I've never been a baseball fan. (I mean I loved going to MLB games, but the sport never appealed to me in the slightest.) But, something happened this Spring and not only do I love watching the game on TV now, but so do my boys. So now we gather as a family for a couple of innings and just chill. We do not "veg" out in front of the TV, however, we talk and play around the game; and not just about baseball. The Sweeten family's recent obsession with "America's Past-time" is about "rest," not baseball.
God gave man the Sabbath rest not to ignore his obligations, but to fulfill them. Those obligation are to God and the priorities that He has established. All the ministry and professional obligations are important and needed, but they too only exist to serve the primary command: to love God. Resting with my family (His greatest gift, second only to my salvation) brings not only a new love for them and the ministry, but ultimately an increase in my love for God.
It's pretty amazing that God could use the Yankee's to preach...