This summer our church plant (Forest Hills Community Church) will serve as a training ground for ministry. Students accepted into the program will serve the church in a variety of capacities including: administration, evangelism, and discipleship. No area of the church or its ministry will be "off limits" to the intern.
In conjunction with learning the ministry side of Christian service, interns will also be required to undergo personal growth and development. Weekly classroom settings will take place where students will learn: theology, leadership, servanthood, and character development. These classes will be taught by Jeremy, academic in nature, and highly interactive. Students must come ready to learn and contribute.
Internship classes will limited to 10 students, and applicants must submit their application before May 1st. The cost for this 8-week internship is $3,000.00 which includes room, board, and ministerial materials.
Summer Term: June 1 - July 30
Fall Term: September 1 - October 31
Request an Application