1 - Pray for the Jewish High Holidays.
During the months of Sept and Oct. the Jewish people celebrate the New Year (Rosh HaShanah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). All three act as the spiritual pinnacle of their year, and it is great time to communicate the Gospel to them. Please pray for open eyes, and a valid Christian witness.
2 - Pray for our current Sunday Ministry Venue.
Every Sunday our church rents out the local movie theater to hold services. It is a prime location, however, the conditions inside are a little less than ideal. The major issue we are facing is the fact that the movie theater is not "closed" on Sunday, but shows movies during the time of the service. This creates a "rushed" feeling for everyone and kills the move of the Spirit. Plus, people coming to the church for the first time get confused when the see a fully functional movie theater when there is supposed to be a religious service taking place...
Currently, we are raising funds for our "own" venue. The cost for such a project is estimated at being slightly over $1-million (and that is even if we rent.) Ah...life in the city...
3 - Pray for our Family.
Our oldest starts school this fall, and here in the city they go for a full-day. This will be a hard adjustment for his little brothers, as well as for his parents. Also, he will involved in the Public School system...enough said.
God is doing amazing things in NYC, and we can never thank you all enough for your prayers and financial support. People are being saved as a result!