Sunday, November 28, 2010

Moving Along

Things continue to progress well as we prepare to leave the movie theater for more conducive worship experience in a local elementary school. It has been an amazing journey thus far, and we can see the fingerprints of God all of the transition.

Last week we met with a consultant firm that specializes in portable church ministry and church growth. The people involved with this organization cared nothing for the "bottom line," but only for lives to be reached and touched with the Gospel. They were a blessing and great investment in the ministry of what God is doing in Forest Hills. Not only did they expose our weaknesses, but they helped guide us through the necessary elements we need to secure.

We are very excited to share these new needs with you. We know that you will not only pray for us, but will also seek the Lord as to how YOU can partner with us further in seeing God reach the Jews and Gentiles of NYC for Him.

We love you!