Saturday, June 7, 2014

Life Interrupted by God

It's Saturday and I am suppose to be home and enjoying the beautiful day with the family.  Unfortunately, the print shop messed up our order and this quarter's newsletter where not going to be ready for pick up until today.  In addition to being a day spent without the family, it also meant another trip down to Lancaster and the 32miles in gas and abuse.  i figured I could at least redeem this messed up situation with the help of my trusty road bike.

So, this morning I put on an empty backpack and rode the 17m (oneway) into Lancaster to get the newsletters.  Everything was going smooth and I was making really good time (over 17mph average).  I called the Mrs to let her know I would be home sooner than expected and would take the kids (and the dog) to the park so she could get some down time, too.  But, as I was leaving the parking lot to return home, for some strange reason I went South instead of North.  It eventually worked out to my advantage as it allowed me to miss some dangerous traffic and pass by a favorite ministry spot.  But today was Saturday and no one would be at this location...or so I thought.

As I was whipping by at 22mph, I couldn't help but notice someone walking out of the very venue where I frequently share the Gospel and minister.  Could someone possibly be inside and available today?  I had to find out.  Because if there is one thing I love more than riding my bike and being with my family, it is sharing Jesus!

Low and behold, inside was a single brother who admitted that he had no idea what he was doing in the office today.  In his frustration, he was just getting ready to leave when I walked in.  Within minutes we were talking about Jesus and His church and encouraging one another in the faith.  This was incredibly significant because this was not only the first meaningful conversation I had with the brother, but also one where encouragement was needed more than direction or correction.  He and his family are new members of a dynamic church, still new in their faith, and, like so many, find themselves in the minority as committed believers.

I am not sure who ministered more to who today, but I know that this day was to be about more than newsletters, cycling, or even playing at the park.  Jesus' church needed help and today was the day He was going to send an answer.  What an honor to be used and directed by the Lord and His Spirit!!