Following a great worship set, it was time for the Word. I had 8-pages of notes and we only made it through the first page. God spoke to all of us about the importance of prayer, and then called us to do it. Prayer changes things, and God really wants to change some of your lives and perspectives on life. He called us out this Sunday morning, and we are dedicating every event this week in response. God has specifically called FHCC to pray this week, and we will obey.
It all begins Monday night with UNdone: Prayer Service at 7pm, and we spend the majority of our time praying for one another's needs and corporate worship. Following this time, we will move into our 8pm service, UNplugged. As usual, we will spend a some time in the Word, but it will be brief as the majority of the time will be focused on prayer and intercession. (Intercession is simply a term to describe praying for the needs of others. In this case, we will be praying for our city, our loved ones, and the future of the church.) You do not want to miss this opportunity for personal and corporate growth. I truly believe we are going to see MIRACLES take place.
PS> Please email your prayer requests ahead of time to Anthony: