As the sales associate handed me my shoes, however, he leaned in and whispered, "Sometimes I am scared to be a dad." I did not need to ask him what he meant, because every man should be scared to be a daddy. Especially Christian men who know the great responsibility and consequences of being one.
Without flinching, I looked right at the young man and said, "You should be. Being a dad is very hard and very consequential. It is for this very reason that I thank God that I have Him as my example, and embrace the biblical truth that being a Dad is God's intention for every man."
I talked briefly about the Lord's first command to Adam and Eve was to become parents. This is not only because God loves life, but also because it is "Godlike" to care selflessly for others. To know the love and behavior of God, directs me in how to care for and love my three boys, even when they are behaving in the worst possible way.
I also shared with him the importance of repentance. No one is ever going to be a flawless daddy, but every daddy should display righteousness at all times. This means that when we sin or act improperly to our kids, our wives, or anyone else, we must immediately repent and do so in the sight of kids. You cannot take back your sinful behavior, but you can display a proper response to such. Kids need to know that bad behavior is wrong and must be addressed immediately.
The guy took it all in, but I could tell his troubles were in need of more than a 5-min conversation. I left him with an invitation to church and my cell phone number. Please pray with me for my new friend, his wife and little boy. May he make Jesus his Lord and perfect example of fatherhood.