Thursday, December 16, 2010

Difficult Season

Life as a Christian is never easy, and Jesus never promised it would be. In fact, He promised the opposite. Nevertheless, this does not mean that Christians should enjoy or seek trials, or worse yet, criticize those who do suffer. Suffering is just a part of this fallen and broken world, where people sin and are sinned against. It will either draw you closer to Jesus, or become an excuse for you to run from Jesus. I choose to run to Jesus, which is why I am asking for prayer.

The past couple weeks have been really difficult for the family and ministry. While the church continues to grow and prepare for a larger, more sufficient, ministry venue, it has also been suffered pride issues. Instead of everyone coming to church to give, the majority have come to simply take. As a result, volunteers and offerings are down or plateaued. We've prayed, and I've preached a sermon on the topic, but it comes down to the heart of the people; and that is God's turf.

Additionally, our home has become an infirmary. Since early Fall, there has not been a time when all of us have been well. Sinus congestion, colds, and everything else have been persistent and there seems to be no end in sight. We have adjusted our habits, bought stock in Purell, and have gone from embracing to "fist-bumping," but still the sickness remains. We need divine intervention.

Again, we know there is a purpose in all of this to save even more people here in NYC. It's not the personal suffering that bothers, as it is so much the suffering of others, the Mrs. and the kids. May God grant His power and provision in revealing His healing.


Friday, December 10, 2010

December Prayer Points

It has been a rough season to say the least. While the ministry has gone exceedingly well, personally has been a whole other story. From the kids and the Mrs. battling a sinus infection from hell to a punk street thug stealing my primary means of transportation (mountain bike), everything seems to be a battle for our lives.

We are not discouraged, but know that all of this comes from being in the successful center of God's will. And with this in mind, we ask that you please join with us in praying for God's continued success and influence amongst the people of NYC.

Prayer Points:
1 - That we suffer well. The Scriptures and history clearly declare that we will suffer in this life, especially if God is using us to reach others apart from Him. The key is not that we avoid suffering, but instead simply suffer well. We want to grow closer to Jesus and be an example of grace in ALL that we do. Pray we don't fail in suffering.

2 - Big Move Coming. February 2011 will mark a huge transition in the life of our church plant. Please pray that us, the church, and the community will be prepared and equipped to meet the high demands, expectations, and challenges that come with reaching more people for Jesus.

3 - Family Health. With three small kids, one which is in school, it seems impossible to keep them healthy. Of course, sick children not only depress their parents, but they also miss or on school and church activities. Please pray that the Lord protects them from sickness and grants them every opportunity to grow in knowing Jesus.

Thank you for praying, and please keep in contact with us. You are a key part of God's success in NYC!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Moving Along

Things continue to progress well as we prepare to leave the movie theater for more conducive worship experience in a local elementary school. It has been an amazing journey thus far, and we can see the fingerprints of God all of the transition.

Last week we met with a consultant firm that specializes in portable church ministry and church growth. The people involved with this organization cared nothing for the "bottom line," but only for lives to be reached and touched with the Gospel. They were a blessing and great investment in the ministry of what God is doing in Forest Hills. Not only did they expose our weaknesses, but they helped guide us through the necessary elements we need to secure.

We are very excited to share these new needs with you. We know that you will not only pray for us, but will also seek the Lord as to how YOU can partner with us further in seeing God reach the Jews and Gentiles of NYC for Him.

We love you!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's in a Name?

This week our campus gets a new name and awning. It has been incredible to see the LORD take a ratty old storefront and convert it into a modern and comfortable worship center. Rarely does a day go by that people walking by to not stop, stare, and inquire how a church can be held in a such a modern and inviting place. We love how God is using this simple space for His glory.

Tragically, however, there is still a significant part of our community that has yet to enjoy the benefits of the campus. Due to the laws of Halakah (Jewish cultural law), our Jewish neighbors are forbidden to enter a church building regardless of its fixtures of elements. By calling our store its default name "the church," or by posting our church title over the door, we are shutting out the very people Jesus came to save! It is not that there is anything wrong with the title "church," or is it a title by which we should be embarrassed or ashamed of; rather, it is simply a cultural word that the Jewish community has chosen to take offense with and use to keep distance between themselves and us.

What's In a Name?
After much prayer and consideration, we have decided to officially name the church campus, "Genesis." This contemporary, Jewish and defining title will help alleviate the stress and phobia of the Jewish community, and allow for a more level playing field in sharing the Gospel with them. After all, the name "Genesis" means, "Beginning" and comes from the Jewish Bible. What better title for a place from God will start a new work and give new life to all people who call on His name.

Please be praying for this exciting new chapter in the ministry of our church. By God's grace, and through our obedience, many new opportunities lay ahead for the thousands of people of Forest Hills to come to know Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November Prayer Points

Another month of ministry brings forth new and exciting opportunities to see God further His Kingdom here in Forest Hills.

We would be honored if you would join us in praying for the following:

1 - New Meeting Space.
This is nothing new, however, new challenges and blessings have developed recently. Whereas, we were struggling to find a single alternative to meeting inside of a Movie Theater for Sunday worship, we now find ourselves with two new possible venues. Both require an incredible amount of faith and finances, but both will solve the God-given problem of offering a Kids Church and seating issues.

2 - Freedom from Religion.
As the church continues to age and reach new people, it becomes increasingly easy to rest, fall into habit and take for granted the privilege and opportunity we have to reach new people for Jesus by His efforts alone. Pray we keep our eyes on Jesus.

3 - Family.
It's the Holiday season and the challenge of putting "family first" can easily be ignored or compromised. Pray that the Sweeten crew will remember our first priority to each other, and never let the lesser ministries replace the primary.

4 - Wisdom.
Could certainly use a lot more of this!

Jeremy and Family

Thursday, November 4, 2010

RIver of God

I just got back from an incredible Mission Convention "kick off" with River of God church in Enola. I drove down earlier in the day with buddy Bill, and had a phenomenal time teaching him Central Pennsylvania culture and heritage. He had no idea how to climb a tree in a tree stand, but he does now!

More importantly, I was able to have dinner with my parents and best-friend from High School, Pete. Pete and I have been together since the sixth grade, and he was there when the Lord radically got a hold of my life during my Junior year. He has seen the unsaved version and the saved version of me, and has also been relentlessly prayed for and witnessed to ever since.

By God's grace, Pete became a Christian last year, and yesterday God finally provided an opportunity for us to catch up on the difference the Lord has made in his personal, family, and social life. I am thrilled with how he has grown and developed as a Man of God in such a short period of time. Jesus has saved Pete!

As if the day was not perfect enough, as the night set in and the time for the service began, ROG church made us and the Spirit of God feel welcome and free to minister. Worship was real, and the people were eager to learn from the Word what being on mission for God was all about. I especially loved the fellowship that took place following the service. Almost all our prayer cards were taken, we prayed for several families and youth, and even ate some cookies together! They truly desire to serve the Lord, and are making major strides in doing so both in central PA and around the world. Talks are already underway for members of the church to possibly join us in NYC for a weekend of ministry together.

It was an incredible day in ministry, and one I pray is not unique.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Full Circle

Last year our church plant pledged $110 a month towards the support of foreign missions. With God's help we were able to support 8 different church-planting ministries around the world. What a difference a year makes...

This past weekend we concluded our Missions Emphasis week. The total in Faith Promises came to over $1,800.00 in monthly pledges!!! Our people understand missions, because they recognize first-hand the difference a missionary can make in the local community. By having a pastor who is a missionary and benefiting from the ministry they are emphatic to multiply the blessings on to others. Missions really does go FULL-Circle when God is at the center.

Thank you to all who are supporters of God's work here in NYC. Your gifts are not limited to the people of Forest Hills, but are being multiplied to the planting of churches all around the world!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Christianity?

So much of the Christian world is not "Christian"...

This week we kicked off our Missions Emphasis at Forest Hills Community Church. It is always special to be a missionary of a missions endeavor, and then replicate the mandate of missions into new lives and ministries through that endeavor. It's just really cool to see the whole process go full circle.

However, as I approached the topic this year, I felt the LORD call us back to a fundamental definition of the word "missions." Missions is not something that the church created, nor is it something that Jesus began in the New Testament. Missions begins before the page of Genesis chapter 1. Missions is what God does.

All of creation exists for the mission of God: His glory. Man was not created by chance or without purpose; instead, he was created with the highest purpose of mimicking God and revealing His glory. Tragically, man fell from his glorious position through sin, but this tragedy did not eradicate his mission, or jeopardize the mission of God. God's mission remained intact and made evident despite man's sin, and in reality became an agent in God's glory. While God hates sin and its effect, His glory is beyond its effect.

The mission of God continued through Creation making itself truly manifest in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the redeemer of God's glory to man. Through His glorious life, death and resurrection, Jesus not only proclaims the glory of God, but redeems men through faith to the position lost and abandoned by Adam. He restores us to our mission: reflecting and communicating God's glory.

When this truth becomes realized, however, a great pain rips my heart. If the mission of man is to proclaim the glory of God, then why is it that so much of what we do is masked in humanism or obscurity? Knowing that Jesus alone is the image and glory of God, then why do we do "good things" instead of the "best" thing: preach Jesus with clarity?

Missions is not open to interpretation...its always and only about Jesus.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Depravity at a Street Fair

After an awesome time of worship, FHCC hit the local street to represent the church at the biannual street fair. This local tradition is always unique as it attracts not only the local hermits, but also bargain hunters from across Queens. It has proven to be a great way to meet our neighbors, and as members of the Chamber of Commerce, the church gets a free space.

In seasons past, we have responded by offering free popcorn, water, teas, and punch, in conjunction with invitations to church and free bibles. Yet with each passing event the fair leadership becomes more and more irked by our generosity and zeal, thus limiting us this year to only distributing literature. It would be a lie to say that these restrictions did not dampen our spirits, but we also knew that conversations about Jesus and introducing people to the Bible was more in line with who we are anyway.

As the event began we knew we were in for a wild day. Not only was the weather chilly, but so was everyone's personality. Within moments, each person on the team was cursed at and several of our cards instantaneously found the trash can. One group of men had the idea to curse us not to our face, but from across the street. Apparently they thought it more beneficial to knock Jesus and the church for all to hear, rather than present their opinion to us in private.

Of course, there were also many of Jewish and Catholic backgrounds who passed by the display table. Most of our literature was in Hebrew and it always draws attention. However, like the rest of the crowd, today's visitors were as cold as ice. Many would not even say "hello" or humor us in conversation. They simple came, looked at the table, and then walked away in disgust. We know that such a response should be expected, but it still hurts to know (and see) that people really don't want anything to do with Jesus...

Yet in the midst of such depravity, God brings grace. While the majority of the day was spent handling rejection and hostility towards the Gospel, every now and again God would send us a person of interest. We can say with certainty that the local church in Forest Hills was strengthened today, and that several lives were touched and are very near to receiving salvation. The joys of being a missionary for Jesus come in many different forms and situations, and today we were able to experience the full gambit.

Thank you, God, for counting us worthy!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ocotber Prayer Points

September has been an incredible month of ministry for Forest Hills Community Church and MatchlessFire Jewish Ministries! Besides an increase in both adult and children attendance, the dedication and hunger for Jesus has been consuming. We know that all of this is a work of the Lord and not of us. Please keep praying for the people of NYC and make these specific requests a part of your daily supplications:

1 - Ministry Van
Despite living in the midst of the world's most efficient public transit system, travel is still an issue for the people of Queens. As the church continues to reach more and more people for Jesus, the distance from them to the church grows. Last week I met a young girl who takes three separate buses to get to FHCC. Her travel time is 1.5 hours one way! God bless her, but how many other people would like to come church but simply do not have the means and availability? We need a passenger van to get people to Jesus. Please pray for a financial miracle or a donation from one of God's people.

2 - Kids Ministry
FHCC has been blessed with a burden to reach families and teens with the Gospel. Ironically, these two groups are also the hardest to reach in NYC given their unique logistical needs. Kids need a safe and clean area for their parent's peace of mind, and teens need a place unique to their needs and ability. Please pray that the Lord will open up space(s) for the Lost youth of Queens to meet and grow in Jesus.

3 - Wisdom
As the church and ministry matures, so does our need to grow in wisdom. Please pray that the Sweetens and their volunteers in the ministry will hear clearly from the Lord, witness His divine Hand, and lean solely on Him for provision and success.

Make a Donation:
MatchlessFire Ministries / FHCChurch

PO BOX 4114

Forest Hills, NY 11375
(checks payable to: MatchlessFire Ministries)

Or Online through your Credit, Debit or PayPal account.
here to donate now.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Gift from Heaven

This past week we were given FREE tickets and transportation to Dover for the NASCAR race. To be with my boys and my dad for an entire day of fun was priceless. I can't thank the Lord enough for blessing me with my family...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Church Business Meeting

Mark your calendars now to be with us next Tuesday night for our annual business meeting. Forest Hills CC does not belong to any one of us, but to Jesus alone. As His ambassadors and stewards it is important that we not only share what He has done, but how we, as His church, have handled it.

Topics to be discussed include:
1. Church Leadership and Accountability
2. Financial Report
3. Accomplishments of 2009-10

The night will also be dedicated to the future ministry of the church. While the past year has accomplished much, we are only beginning to scratch the surface. Come get a burden for where God is directing you and I in ministry. We truly believe the next twelve months will be our most effective yet!

FHCC Business Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 28 @ 8pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Have a Question? Email us prior to the Business Meeting for a response.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Church Van Needed

Our church plant continues to grow and reach more people for Jesus! As a result, the need for a church van has become pressing. Although our community is blessed with many kinds of public transportation, and our service venues are conveniently located, many still struggle with getting to church. (This past Sunday I met a young girl who takes 3 different buses and rides for 45-min to get to church!)

If you or your church knows of a passenger van (full-size or mini-van) for sale or donation, please contact us as soon as possible. Many Jewish and Gentile people stand to know Jesus as a result of your generosity.

Contact Us:
Pastor Jeremy
Forest Hills Community Church
O - 718.247.7309
C - 717.519.9258

*Forest Hills Community Church is non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and all gifts and donations (including vehicles) are tax-deductible.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall is for Change: Salvation

Luke 9:2-6 "...and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: 'Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them.' So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere."

The truth of the matter is that the passage above is the reason why FHCC exists. When my family and I moved here in 2006, myself and a young college intern simply hit the streets at night and talked to people about Jesus. Those who wanted to receive, received; and those who did not, simply were given a kind word and left alone. Looking back, it was like no time at all before we began holding bible studies with 15-20 young people. From that experience FHCC was birthed into the church it is today.

This past week Anthony and I hit the streets of Forest Hills to see God do it all over again. It was a very quiet night with very few people on the street or in the shops. Yet, it only takes one conversation to make the night effective. Within moments the conversations began firing up with old friends and new. We met a group of four young men who were all over the spiritual map. They were invited to church and Anthony was able to share his story about he met Jesus at FHCC. The conversation was fantastic and everyone we met was encouraged, including the couple who wanted nothing more than a "hello" from us.

The point is that the Bible works, Jesus is alive, and there are people out there that God desires to save through our obedience. Let's never forget our roots. Not only was FHCC birthed through the practice of Luke 9, but so was the very first church of Jesus. God never changes, and neither should our obedience and trust in His Word. Go invite people to church!

Forest Hills Community Church
Sunday Mornings INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall is for Change: School

As mentioned previously, there are a whole lot of changes coming to the Sweeten family and ministry during the fall season. One of the biggest begins today: Kindergarten begins. After 5 years of having our oldest home, it is now time to send him off to all-day school. Fortunately, God has blessed our little guy with a big heart for Jesus and a solid understanding of His truth. Nevertheless, it is still scary as he becomes subject to the opinions and teachings of non-believers.

I know that some may be offended by this last line, but it is true. School has always been about more than learning history, math and science. It is a social environment when values and behaviors are taught and received. Tragically, as our society has progressed more and more towards "open education" (existentialism), subjects of absolutism have taken a back seat. The result is that kids today exult experience over objectivity; relevance over Truth.

Please pray for not just our son, but every kid who is back at school this season. Pray that God will guard their minds against the things of this world, and that parents everywhere will rise to their God-given responsibility to be "first teachers" to their children.

Fall is for Change

Please pray for us this month as we prepare for some major "shake ups" in our lives and ministry. No, we are not leaving NY, nor are we expecting another Sweeten to join the mix just yet... We are, however, looking into some exciting new ministry outlets for reaching the Jewish and Gentile people of NYC in a greater (and more efficient) capacity.

One area in which we can shed a little more light, is in regards to the infrastructure of our church plant. As we approach our third year of ministry, there is much to be rejoicing over as God has provided us with a full-time secretary, two rental/meeting facilities, and a host of faithful supporters both inside NY and abroad. While details are still way off in the future, the necessary groundwork for the stability of "game changing" ministries are being laid.

Nothing comes easy in life or ministry, especially in New York City. Yet, because of the effective will of the Lord, and the subsequent faithfulness of His people, all things are possible and expected. Please, please pray for us and the ministry here in NYC. Pray that many will come to know Jesus, and that Gospel witness will go forward without hesitation.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm Scared Being a Daddy

The other night I went out with the three boys to buy a pair of shoes at the mall. It was a difficult task to say the least, given that I was alone without my wife and the hour was close to the boys' bedtime. Nevertheless, I ventured out and selected a pair of rockin' Pumas.

As the sales associate handed me my shoes, however, he leaned in and whispered, "Sometimes I am scared to be a dad." I did not need to ask him what he meant, because every man should be scared to be a daddy. Especially Christian men who know the great responsibility and consequences of being one.

Without flinching, I looked right at the young man and said, "You should be. Being a dad is very hard and very consequential. It is for this very reason that I thank God that I have Him as my example, and embrace the biblical truth that being a Dad is God's intention for every man."

I talked briefly about the Lord's first command to Adam and Eve was to become parents. This is not only because God loves life, but also because it is "Godlike" to care selflessly for others. To know the love and behavior of God, directs me in how to care for and love my three boys, even when they are behaving in the worst possible way.

I also shared with him the importance of repentance. No one is ever going to be a flawless daddy, but every daddy should display righteousness at all times. This means that when we sin or act improperly to our kids, our wives, or anyone else, we must immediately repent and do so in the sight of kids. You cannot take back your sinful behavior, but you can display a proper response to such. Kids need to know that bad behavior is wrong and must be addressed immediately.

The guy took it all in, but I could tell his troubles were in need of more than a 5-min conversation. I left him with an invitation to church and my cell phone number. Please pray with me for my new friend, his wife and little boy. May he make Jesus his Lord and perfect example of fatherhood.

Friday, September 3, 2010

September Prayer Requests

It is now the month of September, a time for both weeping and rejoicing. Weeping in the thought of winter approaching in NYC and my oldest heading off to all-day public schooling. Rejoicing, however, in that my oldest is a brave little man, the nights are going to be cooler and will give opportunity for S'mores on our porch, and above all, the Jewish High Holidays are taking places.

We ask, therefore, that you please pray with us for the following ministry opportunities:

1 - Leadership Retreat
Since arriving in NYC just 4-years ago, God has blessed the church plant (FHCC) with some dynamic individuals who have a burden to see families, friends, and enemies come to know Jesus through His local church. All of these individuals are relatively new believers, having been saved just prior to attending FHCC, or saved as a result of attending. Regardless, all are fully committed to the church and its ministry. Therefore, we will be taking a weekend in Sept. to pray and seek God's vision and strategy for reaching ALL of Forest Hills with the Gospel. Please pray for discernment.

2 - Jewish Ministry
God did not call us here simply to start a church or to live in a Jewish neighborhood. Our primary purpose for existing is the evangelization of the Jewish community. While it may seem obvious/effective to hold a Jewish holiday service; unfortunately, these rarely work in any measure. The Jewish community is programmed since birth not to set foot in a church, or attend Jewish ceremonies apart from the Jewish community. Therefore, we need a new approach for engaging the Jewish community with the Gospel. Will you pray that God will simply give opportunity for one-on-one Jewish evangelism? We all know that God works through individuals, not programs, anyway.

3 - Safety of the Family
The full canon of Scripture declares the persecution of God's people. Since moving to NYC we have experienced it in every measure, and we accept it. However, we do ask that we would not suffer needlessly or in weakness. May God protect our children, His church, and His servants. Amen!

THANK YOU for making this worthy and Godly endeavor possible!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Muslim Hugs

This past week I was riding the never-ending train to WTC. As I stood examining all the miserable people on the train (train has that effect), I noticed a young guy reading the Koran. This is not the first time I noticed such a thing, however, this time it was different. The man seemed more intent on checking off the number of pages being read, rather than comprehending his reading. I found this odd, and a great waste of time, so I waited for him to catch his breath so I could interrupt him with the Gospel.

Twenty minutes later, the young brother finally wrapped up his reading. I immediately sprang into action to ask him if he was reading for Ramadan. Sure enough, he was. When asked about "what" he had just read, he was shocked that I knew it was the Koran and knew that what he was doing was merely trying to fulfill religious obligation. In fact, he was offended.

I quickly put out my hand and told him I was a Christian. Rather than infuriate him further, this simple and honest gesture put a big smile on his face. As the train come to a stop deep in Manhattan, what happened next is still beyond my comprehension. While still holding on to my hand from the initial greeting, he brought me close for a hug! Next thing I knew he was off the train, and I was alone with a smile...

Now, it stinks that I did not get to share the Gospel truth about Jesus. But, I cannot simply mark the occasion as a "failure." To have a young Arab immigrant not only engage me in conversation about the Koran, but extend an embrace to an American Christian is very unique. Something greater was at work at that moment, and I'm smart enough to know it was God's grace.

May God save my friend, and may He use me and His church to read all of the House of Ishmael with His Gospel. He's more than a Prophet...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August Prayer Requests

Many have been asking "how" they can pray for the ministry in Forest Hills. So, without further adu, here are some simple prayer points for the month of August (which is almost over).

1 - Pray for the Jewish High Holidays.
During the months of Sept and Oct. the Jewish people celebrate the New Year (Rosh HaShanah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). All three act as the spiritual pinnacle of their year, and it is great time to communicate the Gospel to them. Please pray for open eyes, and a valid Christian witness.

2 - Pray for our current Sunday Ministry Venue.
Every Sunday our church rents out the local movie theater to hold services. It is a prime location, however, the conditions inside are a little less than ideal. The major issue we are facing is the fact that the movie theater is not "closed" on Sunday, but shows movies during the time of the service. This creates a "rushed" feeling for everyone and kills the move of the Spirit. Plus, people coming to the church for the first time get confused when the see a fully functional movie theater when there is supposed to be a religious service taking place...

Currently, we are raising funds for our "own" venue. The cost for such a project is estimated at being slightly over $1-million (and that is even if we rent.) in the city...

3 - Pray for our Family.
Our oldest starts school this fall, and here in the city they go for a full-day. This will be a hard adjustment for his little brothers, as well as for his parents. Also, he will involved in the Public School system...enough said.

God is doing amazing things in NYC, and we can never thank you all enough for your prayers and financial support. People are being saved as a result!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family & Jesus

I would love to expand more on this topic and need; however, given the length and context of a blog, I will stick to the bullet points.

Since coming to NYC and opening the doors of FHCC, we have been amazed at how little people care about "family" in general. Selfish ambition and desire rule the moment, while current and future generations are marginalized and criticized as infringements on personal freedom and ability. There is very little (if any) respect for the family unit, and it is killing the society.

Please, please, please pray for us as we seek the Lord's guidance on how to tackle this subject with Godly wisdom and counseling. A mere bible study or sermon series will not suffice, as the conditions are that bad.

Women need husbands, men need wives, and children need parents. This is not cultural or merely preferential; it's biblical.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Over the next couple of weeks, pictures of people and places from the community of Forest Hills will be posted on this blog. I ask that please join us in praying for these individuals and institutions, believing God to save them and use them for His glory.

We need to be burdened for the Lost in the same manner as the Lord. This is joy; knowing the heart of the Lord.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are We Really Happy?

Our society is so wicked! In a world of "feel good" marketing and "Mr. Roger-esque" mentality, it has become sinful to feel overwhelmed, burdened, or convicted. Venues, books, television, food, medicines, and the like have been created and pushed unto our present times in an effort to feed the culture's desire to be happy. Unfortunately, however, happiness is not really the goal; it's all about distraction.

All of the mediums mentioned do not bring about happiness; they merely lighten or distract us from the pain of personal despair and frustration. We have become very weak and very shallow as a culture and society, and I am not merely talking about the unsaved community. Tragically, this ridiculous mentality is just as prevalent inside the church.

The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Patience, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. They come from God and are the attributes of God; therefore, they cannot be achieved independently of God or exercised apart from God. Secular joy is not real joy, but an imitation or farce. The same is true of happiness, peace, kindness and the rest. Unless the source of all of these is the Lord, it is mere deception leading to destruction.

Too many Christian churches and media outlets are obsessed with making people happy in the same manner as the secular. They offer classes, sell books with clever sayings, do good deeds, create sermon series and sings songs about prosperity and feeling good. The main focus of the church has become all about making people really "happy."

But some will say: Why is this a bad thing? Do we not want people to be happy? Did God not create us to know joy and peace and serenity? Of course, He did; but not like this...

Jesus tells us that the joy of a believer is doing the will of the Lord. It is a life of repentance and abstinence from sin. It is a life of selflessness and denial of the flesh. It is life in pursuit of God and His holiness. It is the complete OPPOSITE of worldly joy and pleasure. Adopting secular thinking and practice while merely adding Biblical terminology is not what the church should be about. The church must be about the Lord's pleasure.

Biblical joy leads to weeping, conviction and dependence. Biblical joy leads us to the streets of our community and praying over our neighbors and government leaders. The joy of the Lord leads us to truth which means calling out sin in both our personal lives and the life of our culture. Yes, biblical joy more often than not leads to persecution, rejection, and loneliness apart from the world because Jesus alone IS our joy!

Are you really happy?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reaching the Little Ones in NYC

Many of us remember what it was like as a child wiggling and squirming in the pew during church or Mass on Sundays while our exasperated parents tried to get us to sit still, be quiet, and allow the church service to go on uninterrupted. That reality many adults experienced and remember vividly is a far cry from the vision Forest Hills Community Church has for parents and children.

There are games to play, crafts to make, stories to read, and it all reinforces the biblical truth of the week: themes like “God loves you” and “obey your parents.”

The atmosphere in the Kids Church area is as inviting as the workers. Colorful rugs, picnic tables, posters, toys and games demonstrate to children that this area is designed with them in mind.

Katrina, a volunteer who facilitates the young children’s group at FHCC explains, “The younger children are learning the principles of Bible stories that are more relevant to them. We also have a memory verse hopscotch and we allow them to take the memory verse with them when they leave. We pray with the kids and sing songs at the end of the service so they learn how to worship God.”

Recently, a class for children in elementary school was added. This new investment has enabled the older children an opportunity to use critical thinking skills and look at Bible stories with application for the life-stage they’re in.

The older children are being taught the same stories as the younger children, but a little more in depth,” says Nicki. “They are learning the moral application that can help them through the things that kids their age will inevitably encounter.”

As enthusiastic as the volunteers are about the program, the best reviews are from the kids themselves. One five year old says he loves attending Kid’s Church every week because “the teachers are nice and I get to play with my friends.” He was adamant that all children should join in the fun of Kid’s Church. “They need to learn about Jesus!” he insists.

Forest Hills Community Church values children and families, as it demonstrates every Sunday in the Midway Movie Theater. The church is dedicated to ensuring a safe, cheerful environment for kids to learn about God’s love for them, and as a result, the kids are learning Biblical truths and values they can carry with them their entire lives.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Internship Update

Our first summer of hosting a ministerial internship is going wonderfully! We are approaching the fourth week of the 9-week program and the students and church are benefiting greatly. Each week the students must complete weekly reading assignments on biblical teachings, write reviews on popular Christian literature, engage in community evangelism, and attend weekly classes with Pastor Jeremy (me). It has proven to be a very intense and challenging for all, but also very rewarding. Weekly evangelism and 'divine encounters' in the neighborhood are up, as are people's respect and appreciation of what it means to be involved in vocational ministry.

We greatly appreciate your prayers for the remaining weeks, the student's effort, and the affects of the Kingdom as it advances in NYCity. Several who are involved are clearly called into full-time vocational ministry and will need to discern God's next steps for their lives. Please pray for clarity and fulfillment.

As a side note, if you are a pastor...PLEASE consider beginning your own summer internship program. Yes, it is very demanding at times, but there is no better way to train your people, prepare the next leaders in your church, get a pulse on your community, and to learn personally.

here to serve,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dad First, then Pastor

Always remember your FIRST Priority...

I Timothy 3:4-5 - He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Interns Start this Week

We ask that you please join us in prayer for the 8 interns that will begin their 9-week intensive starting July 2. These students come from very different backgrounds, stages of life, and unique callings; yet they all share a love for Jesus and His ministry. Please pray that during their time of study and ministry they will grow to maturity, encourage the local body, and be used evangelistically to the glory of God. This will not be an easy time for them, but one of discipline and service.

I would also ask that you pray for myself and the church who will also be stretched during this time. This new program comes with a high price tag, but we joyfully surrender all that we have to see me people come to know Jesus as Messiah.

Please check back frequently for updates on both the interns and their efforts.

UNashamed: Ministry School

To Support this Ministry:
Give Online via PayPal or Credit Card
Give via Postal Service: FHCC - Ministry School, PO Box 4114, Forest Hills, NY 11375

(all gifts are tax-deductible)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quarterly Newsletters

Our quarterly Newsletters are ready to go! If you have not yet signed up to receive either a hard copy or e-version, please do so by emailing Jeremy today.

We exists because God has called us and faithful Christians have confirmed with prayer and financial support. It is our pleasure and responsibility to share with you all that He is accomplishing here in NYC.

We love our supporters, and are always looking for others who will partner with the ministry of God in taking the Gospel to the Jews and Gentiles of New York City and the World.

Monday, June 14, 2010

BE the Church

This past Sunday was an awesome day to be a part of Forest Hills Community Church. The day began with an awesome Sunday service inside the Midway Theater. The message was deep and "to the point," several new families joined us, and the majority of the church was decked out in their FHCC t-shirts, demonstrating how strong and united the church is.

The party then moved outside as the FHCC team hit the Austin Street Fair. Our church was so effective at demonstrating the generosity of Jesus, that they actually had to shut down our generosity! The cop0nversations with both the people on the street and the FHCC family were priceless.

THANK YOU, LORD, for an awesome day with your people!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Evangelism All the Time

As missionaries, church planters, and mere Christians, our lives consistent of full-time evangelism. While many think that evangelism is limited to special events or one-on-one conversations about conversion, the truth is that evangelism is so much more!

Our church plant is full of new believers who make up a wide demographic in regards to age. We have the late-teens and the late-70's inside the Midway on Sunday, and it proves to not only be a testimony of God's work, but of His desire that the church never be homogeneous in culture. Nevertheless, with this range of age, so comes the wide variety of evangelistic opportunities. This week, it comes in the form of a funeral.

One year ago, God brought an incredible 22-year old girl into our church. She was fired up about Jesus and passionate about living her life completely for Him. Since, that point she has grown into a phenomenal woman of God, who lives to tell others about what God is doing in her life and His church. Tragically, however, she learned four months ago that her daddy had terminal cancer; and what was suppose to take a years to kill him, destroyed him in months.

It is our honor to stand with this young lady and her family during this time of grief and sympathy. And in doing so, we are witnessing still; not just to her, but to all who are watching and observing the Christian response to death. Pray that we serve her, our community, and above all, our Jesus well.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Become Like Children

A lot has been said over the years regarding Jesus' command in Matthew 18:2 "to become like little children." Most have emphasized a need for humility and simplicity; others have picked up on the dependency of children upon their parents. Each of these understandings is correct and valuable; however, I believe that there is another directive Jesus is making within this statement, and that is a command to learn.

As a parent of three young men, I have learned that their trademark behavior is learning. Whether it is made manifest through the relentless asking of "why" or through the destruction and rebuilding of toys and games, my kids live to learn. They know that they do not have it all figured out, so they experiment and consistently come to Mommy and Daddy for answers. Perhaps Jesus is commanding His followers to become "students" if heaven is to be their inheritance?

Surveying the current world Christian community, it is obvious that it is suffering from ignorance. Christians are regressing in their teaching and appreciation of Scripture and have instead settled on mimicking worldly behavior and surface-level passions. The creature-comforts of a church are vastly more important than is Scriptural consistency. The appeal to man vastly outshines the church's effort to honor God. Nevertheless, the Christian community believes itself to be progressing and improving. How obvious these mistakes would appear if only those leading would return to the Word of God and its consistent appeal to the sole glorification of God.

This post is not written from a standpoint of arrogance, but rather a cry of humility. The ignorance of the church is leading to increasing arrogance, and both Lost and church-going people are continuing to suffer the effects of sin. The only cure for this dreadful condition is an education based and supplied through the Word of God. Let us once again become like little children and run to our Father for wisdom and direction. He who is wisdom gives freely to all of those who ask (James 1:5).

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do we Preach?

As a minister, church planter, and student of God's Word, I am alarmed by the increasing trend I am seeing inside of ministries and churches. It seems that so many Christians have lost their way, and are now huddling around "good ideas," rather than biblical principals. Tragically, these Christians are not become lost due to cultural change or personal rebellion, but rather because their shepherd/pastor is lost as well.

I could spend a moment or two and expound on several reasons for this loss of identity, and I could spend even longer on citing examples of "good," but "non-Christian" behavior; but, I believe that to be unnecessary. I have concluded the best way to address this sin inside the church is to propose the following question:

Pastors and Christians, why do you do what you do? Is it because:
a - you like the experience?

b - you love Lost people?

or, c - you solely love Jesus?

While "a" might seem superficial and impossible a reason on the surface, I believe that if a person would answer honestly, this would be his/her true cause for behavior. They simply love the opportunity to be before others as judge or servant. All that matters is that the limelight is on them, and the reward is an emotional and psychological high.

At the same time, there is a new crop of ministers and missional congregationalists who would respond emphatically to answer "b." And while this may seem like a truly biblical and Christian response, nothing could be further from the truth! If the primary reason for witnessing, church planting, evangelism, etc. is because the individual loves the "unsaved," then it stands to reason that the minister will kowtow and long for the sole response/approval of the "unsaved." It is no wonder why so many Christians refuse to invite their friends to church, and why ministers refuse to preach against sin and sinful living. For to do so would offend the objects of their love (their reason for being), the unsaved. So, rather than offend the Lost, they offend the Lord...

As you can see, the only reason any of us have for living, ministering, or being is answer "c." It is He who has given us life and purpose, and it is for Him and through Him that all ministry must take place. This does not mean that it is wrong for the minister to enjoy the effects of ministry, or that it is wrong to be concerned for the response of the unsaved; however, at the end of the day, it must be all about Jesus because Jesus alone is our Life and God.

May God restore the church, so that the church may glorify God alone.

Colossians 1:15-20:
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Summer Book Club

As Christians, we have a responsibility to be knowledgeable and wise in our understanding and practice. This wisdom does not occur naturally, but comes through disciplined study and devotion. The same Holy Spirit that inspired the 66 books of the Bible, has illuminated the hearts of Christians since the resurrection to write and live as shining examples of God's truth. Modern Christians have much to learn from these heroes of the faith, and that is why out church plant (Forest Hills Community Church) will be offering the 2010 Summer Reading Challenge.

Over the next 4 months, FHCC will be highlighting a book a month and offering the book at a discounted price. Reviews and thoughts on the highlighted work will be posted on our online community (FB and Blog) throughout the designated month to challenge and grow the quality of those participating.

Our first book is: Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
With millions of copies in print, Foxe's Book of Martyrs has become a classic of magnificent courage and faith. This unparalleled volume chronicles the tragic yet triumphant stories of men and women who faced torture and martyrdom rather than deny their vision of truth and of God. Beginning with Jesus Christ, this exceptional historical record traces the roots of religious persecution through the sixteenth century. is offering this incredible book for only $3.00.

Please share your experience with this book on our Facebook Fan Page. (Once on the FHCC Fan page, simply click the "Discussions" Tab on the top of the page.)

Friday, May 7, 2010

God Provides Rest

The past 8-weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. On top of watching my third son grow out of infancy, I've had 2 grad classes, Passover, Easter, and all the routine challenges of pastoring and planting. I mean not to sound complaining in the slightest, but to simply state that it has been a never-ending experience, causing it to be nearly impossible to "rest" in any way shape or form. And then there came Baseball season...

I've never been a baseball fan. (I mean I loved going to MLB games, but the sport never appealed to me in the slightest.) But, something happened this Spring and not only do I love watching the game on TV now, but so do my boys. So now we gather as a family for a couple of innings and just chill. We do not "veg" out in front of the TV, however, we talk and play around the game; and not just about baseball. The Sweeten family's recent obsession with "America's Past-time" is about "rest," not baseball.

God gave man the Sabbath rest not to ignore his obligations, but to fulfill them. Those obligation are to God and the priorities that He has established. All the ministry and professional obligations are important and needed, but they too only exist to serve the primary command: to love God. Resting with my family (His greatest gift, second only to my salvation) brings not only a new love for them and the ministry, but ultimately an increase in my love for God.

It's pretty amazing that God could use the Yankee's to preach...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Become a Fan

Our church plant "Forest Hills Community Church" has recently created a "Page" on Facebook. With this great tool you can keep up to date on what is happening inside the church, view the lives that are daily being changed, and see pictures from events and happenings. It's an absolutely fantastic feature!

To join, simply visit this link and select "Like" in the upper right-hand corner. If you have an smartphone with the Facebook app, then you can also add this page to your "Favorites."

God is doing so much in New York City, and we are thrilled at the many means now available to share His success with others!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Passover Seder Results

On March 30th, Forest Hills Community Church held its first Passover Seder for the Jewish community. Despite torrential downpours (and Jeremy having a fever of 102 and being hospitalized the night before), a great crowd of Jewish people attended the event eager to see how Christians would celebrate their holiday. By God's providence there was a 1-1 ratio of Jews to Christians, which caused the night to be full of interaction.

Jeremy led the Seder service reading for the traditional Jewish Hagadah, instead of a "Messianic" Hagadah. This was on purpose, as the desire was to reveal Jesus from the Jewish Scriptures, which provide more than enough opportunity to demonstrate Jesus and His NT teachings. This revealing of Jesus from the Jewish Hagadah also caused the Jewish people in attendance to ask questions about Jesus and the Christian church. It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit work so vividly through their questions, and Jeremy's response from both the Old and New Testament. At one point, a Jewish man in the audience simply cried out, "I'm sure I will make it home tonight! God is dealing with me!"

The night lasted over 3 hours and everyone in attendance walked away thrilled with God's "Christian" church in Forest Hills. Several have also attended a Sunday service and/or Bible study. The entire event (the weeks of evangelism beforehand, the event itself, and the follow-up) has been a tremendous success and instrument in the Lord's hand. Plans are already in place to hold High Holiday services in the fall. Please being praying now for these ministries.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


We are currently looking for ministerial interns in NYC. If you are sensing God's call into full-time vocational ministry, then we strongly encourage you to spend your summer with the Sweetens.

This summer our church plant (Forest Hills Community Church) will serve as a training ground for ministry. Students accepted into the program will serve the church in a variety of capacities including: administration, evangelism, and discipleship. No area of the church or its ministry will be "off limits" to the intern.

In conjunction with learning the ministry side of Christian service, interns will also be required to undergo personal growth and development. Weekly classroom settings will take place where students will learn: theology, leadership, servanthood, and character development. These classes will be taught by Jeremy, academic in nature, and highly interactive. Students must come ready to learn and contribute.

Internship classes will limited to 10 students, and applicants must submit their application before May 1st. The cost for this 8-week internship is $3,000.00 which includes room, board, and ministerial materials.

Summer Term: June 1 - July 30
Fall Term: September 1 - October 31

Request an Application

Saturday, April 10, 2010


This past week my family and I took a Sabbath in PA. I must say that living in the city is very exotic and a great experience. It also is the only means by which we can fulfill God's call on our lives to reach the City for Jesus. However, with that being said, I must also admit that living in the suburbs is a real treat!

You have no idea how great is was to watch my kids run and play in their own yard, enjoy the peace of knowing that my kids were safe and not under threat from an intruder or predator, and to be able to walk outside the front door into "space" and not someone's conversation or home. Again, we fully appreciate the unique challenges that God's call has placed upon our lives, but it is also great to appreciate the areas where we are not called to live.

Well, today is Saturday; time to head back to the City and preach Jesus. 172,000 people in Forest Hills are counting on my obedience...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taking a Sabbath

It is way too easy for us as humans living on this side of "the Fall" to ignore God's advice and example of rest. I love working for Jesus and seeing salvation as much as the next guy, but if I ignore Godly wisdom then I really have become a ministerial hypocrite.

After an incredible week proclaiming the Passover, the Atonement and the Resurrection, I am now enjoying the rest each event promised. My kids and my wife are my treasure from God, and I am going to enjoy them.

Results of Easter Week will be posted next week.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hangin with the Hebrews - Part II

This weekend saw an incredible miracle take place. Spirit-filled Gentiles hit the parks and streets of the neighborhood inviting Jewish people to our upcoming Passover service. That alone is really cool, but what put the icing on the cake was the manner in which the FHCC crew approached the Jewish community, and the overwhelming favor in which they were received. Haredi were actually thanking us for inviting them to our Seder dinner! It was an amazing testimony to the faithfulness and favor of God.

Please pray with us for the upcoming Seder service. While there were many who were grateful for the invite, there were also several who were less than thrilled about the idea of Christians inviting Jews to a Seder meal. We understand that this may not be a "orthodox" practice, but it is biblical. Our soul desire is that of the Torah: to proclaim the saving power of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is who we are celebrating, and it is because of Him we are saved and brought into Covenant. Pray that many in our community will join us for a night of proclaiming the goodness of God over His meal.

PS> Deadline to secure a seat for the Seder Meal is Wednesday, March 24.

Passover Seder
Tuesday, March 30 @ 6:30pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hanging with the Hebrews - Part I

Many of the FHCC family have been hanging out with the local Hebrew (Jewish) population recently. This is because for the first time our church is holding a Passover Seder meal, and our people are seeking guests. They have many stories and questions as a result of these spiritual interactions, and it is a revealing a lot of what is right and wrong inside the modern church.

For many, this dialogue with Jewish people is the first time they have held a serious conversation about Jesus with someone of another religion. While this may seem odd or a bit of an overstatement, consider your own life. How many times have YOU had a pointed conversation about Jesus with someone who was of another faith? I am not talking about a passing comment on religious affiliation; I am talking about intentional witnessing. Chances are the occurrences are not that many, and here is why...

The fact is that we live in a "PC" world. We are told that certain topics and words are "off limits" due to the feelings of others. Our world has told us that Jesus,and the teachings of Christianity are to be kept private and personal, as they might offend someone who does not know or share this worldview. Whether we cognitively know it or not, the average American Christian has adopted this position as well. We may put up a "Jesus fish" on our bumper or screen saver, but we simply will not engage people on the key elements of Christianity.

While I am all for showing compassion to my fellow man, I can think of no higher offense than not sharing the personhood and teachings of Jesus with another, especially one who is another faith. First of all, Jesus alone is good! Every other religion teaches/relies on human interest and activity. People spend their whole lives trying to create perfection, create justice, ore create love, and all they end up with is rules, disappointment, class-envy and dictatorships. The story of Jesus is the complete opposite. Jesus is no mere man or teacher. He is God incarnate who chose to leave His home in heaven (where He reigns in a place of perfection) to take on the fullness of man. He did this for the sole purpose of dying in the place of all humanity for the offense that all have committed willingly against Him so that all may be brought near to Him in faith alone. There are no classes of people, requirements of works, or intermediaries. Jesus alone saves, and that is very Good News!

Second, to not share Jesus is not only offense to a world stuck in religion and self-disappointment, but it is also highly offensive to Jesus! When we sit silently and do not share the significance of Jesus with others, we are declaring by our silence that Jesus is not worth sharing. People who love baseball always talk about baseball; why? Because they love baseball and believe that it is worth talking about. Grandparents cannot keep quiet about their grandkids. They talk to every person they meet (young, old, married, single) about their grandkids because they love their grandkids and believe firmly that their grandkids are worth talking about. Jesus is greater than baseball and grandkids, yet we consistently sit quietly while the world goes to hell. That is offensive!

We've bitten the apple and have bought into the lie that God is not really God. For many of us, He may be "our" God, but He is not "The" God who rules and reigns over all. We've bought into the lie of political correctness and have used this excuse to hide our own shame, fear and disbelief. We've sinned, and now the world is dying in ignorance as a result.

Brothers and sisters in Jesus, let's get out there and preach! Don't just sit around and chat with fellow believers; be like Jesus and go find someone to whom you can preach. Be a Christian, and live life as a missionary. Be like Jesus, and PREACH because He alone is worth talking about.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

God is Faithful, even in the Rain

What an incredible weekend at FHCC. The weather was beyond horrific and never-ending, we lost an hour of sleep,and we discovered a new law banning signs on the street. It was a trying time to say the least; however, despite all the circumstantial setbacks, God spoke and did amazing things in His people.

This weekend, over 1,500 invitations to the Spring Holiday services were handed out, two new families joined the church, and we wrestled with a piece of Scripture that would make your head spin. God has been exceedingly good to us despite all the challenges and shortcomings taking place.

Today is new day. Today the sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze (if any), the temperature is suppose to rest round 60 degrees, and God is still on His throne. If He could use us in miserable conditions, what can He do with these favorable conditions?

I want to encourage all of you to keep allowing God to use you. Swing by the campus today and pick up some more "Invite Cards" for the Holiday services. Read your Bible today for the treasure that it is, not selling the time off to some others temporal pleasure. (Don't be like Esau!) God this day, and every day, for the Glory of God. He desires to do great things in and through your life, but you must obediently treasure Him at all times.

Q - What is God going to do with 55 radical Christians today?...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pastor's School and Campuses

God keeps refining the vision and ministry here in New York City. It's always been about the Lost, particularly among the Jewish people, but with each passing the day the strategy for carrying out this task gets clearer and clearer. God has been so good to us and the church plant here in Forest Hills, and when I think about His success so far it humbles me.

I'm sure to many our ministry looks rather dinky. We are young, hip, tech savvy, Pentecostal/Evangelical and living amongst 72,000 in a city of 9 million, yet we only draw a weekly crowd of 70. We don't have a building, a kid's church, a homeless ministry, or even a membership program. To the modern church planting and evangelical world it would seem as though we are missing something; however, nothing could be further from the truth!

When I look out on our crowd of 70 each week, I see people who only weeks ago were living in sin and an eternity away from God. Now they are not only saved, but they are striving for righteousness and living each day on mission for God. (Our people love to witness!) Each week we have new people visiting the church, and each week it's the new converts who are the most eager to welcome them in and answer their questions. The family of God is alive and well in Forest Hills, and it just keeps growing.

When I look at the success of God here in Forest Hills and compare it to that which the world calls success, they seem like polar opposites. But, I'd rather have what God is doing in Forest Hills any day, because here you can see the complete life cycle of ministry being carried out. We don't just have a crowd of people, we have a crop of new ministers being trained up and sent out each week. The fullness of the ministry is taking place; God is having His success!

As we get ready to enter in our third year of ministry this fall, I am convinced we don't need more megachurches, we simply need more churches where Jesus is preached, the Spirit is free to move and the sovereignty of God is cherished. As a result, we are now taking steps to begin an "in house" training program to raise up pastors to plant more churches here in NYC. (We already have secured our first candidates!) God is having His success in Forest Hills!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This Week's Recap

This past Sunday at Forest Hills Community Church, something special occurred. It is not that the Lord was anymore present or speaking this weekend than any other, it is just that it is was made manifest in a unique way. For starters, we had a tremendous worship experience. Yes, it was great that our good friend, Josh, was present to lead us, but more importantly we "lingered." There was no rush to get through worship; rather, people accepted worship for what it is and allowed God to speak to them while singing to Him. This same experience should happen every week, with or without, regardless of the worship method or style. We need to be hungry for an encounter with God.

Following a great worship set, it was time for the Word. I had 8-pages of notes and we only made it through the first page. God spoke to all of us about the importance of prayer, and then called us to do it. Prayer changes things, and God really wants to change some of your lives and perspectives on life. He called us out this Sunday morning, and we are dedicating every event this week in response. God has specifically called FHCC to pray this week, and we will obey.

It all begins Monday night with UNdone: Prayer Service at 7pm, and we spend the majority of our time praying for one another's needs and corporate worship. Following this time, we will move into our 8pm service, UNplugged. As usual, we will spend a some time in the Word, but it will be brief as the majority of the time will be focused on prayer and intercession. (Intercession is simply a term to describe praying for the needs of others. In this case, we will be praying for our city, our loved ones, and the future of the church.) You do not want to miss this opportunity for personal and corporate growth. I truly believe we are going to see MIRACLES take place.

PS> Please email your prayer requests ahead of time to Anthony:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Passover Outreach

This Passover season our church will hosting its first Passover Seder meal for the community. Please begin praying with us now, as undoubtedly sparks will fly.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

That was Fun

We had an awesome Sunday at Forest Hills Community Church. Once again, the attendance started off "rock bottom" with the cold temps, a holiday, and a holiday weekend, but since when has church and an experience with God been about attendance numbers?? Man, we had a blast this week as we worked through Genesis 25:7-18: the Genealogy of Ishmael.

Why, oh why, do so many preachers skip the genealogies? Some of the greatest and most powerful lessons of Scripture are given inside of these passages, because inside of them we see people. People with wild names for sure, but people, nevertheless. And if we are dealing with people, then we are dealing with individuals just like you and me. This week's passage focused on the blessings by God (Isaac) vs. blessings by the world's standards (Ishmael). So many people, including Christian, seek wealth, fame and secular favor, yet forget it is a fleeting and demonic vice capable of turning our love for God into a love for self. Ishmael was blessed with the world's greatest gift (descendants), yet he was rejected by God and lived in hostility with everyone. Isaac, on the other hand, was a mild mannered, submissive home-boy who only father 2 children and had only one wife. By the world's standards, Ishmael was the man, and Isaac was a loser. But, that is the world's opinion, not God's truth....

This Sunday several people gave their hearts to Jesus, and many more repented of worldly fame, identity, and ambition. God worked through a Geneaology passage, because all Scripture is God-breathed! Pastor, Christians, etc: PREACH the WORD! God saves when His word is preached without compromise.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

UNplugged Recap

What a fantastic night we had at UNplugged this week! Not only were the renovations to the campus an added benefit, but more importantly the level of dialogue was outstanding!! I am so blessed to be the pastor and member of a church where people are hungry for God and are desperate to understand and apply His word to their lives.

I had anticipated spending most of the evening talking on the salvation of Abraham after his death, but our people kept extracting more and more content from the preceding text. In short, what resulted from tonight's discussion was the following truths:

1 - The Bible is first and foremost a theology book. All of its content deals with who God is, and who we are in relationship to Him.

2 - We are saved by the will and actions of God, not the will and actions of ourselves.

3 - The salvation of God should cause us to lives of constant praise and repentance. If we have truly been elected by God solely because of His will and love for us, then we should be His most dedicated and humble servants. We must never grow tired or complacent for His love and favor, for in so doing we cast doubt upon our justification.

4 - Christians are not perfect, but they do the perfect thing: THEY REPENT!!!

What a fantastic night that ended with hours of worship in the presence of the Lord. Again, I am honored to be your pastor and brother in the family of God. I'm looking forward to a phenomenal report for those who attended to hear of what God is doing through you and who else the Lord has saved in your life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday Recap

While most of the mid-Atlantic was still digging out from a massive snowstorm, here in NYC the weather was sunny, dry and not a patch of snow to be seen for weeks. It was a great day to have church, even if it was Super Bowl Sunday.

Yesterday's service at Forest Hills Community Church was phenomenal! We had a great turnout, great worship set and sermon lined up, but what made the difference was a deliberate patience for the presence and blessing of the Holy Spirit. I simply would not allow the service to go forward until the heart's of the people were ready to receive and the Spirit of God was manifest.

Now, I know what some may be thinking at this point: "How did I know that the people's hearts were ready, and what 'sign' was I seeking to know of the Lord's presence?" These are great questions and the answers are quite simple.

#1 - The Condition of the People
Every Sunday morning at FHCC brings a host of unsaved and "culture-only" Christians, which means that they are spiritually ignorant and incapable of truly worshiping the Lord. Nevertheless, there are God-fearing Christians inside ever FHCC service and it is their heart's condition that I was seeking. Every Christian needs to be disciplined and brought into a hunger for the Lord during corporate fellowship. Church is not a game, it is a privileged obligation for every believer to worship the Lord, be brought into conformity to His image, and minister to others. Without a believer's heart being humbled before the Lord, none of these events will happen no matter how good the preaching/worship set/ atmosphere is. Sometimes pastors just need to call their people out, and that is exactly what I did this Sunday.

#2 - Manifestation of the Lord's Presence
I'm Pentecostal and Assembly of God (the two are no longer synonymous), which means that I believe that signs and wonders occur today, but they are not limited to one sole expression. To wait for a manifestation of the Lord's presence does not mean that we wait for "tongues," prophecy or someone to fall down. Rather, it means that we simply wait for anything that confirms the blessing of the Lord on the service taking place. This sign of approval can come through "tongues," prophecy, or any other outward action, or it can also come from a conviction in the heart of the leadership. (Just remember that whatever the Lord does inwardly, must be confirmed in an outward display.)

Sunday's service at FHCC was phenomenal because Christian's hungered and thirsted for God and they waited for leading of the Spirit. This resulted in not only a receptive audience, but also the salvation of new believers. Yesterday's service was awesome!

To all Christians out there: Let's always be "Spirit-led!'

Listen to Sunday's Message.