Friday, July 30, 2010


Over the next couple of weeks, pictures of people and places from the community of Forest Hills will be posted on this blog. I ask that please join us in praying for these individuals and institutions, believing God to save them and use them for His glory.

We need to be burdened for the Lost in the same manner as the Lord. This is joy; knowing the heart of the Lord.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are We Really Happy?

Our society is so wicked! In a world of "feel good" marketing and "Mr. Roger-esque" mentality, it has become sinful to feel overwhelmed, burdened, or convicted. Venues, books, television, food, medicines, and the like have been created and pushed unto our present times in an effort to feed the culture's desire to be happy. Unfortunately, however, happiness is not really the goal; it's all about distraction.

All of the mediums mentioned do not bring about happiness; they merely lighten or distract us from the pain of personal despair and frustration. We have become very weak and very shallow as a culture and society, and I am not merely talking about the unsaved community. Tragically, this ridiculous mentality is just as prevalent inside the church.

The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Patience, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. They come from God and are the attributes of God; therefore, they cannot be achieved independently of God or exercised apart from God. Secular joy is not real joy, but an imitation or farce. The same is true of happiness, peace, kindness and the rest. Unless the source of all of these is the Lord, it is mere deception leading to destruction.

Too many Christian churches and media outlets are obsessed with making people happy in the same manner as the secular. They offer classes, sell books with clever sayings, do good deeds, create sermon series and sings songs about prosperity and feeling good. The main focus of the church has become all about making people really "happy."

But some will say: Why is this a bad thing? Do we not want people to be happy? Did God not create us to know joy and peace and serenity? Of course, He did; but not like this...

Jesus tells us that the joy of a believer is doing the will of the Lord. It is a life of repentance and abstinence from sin. It is a life of selflessness and denial of the flesh. It is life in pursuit of God and His holiness. It is the complete OPPOSITE of worldly joy and pleasure. Adopting secular thinking and practice while merely adding Biblical terminology is not what the church should be about. The church must be about the Lord's pleasure.

Biblical joy leads to weeping, conviction and dependence. Biblical joy leads us to the streets of our community and praying over our neighbors and government leaders. The joy of the Lord leads us to truth which means calling out sin in both our personal lives and the life of our culture. Yes, biblical joy more often than not leads to persecution, rejection, and loneliness apart from the world because Jesus alone IS our joy!

Are you really happy?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reaching the Little Ones in NYC

Many of us remember what it was like as a child wiggling and squirming in the pew during church or Mass on Sundays while our exasperated parents tried to get us to sit still, be quiet, and allow the church service to go on uninterrupted. That reality many adults experienced and remember vividly is a far cry from the vision Forest Hills Community Church has for parents and children.

There are games to play, crafts to make, stories to read, and it all reinforces the biblical truth of the week: themes like “God loves you” and “obey your parents.”

The atmosphere in the Kids Church area is as inviting as the workers. Colorful rugs, picnic tables, posters, toys and games demonstrate to children that this area is designed with them in mind.

Katrina, a volunteer who facilitates the young children’s group at FHCC explains, “The younger children are learning the principles of Bible stories that are more relevant to them. We also have a memory verse hopscotch and we allow them to take the memory verse with them when they leave. We pray with the kids and sing songs at the end of the service so they learn how to worship God.”

Recently, a class for children in elementary school was added. This new investment has enabled the older children an opportunity to use critical thinking skills and look at Bible stories with application for the life-stage they’re in.

The older children are being taught the same stories as the younger children, but a little more in depth,” says Nicki. “They are learning the moral application that can help them through the things that kids their age will inevitably encounter.”

As enthusiastic as the volunteers are about the program, the best reviews are from the kids themselves. One five year old says he loves attending Kid’s Church every week because “the teachers are nice and I get to play with my friends.” He was adamant that all children should join in the fun of Kid’s Church. “They need to learn about Jesus!” he insists.

Forest Hills Community Church values children and families, as it demonstrates every Sunday in the Midway Movie Theater. The church is dedicated to ensuring a safe, cheerful environment for kids to learn about God’s love for them, and as a result, the kids are learning Biblical truths and values they can carry with them their entire lives.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Internship Update

Our first summer of hosting a ministerial internship is going wonderfully! We are approaching the fourth week of the 9-week program and the students and church are benefiting greatly. Each week the students must complete weekly reading assignments on biblical teachings, write reviews on popular Christian literature, engage in community evangelism, and attend weekly classes with Pastor Jeremy (me). It has proven to be a very intense and challenging for all, but also very rewarding. Weekly evangelism and 'divine encounters' in the neighborhood are up, as are people's respect and appreciation of what it means to be involved in vocational ministry.

We greatly appreciate your prayers for the remaining weeks, the student's effort, and the affects of the Kingdom as it advances in NYCity. Several who are involved are clearly called into full-time vocational ministry and will need to discern God's next steps for their lives. Please pray for clarity and fulfillment.

As a side note, if you are a pastor...PLEASE consider beginning your own summer internship program. Yes, it is very demanding at times, but there is no better way to train your people, prepare the next leaders in your church, get a pulse on your community, and to learn personally.

here to serve,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dad First, then Pastor

Always remember your FIRST Priority...

I Timothy 3:4-5 - He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Interns Start this Week

We ask that you please join us in prayer for the 8 interns that will begin their 9-week intensive starting July 2. These students come from very different backgrounds, stages of life, and unique callings; yet they all share a love for Jesus and His ministry. Please pray that during their time of study and ministry they will grow to maturity, encourage the local body, and be used evangelistically to the glory of God. This will not be an easy time for them, but one of discipline and service.

I would also ask that you pray for myself and the church who will also be stretched during this time. This new program comes with a high price tag, but we joyfully surrender all that we have to see me people come to know Jesus as Messiah.

Please check back frequently for updates on both the interns and their efforts.

UNashamed: Ministry School

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