Thursday, June 5, 2014

Busy Week of Ministry

This week 'officially' kicked off our summer ministry schedule.  What had been informal or sporadic meetings and outreaches have now developed into routine opportunities and appointments.  We are very, very grateful for this transition and maturity as it will hopefully lead to more salvations, disciples, and overall Kingdom growth.

Partnerships - I am incredibly blessed to have such amazing friends in ministry.  AS much as I love sharing the Gospel with strangers or training others in the faith, I equally love fellowshipping with my Brothers!  I need guys who will challenge me, hear me out, or share a passion and vision with me.  Above all, I need guys who will push me deeper and harder with Jesus and His Spirit.  I am so very grateful for my routine visits with my Brothers!

Discipleship - The Bible studies are developing a rhythm and continue to build momentum.  Not only are people growing closer to Jesus and His Word, but they are 'fleshing out' their faith in the community of the church and then changing their world afterwards.  This is leading to incredible testimonies and new people joining us each week.  We are still small, but we are making a real difference in the Kingdom!  PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THESE STUDIES.

Evangelism - Central PA has a lot of churches and a great tradition of churches and wholesome values, however, there remains a very large need for evangelism.  So many people are now walking with Jesus, despite their knowledge of His ways and having done so previously.  Additionally, new generations have emerged that do not know Jesus, they have only simply heard about Him.  Everywhere I go, I meet more people who do NOT go to church, then who do.  And what is worse is that NO ONE IS INVITING THEM TO CHURCH.  The fields of PA remain 'white for harvest.'

Time to get back to work...