We ask, therefore, that you please pray with us for the following ministry opportunities:
1 - Leadership Retreat
Since arriving in NYC just 4-years ago, God has blessed the church plant (FHCC) with some dynamic individuals who have a burden to see families, friends, and enemies come to know Jesus through His local church. All of these individuals are relatively new believers, having been saved just prior to attending FHCC, or saved as a result of attending. Regardless, all are fully committed to the church and its ministry. Therefore, we will be taking a weekend in Sept. to pray and seek God's vision and strategy for reaching ALL of Forest Hills with the Gospel. Please pray for discernment.
2 - Jewish Ministry
God did not call us here simply to start a church or to live in a Jewish neighborhood. Our primary purpose for existing is the evangelization of the Jewish community. While it may seem obvious/effective to hold a Jewish holiday service; unfortunately, these rarely work in any measure. The Jewish community is programmed since birth not to set foot in a church, or attend Jewish ceremonies apart from the Jewish community. Therefore, we need a new approach for engaging the Jewish community with the Gospel. Will you pray that God will simply give opportunity for one-on-one Jewish evangelism? We all know that God works through individuals, not programs, anyway.
3 - Safety of the Family
The full canon of Scripture declares the persecution of God's people. Since moving to NYC we have experienced it in every measure, and we accept it. However, we do ask that we would not suffer needlessly or in weakness. May God protect our children, His church, and His servants. Amen!
THANK YOU for making this worthy and Godly endeavor possible!!!