.

As Christians, we have a holy calling and responsibility to be invested in the work of the Church.  We need the oversight and opportunity that only God's church can give, and, likewise, there are others who need our personal ministry brought into theirs. I am so very grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who both minister to me and allow me to minister into their lives.  The forgiveness, love, power and gifts of God that the Bible routinely speaks of in the NT is always on display in these church-oriented relationships and not necessarily in the church worship service.

Please find a good brother or sister in the Lord and invest in one another.  Do not deny the ministry of His living church any longer in your life.  The church is about relationships centered on and empowered by Christ and His Spirit for the glory of God.  Be the CHURCH and advance its ministry in your life and community.