Yesterday's service at Forest Hills Community Church was phenomenal! We had a great turnout, great worship set and sermon lined up, but what made the difference was a deliberate patience for the presence and blessing of the Holy Spirit. I simply would not allow the service to go forward until the heart's of the people were ready to receive and the Spirit of God was manifest.
Now, I know what some may be thinking at this point: "How did I know that the people's hearts were ready, and what 'sign' was I seeking to know of the Lord's presence?" These are great questions and the answers are quite simple.
#1 - The Condition of the People
Every Sunday morning at FHCC brings a host of unsaved and "culture-only" Christians, which means that they are spiritually ignorant and incapable of truly worshiping the Lord. Nevertheless, there are God-fearing Christians inside ever FHCC service and it is their heart's condition that I was seeking. Every Christian needs to be disciplined and brought into a hunger for the Lord during corporate fellowship. Church is not a game, it is a privileged obligation for every believer to worship the Lord, be brought into conformity to His image, and minister to others. Without a believer's heart being humbled before the Lord, none of these events will happen no matter how good the preaching/worship set/ atmosphere is. Sometimes pastors just need to call their people out, and that is exactly what I did this Sunday.
#2 - Manifestation of the Lord's Presence
I'm Pentecostal and Assembly of God (the two are no longer synonymous), which means that I believe that signs and wonders occur today, but they are not limited to one sole expression. To wait for a manifestation of the Lord's presence does not mean that we wait for "tongues," prophecy or someone to fall down. Rather, it means that we simply wait for anything that confirms the blessing of the Lord on the service taking place. This sign of approval can come through "tongues," prophecy, or any other outward action, or it can also come from a conviction in the heart of the leadership. (Just remember that whatever the Lord does inwardly, must be confirmed in an outward display.)
Sunday's service at FHCC was phenomenal because Christian's hungered and thirsted for God and they waited for leading of the Spirit. This resulted in not only a receptive audience, but also the salvation of new believers. Yesterday's service was awesome!
To all Christians out there: Let's always be "Spirit-led!'
Listen to Sunday's Message.