Our first summer of hosting a ministerial internship is going wonderfully! We are approaching the fourth week of the 9-week program and the students and church are benefiting greatly. Each week the students must complete weekly reading assignments on biblical teachings, write reviews on popular Christian literature, engage in community evangelism, and attend weekly classes with Pastor Jeremy (me). It has proven to be a very intense and challenging for all, but also very rewarding. Weekly evangelism and 'divine encounters' in the neighborhood are up, as are people's respect and appreciation of what it means to be involved in vocational ministry.
We greatly appreciate your prayers for the remaining weeks, the student's effort, and the affects of the Kingdom as it advances in NYCity. Several who are involved are clearly called into full-time vocational ministry and will need to discern God's next steps for their lives. Please pray for clarity and fulfillment.
As a side note, if you are a pastor...PLEASE consider beginning your own summer internship program. Yes, it is very demanding at times, but there is no better way to train your people, prepare the next leaders in your church, get a pulse on your community, and to learn personally.
here to serve,