Twenty minutes later, the young brother finally wrapped up his reading. I immediately sprang into action to ask him if he was reading for Ramadan. Sure enough, he was. When asked about "what" he had just read, he was shocked that I knew it was the Koran and knew that what he was doing was merely trying to fulfill religious obligation. In fact, he was offended.
I quickly put out my hand and told him I was a Christian. Rather than infuriate him further, this simple and honest gesture put a big smile on his face. As the train come to a stop deep in Manhattan, what happened next is still beyond my comprehension. While still holding on to my hand from the initial greeting, he brought me close for a hug! Next thing I knew he was off the train, and I was alone with a smile...
Now, it stinks that I did not get to share the Gospel truth about Jesus. But, I cannot simply mark the occasion as a "failure." To have a young Arab immigrant not only engage me in conversation about the Koran, but extend an embrace to an American Christian is very unique. Something greater was at work at that moment, and I'm smart enough to know it was God's grace.
May God save my friend, and may He use me and His church to read all of the House of Ishmael with His Gospel. He's more than a Prophet...