Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall is for Change

Please pray for us this month as we prepare for some major "shake ups" in our lives and ministry. No, we are not leaving NY, nor are we expecting another Sweeten to join the mix just yet... We are, however, looking into some exciting new ministry outlets for reaching the Jewish and Gentile people of NYC in a greater (and more efficient) capacity.

One area in which we can shed a little more light, is in regards to the infrastructure of our church plant. As we approach our third year of ministry, there is much to be rejoicing over as God has provided us with a full-time secretary, two rental/meeting facilities, and a host of faithful supporters both inside NY and abroad. While details are still way off in the future, the necessary groundwork for the stability of "game changing" ministries are being laid.

Nothing comes easy in life or ministry, especially in New York City. Yet, because of the effective will of the Lord, and the subsequent faithfulness of His people, all things are possible and expected. Please, please pray for us and the ministry here in NYC. Pray that many will come to know Jesus, and that Gospel witness will go forward without hesitation.