Forest Hills Community Church is moving into Our Savior Lutheran Church in Rego Park, effective Sunday, Jan. 8, 2012
Our New Service Time will be 6:00pm
Full Childcare will be AvailableDirections
92-14 63rd Drive (at Wetherole Street)
Rego Park, NY 11374
Our Saviour Church is located on 63rd Drive, between Queens and Woodhaven Boulevards in the Rego Park Section of Queens. Church is at the corner of Wetherole St and 63rd Drive
By car: Turn south off of Queens Blvd on to 63rd Drive and proceed 3 blocks. Church is on the left at the corner of Wetherole St. OR turn north on 63rd Drive off of Woodhaven Blvd. (at the Dunkin Donuts store) Church is on the right two blocks past the railroad underpass (next to Key Food).
By subway: Take the local (M or R) from Roosevelt Ave (going east) or from Forest Hills-71st Ave (going west) and exit at 63rd Drive. Walk 3 blocks south on 63rd Drive away from Queens Blvd. The church is on the left at Wetherole St.
By bus: The Q38 stops at the Church. The Q11, Q21 and Q53 on Woodhaven Blvd stops at 63rd Drive. Walk north to the church. Q60 Queens Blvd & 63rd Drive. Walk 3 blocks south on 63rd Drive to the church.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Value #4: It's About Serving the World Like Jesus
Value #4: It’s all about Christians serving the World like Jesus.
At Forest Hills Community Church we seek to live life on a mission. We recognize the power, grace and mercy of God and want to communicate that truth to everyone. We also understand that our lives are not our own to satisfy our desires and needs. We are “image bearers of God” (Gen. 1:27), and seek to do His will and pleasure with every breath. Therefore, we go and do what most people (including religious people) do not often do. Our model for life is Jesus who left the glory and pleasure of Heaven for the despair and pain of earth (Phil. 2:4-8). This does not mean that we seek misery (we’re not sadist), but rather that we do not flee from it when it leads to the benefit of others.
At FHCC we give our time (our being), our treasure (our resources), and our talents (our unique gifts and abilities) to the welfare of others meeting and knowing Jesus. This means that we go everywhere people are to introduce people to Jesus. Whether this means crossing the street, country or globe, we’re doing it! And when we, personally, are not able to go to the other side of our neighborhood, country, or street, we send money and resources so other Christians can. And just as Jesus came to earth culture and context, sparing no method or cost, we, too, seek to reach all people in their language and culture.
At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, which means it’s also about us living and serving the world like Jesus.
At Forest Hills Community Church we seek to live life on a mission. We recognize the power, grace and mercy of God and want to communicate that truth to everyone. We also understand that our lives are not our own to satisfy our desires and needs. We are “image bearers of God” (Gen. 1:27), and seek to do His will and pleasure with every breath. Therefore, we go and do what most people (including religious people) do not often do. Our model for life is Jesus who left the glory and pleasure of Heaven for the despair and pain of earth (Phil. 2:4-8). This does not mean that we seek misery (we’re not sadist), but rather that we do not flee from it when it leads to the benefit of others.
At FHCC we give our time (our being), our treasure (our resources), and our talents (our unique gifts and abilities) to the welfare of others meeting and knowing Jesus. This means that we go everywhere people are to introduce people to Jesus. Whether this means crossing the street, country or globe, we’re doing it! And when we, personally, are not able to go to the other side of our neighborhood, country, or street, we send money and resources so other Christians can. And just as Jesus came to earth culture and context, sparing no method or cost, we, too, seek to reach all people in their language and culture.
At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, which means it’s also about us living and serving the world like Jesus.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Value #3: It's About LIving Like Jesus
Value #3: It’s all about Christians Living like Jesus.
At Forest Hills Community Church we have great disdain for hypocrites. Not only do their words and behaviors hurt, but they also destroy any credibility of the person or his message. The bible calls such behavior “sin” bearing the consequence of death (Rom 6:23). Jesus came to save us from this deadly lifestyle and grant us right standing. As human beings, our sole purpose is to live a lifestyle in accordance to God’s glory (Gen. 1:27). This means that we must live “holy” lives, and God knows this impossibility of this task in our own power and strength. No one can live right without the power of God motivating and inspiring from the inside out. Again, God knows or weakness and His commandment, therefore, He has given all Christians the person and power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5 and I John 4:13).
The Holy Spirit is not personal force or inner-conscience of man. Nor is He an impersonal attribute of God. The Holy Spirit is God, just as Jesus and the Father over all. He shares the same power and essence and, like the other two members, He has a unique role and gift towards Creation. Specifically, for those who believe in Jesus as Lord, He is the gift of power and holy living (living how God directs us to live) (Rom. 8:12-17). Jesus saves us from sin, and the Holy Spirit leads us away from future sin.
Yet, the gift of the Spirit is not just to protect us from negative consequences, He also inspires and empowers us for positive effect: Christian witnessing (Luke 12:12). As Christians who are part of Forest Hills Community Church we strive to live a life pleasing to God and attractive to the world around us. In doing so, we not only bring glory to God, but also hope and salvation to the world Jesus died to save. We never want to be labeled hypocrites, which is synonymous with sinners and a curse word by our culture. We are not people who hide behind a belief, but seek to proclaim in word and deed the power of Jesus. Therefore, we live like Jesus to that the world might both see and hear Jesus, and believe.
At Forest Hills Community Church we have great disdain for hypocrites. Not only do their words and behaviors hurt, but they also destroy any credibility of the person or his message. The bible calls such behavior “sin” bearing the consequence of death (Rom 6:23). Jesus came to save us from this deadly lifestyle and grant us right standing. As human beings, our sole purpose is to live a lifestyle in accordance to God’s glory (Gen. 1:27). This means that we must live “holy” lives, and God knows this impossibility of this task in our own power and strength. No one can live right without the power of God motivating and inspiring from the inside out. Again, God knows or weakness and His commandment, therefore, He has given all Christians the person and power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5 and I John 4:13).
The Holy Spirit is not personal force or inner-conscience of man. Nor is He an impersonal attribute of God. The Holy Spirit is God, just as Jesus and the Father over all. He shares the same power and essence and, like the other two members, He has a unique role and gift towards Creation. Specifically, for those who believe in Jesus as Lord, He is the gift of power and holy living (living how God directs us to live) (Rom. 8:12-17). Jesus saves us from sin, and the Holy Spirit leads us away from future sin.
Yet, the gift of the Spirit is not just to protect us from negative consequences, He also inspires and empowers us for positive effect: Christian witnessing (Luke 12:12). As Christians who are part of Forest Hills Community Church we strive to live a life pleasing to God and attractive to the world around us. In doing so, we not only bring glory to God, but also hope and salvation to the world Jesus died to save. We never want to be labeled hypocrites, which is synonymous with sinners and a curse word by our culture. We are not people who hide behind a belief, but seek to proclaim in word and deed the power of Jesus. Therefore, we live like Jesus to that the world might both see and hear Jesus, and believe.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Value #2: It's About the Lost Meeting Jesus
FHCC Value #2: It’s all about the Lost meeting Jesus.
At Forest Hills Community Church we care very much about those who do not know or believe in Jesus, because we were once one of them. Even if one of us grew up “in the church,” this does not mean that we did not sin or think lesser of Jesus than He is. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God we were called to bear (Rom. 3:23 and Gen 1:27). Yet, in God’s great love and mercy He sent Jesus to forgive sin and save us. That salvation came not through a great epiphany, but through a Christian witness. All us know Jesus because someone who already knew Jesus came and shared Him with us. We are the product of both God and another’s mercy. In fact, this is what being a Christian is all about: telling the world about Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20). Therefore, while we love hanging out with one another and enjoy our common belief and fellowship, we recognize that our duty is to serve others, not ourselves.
At Forest Hills Community Church we are committed to being active OUTSIDE of the church building. We hit the streets before and after work and hand out invitations to church. During our lunch hours we invite co-workers to have lunch with us to talk about Jesus and answer their questions (not merely hear our story or belief). When we come to church, we give both our time and treasure to reaching people who do not know or believe in Jesus. We are committed to speaking the language of our community and communicating Jesus in the context of our culture. This does not mean that the Bible message changes, but rather only the practices of telling these eternal truths. Like Jesus, we seek to meet Lost people where they are.
We know what its like to be without Jesus. We know the emptiness, the dissatisfaction, and rationalizing of misery. We know that life without Jesus is hollow and hurting. Therefore, we, as people in love with Jesus, are committed to seeing Lost people reached for Jesus.
At Forest Hills Community Church we care very much about those who do not know or believe in Jesus, because we were once one of them. Even if one of us grew up “in the church,” this does not mean that we did not sin or think lesser of Jesus than He is. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God we were called to bear (Rom. 3:23 and Gen 1:27). Yet, in God’s great love and mercy He sent Jesus to forgive sin and save us. That salvation came not through a great epiphany, but through a Christian witness. All us know Jesus because someone who already knew Jesus came and shared Him with us. We are the product of both God and another’s mercy. In fact, this is what being a Christian is all about: telling the world about Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20). Therefore, while we love hanging out with one another and enjoy our common belief and fellowship, we recognize that our duty is to serve others, not ourselves.
At Forest Hills Community Church we are committed to being active OUTSIDE of the church building. We hit the streets before and after work and hand out invitations to church. During our lunch hours we invite co-workers to have lunch with us to talk about Jesus and answer their questions (not merely hear our story or belief). When we come to church, we give both our time and treasure to reaching people who do not know or believe in Jesus. We are committed to speaking the language of our community and communicating Jesus in the context of our culture. This does not mean that the Bible message changes, but rather only the practices of telling these eternal truths. Like Jesus, we seek to meet Lost people where they are.
We know what its like to be without Jesus. We know the emptiness, the dissatisfaction, and rationalizing of misery. We know that life without Jesus is hollow and hurting. Therefore, we, as people in love with Jesus, are committed to seeing Lost people reached for Jesus.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Value #1: It's all about Jesus
FHCC Values #1: It’s all about Jesus
At Forest Hills Community Church we desire to possess a Passionate Love For Jesus in all things. This may seem like a no-brainer for a church, but tragically most people merely use Jesus as a stepping-stone to personal enjoyment, fulfillment, or spirituality. At FHCC, we know that not only is such a position nonsense (illogical), but more importantly heretical. The truth is that is God, and when He occupies any other position that such in our lives, everything fails and falls apart. In fact, it is precisely this low-view of Jesus that leads most people to despair of life and the Christian faith. When people go through life only proclaiming Jesus rather than leaning on Jesus, they fail and Jesus gets all the blame. The bible teaches us that Jesus can only save you, if you’re hanging on to (believing in) Jesus. (When “faith” is referenced in regards to salvation, it is almost always in verb form “believing in.” In fact, the Hebrew of Gen 15 actually draws its meaning from the image of a baby clinging to/resting securely in its mother’s arms.)
At FHCC, we love Jesus because He is God and He alone saves us. As beings created in the “image of God (Gen 1:27),” we can either live in dependence on God or rebel by doing our own thing. When we choose life outside of dependence (faith) in God, we fail and come under the condemnation of God and sin (John 3:18). We’re literally dead men walking and incapable of saving ourselves from our consequences or death. Hence the glory and majesty of Jesus! He comes by His own will and merit to save us from ourselves. He does not save us partially, or temporarily, but eternally (Rom. 8:1). Jesus is our hero and we love Him for it!
At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, because it has to be. He alone is God and good. Therefore, we love praying (talking to Jesus), reading our Bibles (hearing from Jesus and receiving His instruction), going to church (learning more about Jesus from others and helping others grow closer to Jesus), and going out into the world proclaiming Jesus (in both word and deed to a people, who like us, are undeserving). Jesus is our everything.
At Forest Hills Community Church we desire to possess a Passionate Love For Jesus in all things. This may seem like a no-brainer for a church, but tragically most people merely use Jesus as a stepping-stone to personal enjoyment, fulfillment, or spirituality. At FHCC, we know that not only is such a position nonsense (illogical), but more importantly heretical. The truth is that is God, and when He occupies any other position that such in our lives, everything fails and falls apart. In fact, it is precisely this low-view of Jesus that leads most people to despair of life and the Christian faith. When people go through life only proclaiming Jesus rather than leaning on Jesus, they fail and Jesus gets all the blame. The bible teaches us that Jesus can only save you, if you’re hanging on to (believing in) Jesus. (When “faith” is referenced in regards to salvation, it is almost always in verb form “believing in.” In fact, the Hebrew of Gen 15 actually draws its meaning from the image of a baby clinging to/resting securely in its mother’s arms.)
At FHCC, we love Jesus because He is God and He alone saves us. As beings created in the “image of God (Gen 1:27),” we can either live in dependence on God or rebel by doing our own thing. When we choose life outside of dependence (faith) in God, we fail and come under the condemnation of God and sin (John 3:18). We’re literally dead men walking and incapable of saving ourselves from our consequences or death. Hence the glory and majesty of Jesus! He comes by His own will and merit to save us from ourselves. He does not save us partially, or temporarily, but eternally (Rom. 8:1). Jesus is our hero and we love Him for it!
At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, because it has to be. He alone is God and good. Therefore, we love praying (talking to Jesus), reading our Bibles (hearing from Jesus and receiving His instruction), going to church (learning more about Jesus from others and helping others grow closer to Jesus), and going out into the world proclaiming Jesus (in both word and deed to a people, who like us, are undeserving). Jesus is our everything.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
John 3
I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am about teaching and
living John chapter 3 with Forest Hills Community Church. There are
very few portions in Scripture that get as much coverage and citation as
this one, and so many of its statements are dynamic and independent.
But are they?
I do not mean to say that they are not dynamic, but are they really stand alone verses?
How many times have we seen John 3:16 plastered on a piece of poster board? Thousands. But how many of these posters also cite vs.17-18? Pretty big oversight given the statements these later two verses declare in regards to God's position towards humanity.
Or how about John 3:3? All the evangelicals go "ga-ga" over the command to be "born again," but where is the explanation of what this means, especially in light of the conversation from which the statement stems? What does it really mean to be "born again?"
Please make a commitment to attend every service at Forest Hills Community Church. I dare you not to be challenged, your love for God and His church increased, and your life to have greater meaning and implication. I dare you.
Remember, we're just a church who loves Jesus. We're not our to prove ourselves; just the opposite. We exist to prove the righteousness of God, the glory of the Savior and the power of the Spirit in broken vessels called "us." Come as you are this Sunday at 10am inside PS 144. Bring a bible or pick one up courtesy of the church. Come reThink:Jesus.
I do not mean to say that they are not dynamic, but are they really stand alone verses?
How many times have we seen John 3:16 plastered on a piece of poster board? Thousands. But how many of these posters also cite vs.17-18? Pretty big oversight given the statements these later two verses declare in regards to God's position towards humanity.
Or how about John 3:3? All the evangelicals go "ga-ga" over the command to be "born again," but where is the explanation of what this means, especially in light of the conversation from which the statement stems? What does it really mean to be "born again?"
Please make a commitment to attend every service at Forest Hills Community Church. I dare you not to be challenged, your love for God and His church increased, and your life to have greater meaning and implication. I dare you.
Remember, we're just a church who loves Jesus. We're not our to prove ourselves; just the opposite. We exist to prove the righteousness of God, the glory of the Savior and the power of the Spirit in broken vessels called "us." Come as you are this Sunday at 10am inside PS 144. Bring a bible or pick one up courtesy of the church. Come reThink:Jesus.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Light the Night Success

As a church of 50 weekly participants, 22 came out to participate in distributing the evangelistic items and sharing their testimonies of who Jesus is to them. The night was a huge success with over 3,000 invitations to church going out and countless testimonies shared.
THANK YOU to all those who made it possible through your prayers, participation and financial gifts.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Poverty Gospel
While on the subject of evaluating the messages being preaching amongst the Christian church, I cannot help by mention and critique a prevalent thought making its rounds through Christian media and print. It seems that everywhere you go you hear words such as "compassion," "justice," and the like. Sadly, the reasoning behind this movement is not as pure or as biblical as they are currently being communicated.
Quite simply, being poor and needy does inherently make you closer to God or more valuable in His sight. We must not allow the hidden message of the “Social Justice” to prevail that somehow God always sides with the poor (See also “Liberation Theology”). Yes, God does command a love and justice towards the poor, but this is not favoritism, it is mercy. We are directed to care for the poor and needy because this is the posture of God towards all humanity. Every one of us is spiritually depraved and incapable of saving ourselves; we need the mercy of another. By caring for the hurting, we demonstrate the mercy of God towards humanity and encourage an attitude of gratitude inside of us towards God.
Please care for the sick and poor, but do not equate their suffering with inherent righteousness. The only reason why the poor were more quickly to receive the message and ministry of God was that they KNEW they needed help. It was not because they were poor or sick. The religious, on the other hand, largely ignored the Gospel and suffered rebuke, not because they may have been wealthy or middle-class, but solely because they felt that they were either entitled to God’s favor or did not need His assistance.
We are all poor, and we are all called to model the ministry of God. No one is better, or more inclined, to the favor of God.
Quite simply, being poor and needy does inherently make you closer to God or more valuable in His sight. We must not allow the hidden message of the “Social Justice” to prevail that somehow God always sides with the poor (See also “Liberation Theology”). Yes, God does command a love and justice towards the poor, but this is not favoritism, it is mercy. We are directed to care for the poor and needy because this is the posture of God towards all humanity. Every one of us is spiritually depraved and incapable of saving ourselves; we need the mercy of another. By caring for the hurting, we demonstrate the mercy of God towards humanity and encourage an attitude of gratitude inside of us towards God.
Please care for the sick and poor, but do not equate their suffering with inherent righteousness. The only reason why the poor were more quickly to receive the message and ministry of God was that they KNEW they needed help. It was not because they were poor or sick. The religious, on the other hand, largely ignored the Gospel and suffered rebuke, not because they may have been wealthy or middle-class, but solely because they felt that they were either entitled to God’s favor or did not need His assistance.
We are all poor, and we are all called to model the ministry of God. No one is better, or more inclined, to the favor of God.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Baptism Results
Oct. 17, 2011 - Baptism Challenge Results
Earlier this week the Lord challenged the church to trust Him to save more people. Once again, He delivered above expectations!
Following an incredible service
inside of PS144, the Church took to their homes and neighborhoods
looking for the "one more" who Jesus wanted to save. Numerous
conversations were had, some jubilant and some tragic (like the one man
who said he never wants to ever hear about Jesus), but were had for the
glory of God and the salvation of His people.
When the baptism service began, the church was full of excited family and friends. Venus, a young mommy of two beautiful girls, was the first to be baptized, and she shared an incredible story of how God saved her from her past and has given her a new identity and future.
Next was August, a former addict who comes from a nominal religious family who is more into mysticism and the occult than Jesus. Initially coming to the church to question the pastor, he quickly realized Jesus was real and truly changes people. Within months, Auggie became a Christian and regular of the church. Auggie loves his church family and knows that only Jesus can save Him.
Before the night was over, we gave opporunity for anyone else to be baptized. With absolute certainty, a young girl who had never visited the church before stepped up and proclaimed her desire to become a Christian and be baptized. While knowing of Jesus and His church, she had not fully committed to Him before. After seeing and hearing the Gospel and its effects, she knew it was time for her to give it all to Jesus. Dalia jumped in the funky green water, clothes and all, and professed Jesus as her Lord and Savior!
Despite what you may have seen or heard, JESUS CHANGES PEOPLE. All we need to do is give Him opportunity.
Earlier this week the Lord challenged the church to trust Him to save more people. Once again, He delivered above expectations!

When the baptism service began, the church was full of excited family and friends. Venus, a young mommy of two beautiful girls, was the first to be baptized, and she shared an incredible story of how God saved her from her past and has given her a new identity and future.
Next was August, a former addict who comes from a nominal religious family who is more into mysticism and the occult than Jesus. Initially coming to the church to question the pastor, he quickly realized Jesus was real and truly changes people. Within months, Auggie became a Christian and regular of the church. Auggie loves his church family and knows that only Jesus can save Him.
Before the night was over, we gave opporunity for anyone else to be baptized. With absolute certainty, a young girl who had never visited the church before stepped up and proclaimed her desire to become a Christian and be baptized. While knowing of Jesus and His church, she had not fully committed to Him before. After seeing and hearing the Gospel and its effects, she knew it was time for her to give it all to Jesus. Dalia jumped in the funky green water, clothes and all, and professed Jesus as her Lord and Savior!
Despite what you may have seen or heard, JESUS CHANGES PEOPLE. All we need to do is give Him opportunity.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Baptism Challenge - Update
Oct. 14, 2011 - Update
This week's "Baptism Challenge" has been such a revelation for this church, and it's not even completed yet! While some are taking advantages of the opportunity, many more are still hesitant to engage the Lost with the help of the Holy Spirit. Guys, it is not about you and your ability. We need to learn to trust Jesus for the opportunity, favor and results.
Allow me to share a little story from Acts 8:26-38...
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go over and join this chariot." So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, "Do you understand what you are reading?" 31And he said, "How can I, unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
...And the eunuch said to Philip, "About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?" Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, "See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?" And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.
The Spirit said, "Go," Phillip obeyed and the man was saved. Guys, we believe that Sunday, October 16, is going to be a big day at FHCC; but a lot hinges on your obedience. Please keep stepping out in faith and ask people to believe in Jesus. BE the CHURCH.
The plan: We are not looking for spiritual debates, we are simply seeking the Lost. In every situation we want to give people the opportunity to both become a Christian and participate in water baptism.
5pm - 7pm
*Please bring a dish to share and friends are always welcome!
This week's "Baptism Challenge" has been such a revelation for this church, and it's not even completed yet! While some are taking advantages of the opportunity, many more are still hesitant to engage the Lost with the help of the Holy Spirit. Guys, it is not about you and your ability. We need to learn to trust Jesus for the opportunity, favor and results.
Allow me to share a little story from Acts 8:26-38...
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go over and join this chariot." So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, "Do you understand what you are reading?" 31And he said, "How can I, unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
...And the eunuch said to Philip, "About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?" Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, "See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?" And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.
The Spirit said, "Go," Phillip obeyed and the man was saved. Guys, we believe that Sunday, October 16, is going to be a big day at FHCC; but a lot hinges on your obedience. Please keep stepping out in faith and ask people to believe in Jesus. BE the CHURCH.
The plan: We are not looking for spiritual debates, we are simply seeking the Lost. In every situation we want to give people the opportunity to both become a Christian and participate in water baptism.
Baptism and
Membership Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 16 @ Genesis5pm - 7pm
*Please bring a dish to share and friends are always welcome!
What Gosepl is this?
What has become of the Church? I know that to some this post is going to sound negative and judgmental, but please hear me out. I am terribly heart sick about the way the American church communicates the Gospel. The Gospel is about Jesus, the Glory of God, not the majesty and wonder of man. (Psalm 8:4: What is man that you are mindful of him?) Yet, if you visit the American church, especially the ones labeled successful and large, you will walk away with the feeling that man is wonderful and exists as the purpose of God. This is wrong and heretical.
Yes, God loves man and man has significant worth, but it is not infinite or inherent worth. Man only has value because God has chosen to allow a reflection on His image to reside in man (Gen. 1:27). Without God’s intentional will granting him worth and purpose, man is but dust and ashes. Man is not praise worthy, God is.
Beyond this fact, there is still the chosen disposition of man. God chooses to bless man with magnificent universal worth, and man responds with rebellion and consequential depravity. Every person voluntarily sins against the Holy, Righteous God. The price for this treason is not only spiritual and physical death, but shame, guilt and a marred conscience. Man sucks. Even when we come to know God through Christ, there is still a tendency and desire to rebel and manipulate His works as our own. There is no ground whatsoever for man to be praised or highly regarded as a direct object of worship in our churches or theology. All glory belongs to God who alone is infinitely and inherent good and worthy. Yet, when you visit the American church all you hear and see is the praise of man, with God as his servant.
Yes, God loves you and wants you to have a better life; but this is not to come with an attitude of entitlement or superiority. The kindness of God is to lead us to humility and His praise. Yes, Jesus wants to make you better, healthier and happier, but according to His will and plan, not yours. The wonder of the Gospel is God’s mercy and sacrifice for a sick, depraved and evil creature (a.k.a. man) that has been given EVERYTHING freely. The Gospel is: You suck, God rocks.
Why, why, why do we kowtow to the sinful psyche of Humanism and promote man-centered and glorifying churches? Why isn’t the Gospel enough? Why do we, as redeemed and regenerated beings, allow the sinful ways and desires of our former lives to not only manipulate the Gospel, but also celebrate the twisted and corrupted views of others? Why isn’t God’s glory and grace enough? Why do we have to promote man over or beside God?
I would argue that the need for such is worldly acceptance (Rom. 1:24-25). The American church is not satisfied with the applause and glory of God, but still longs for the acceptance of his society. Christians and their leaders know that the world will not stand for worshipping God unless they, too, get something out of it. So, we cut corners, twist the truth, or downplay the parts that might offend. We feed man’s sin. (And then we wonder why the American church is so lazy, uncompassionate and ineffective…)
I don’t want a big church if it isn’t centered on God’s Gospel. I don’t want to pastor people who understand God as a gentle grandfather who overlooks sin and wrong behavior so as to spoil them. I want a God who loving calls out my depravity, satisfies His wrath against me through His son, and then grants me new life and a fresh start through His indwelling Spirit. I want a Gospel that promotes only what is GOOD. The American version of the Gospel is not “Good News,” it’s sick. It promotes wickedness and vanity. This is horrible news!
Oh, God, do not allow me a spirit of bitterness and conceited judgment, but do grant me zeal for Your Name. I know that I have no business judging those outside of the church, that is for you alone to do on the Final Day, but God grant me influence to lead Your people, if only a Holy Remnant (Rom. 11:5), back to You. Father, may Your Gospel and Your glory always be enough for me.
Yes, God loves man and man has significant worth, but it is not infinite or inherent worth. Man only has value because God has chosen to allow a reflection on His image to reside in man (Gen. 1:27). Without God’s intentional will granting him worth and purpose, man is but dust and ashes. Man is not praise worthy, God is.
Beyond this fact, there is still the chosen disposition of man. God chooses to bless man with magnificent universal worth, and man responds with rebellion and consequential depravity. Every person voluntarily sins against the Holy, Righteous God. The price for this treason is not only spiritual and physical death, but shame, guilt and a marred conscience. Man sucks. Even when we come to know God through Christ, there is still a tendency and desire to rebel and manipulate His works as our own. There is no ground whatsoever for man to be praised or highly regarded as a direct object of worship in our churches or theology. All glory belongs to God who alone is infinitely and inherent good and worthy. Yet, when you visit the American church all you hear and see is the praise of man, with God as his servant.
Yes, God loves you and wants you to have a better life; but this is not to come with an attitude of entitlement or superiority. The kindness of God is to lead us to humility and His praise. Yes, Jesus wants to make you better, healthier and happier, but according to His will and plan, not yours. The wonder of the Gospel is God’s mercy and sacrifice for a sick, depraved and evil creature (a.k.a. man) that has been given EVERYTHING freely. The Gospel is: You suck, God rocks.
Why, why, why do we kowtow to the sinful psyche of Humanism and promote man-centered and glorifying churches? Why isn’t the Gospel enough? Why do we, as redeemed and regenerated beings, allow the sinful ways and desires of our former lives to not only manipulate the Gospel, but also celebrate the twisted and corrupted views of others? Why isn’t God’s glory and grace enough? Why do we have to promote man over or beside God?
I would argue that the need for such is worldly acceptance (Rom. 1:24-25). The American church is not satisfied with the applause and glory of God, but still longs for the acceptance of his society. Christians and their leaders know that the world will not stand for worshipping God unless they, too, get something out of it. So, we cut corners, twist the truth, or downplay the parts that might offend. We feed man’s sin. (And then we wonder why the American church is so lazy, uncompassionate and ineffective…)
I don’t want a big church if it isn’t centered on God’s Gospel. I don’t want to pastor people who understand God as a gentle grandfather who overlooks sin and wrong behavior so as to spoil them. I want a God who loving calls out my depravity, satisfies His wrath against me through His son, and then grants me new life and a fresh start through His indwelling Spirit. I want a Gospel that promotes only what is GOOD. The American version of the Gospel is not “Good News,” it’s sick. It promotes wickedness and vanity. This is horrible news!
Oh, God, do not allow me a spirit of bitterness and conceited judgment, but do grant me zeal for Your Name. I know that I have no business judging those outside of the church, that is for you alone to do on the Final Day, but God grant me influence to lead Your people, if only a Holy Remnant (Rom. 11:5), back to You. Father, may Your Gospel and Your glory always be enough for me.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Stepping Back and Learning
These past few weeks have been incredible. Fall is here, hunting season is about to begin, the kids are happy and I've finally been able to enjoy the fullness of my family and ministry partners. It wasn't that things were bad previously, it was only that I was not able to fully appreciate the gifts and ministries that God had given me outside of Forest Hills Church. The way we were living over these past five years involved the ministry consuming my every thought. Tragically, the result of such was an inability to enjoy the simplicity of mere fellowship with my family. Sure, we spent time together and I was around more than most dads, but it wasn't "quality time." We rarely just "hung out" and talked about each other and stupid stuff. Instead, our time and conversations always revolved around something related to ministry or crisis. It kills me to even write such things and know that I wasn't even aware of how bad things were getting. It took a major shift in life and ministry to open my eyes to the reality I had created.
My situation is not unique. Most of us never realize the lifestyle we are living and creating while we are immersed in it. We get tunnel vision and ignore everyone and everything else in life or we become ignorantly optimistic and deceive ourselves into thinking "it's only for a season," while the "season" goes on for years. It is no wonder that God has created the Sabbath for man.
A study of the Sabbath in Scripture is really pretty interesting. Over and over again it is mentioned as one of THE commands of God and marks of a true believer. However, outside of the commands of what not to do, the Scriptures are very silent about what a person should do on a day of rest. I believe this is because the day is not about religious observance, but mere fellowship and appreciation. We should be enjoying the persons and things God has given us without the distraction of the routine week. God knows that we're messed up people who really stink at prioritizing and/or appreciating our reality; therefore, He has given us the opportunity to step out of the routine and refocus.
I am grateful for the recent moves God has given my family and ministry. I still do not fully understand everything, but some things are becoming clearer (and healthier).
My situation is not unique. Most of us never realize the lifestyle we are living and creating while we are immersed in it. We get tunnel vision and ignore everyone and everything else in life or we become ignorantly optimistic and deceive ourselves into thinking "it's only for a season," while the "season" goes on for years. It is no wonder that God has created the Sabbath for man.
A study of the Sabbath in Scripture is really pretty interesting. Over and over again it is mentioned as one of THE commands of God and marks of a true believer. However, outside of the commands of what not to do, the Scriptures are very silent about what a person should do on a day of rest. I believe this is because the day is not about religious observance, but mere fellowship and appreciation. We should be enjoying the persons and things God has given us without the distraction of the routine week. God knows that we're messed up people who really stink at prioritizing and/or appreciating our reality; therefore, He has given us the opportunity to step out of the routine and refocus.
I am grateful for the recent moves God has given my family and ministry. I still do not fully understand everything, but some things are becoming clearer (and healthier).
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Getting Out of the Way
When the Lord called us to go and plant a church in NYC, we knew it was ultimately going to become an indigenous church. Christine and I may be the ones to give oversight for a season, but the long term success would have to come from local people embracing the responsibilities and opportunities that come with being part of a church. Gratefully, many of those we have ministered to have "stepped up," but more are needed.
Churches are not McDonald's. You do not simply buy franchising rights, a cookie-cutter business and advertising model, and open up shop. Instead, you need to work within the culture context of the church and its location to develop the right method and mindset that the Lord will use to save and reform people into a new and godly entity. The culture of NYC is dynamic and involves a lot of dependency on others. It's not that they people are lazy or incapable, but rather that they have been taught to look to others.
In NYC, the government runs everything and often businesses and landlords impose a mentality of "them and us." There is a HUGE divide between worker and employer, landlord and leasee. In short, people are not likely to take initiative or ownership of much, but rather let the "professionals" or those in charge do the work. It's really sad and destructive. So many people are being hindered from achieving all that they could because of this belittling mindset and culture. And this is especially true inside of the local Christian church.
Getting people to take ownership and initiative of the ministries inside the church is difficult, but they must. We've appointed, trained and encouraged many over the years, but the culture of "ineptness" is very strong. Bringing in outsiders only makes things worse and encourages the mindset that it takes a professional to do the work. We studied other models and read lots of books to no avail. This past summer we spent three months studying the early church of Acts 1-2 and reminding all of the Holy Spirit's power to make all "ministers and priests" (I Peter 3). Yet, five years later and only a few are sharing in the ministries of teaching, administration, janitorial, evangelist, and discipleship. The only thing we haven't tried is getting out of the way completely...until now.
After much prayer and counsel, Christine and I will begin stepping out completely from the local church in Forest Hills. This is not to say that "we quit," but rather that we endorse those inside the church to do the ministry of the church. It has already been five-weeks since making this transition and the results are positive. Small groups are forming and new people are coming into the church. We are still giving oversight to the "big picture," but we are leaving the day to day operations to the locals. Our ministry has gone from pouring into the community, to now pouring into the new leadership. In many ways this is a more difficult and demanding task than before, but it is so worth it! Again, new people are being saved and Christians are being empowered to trust the Holy Spirit even more.
Maybe sometimes we just need to get out of the way...
Churches are not McDonald's. You do not simply buy franchising rights, a cookie-cutter business and advertising model, and open up shop. Instead, you need to work within the culture context of the church and its location to develop the right method and mindset that the Lord will use to save and reform people into a new and godly entity. The culture of NYC is dynamic and involves a lot of dependency on others. It's not that they people are lazy or incapable, but rather that they have been taught to look to others.
In NYC, the government runs everything and often businesses and landlords impose a mentality of "them and us." There is a HUGE divide between worker and employer, landlord and leasee. In short, people are not likely to take initiative or ownership of much, but rather let the "professionals" or those in charge do the work. It's really sad and destructive. So many people are being hindered from achieving all that they could because of this belittling mindset and culture. And this is especially true inside of the local Christian church.
Getting people to take ownership and initiative of the ministries inside the church is difficult, but they must. We've appointed, trained and encouraged many over the years, but the culture of "ineptness" is very strong. Bringing in outsiders only makes things worse and encourages the mindset that it takes a professional to do the work. We studied other models and read lots of books to no avail. This past summer we spent three months studying the early church of Acts 1-2 and reminding all of the Holy Spirit's power to make all "ministers and priests" (I Peter 3). Yet, five years later and only a few are sharing in the ministries of teaching, administration, janitorial, evangelist, and discipleship. The only thing we haven't tried is getting out of the way completely...until now.
After much prayer and counsel, Christine and I will begin stepping out completely from the local church in Forest Hills. This is not to say that "we quit," but rather that we endorse those inside the church to do the ministry of the church. It has already been five-weeks since making this transition and the results are positive. Small groups are forming and new people are coming into the church. We are still giving oversight to the "big picture," but we are leaving the day to day operations to the locals. Our ministry has gone from pouring into the community, to now pouring into the new leadership. In many ways this is a more difficult and demanding task than before, but it is so worth it! Again, new people are being saved and Christians are being empowered to trust the Holy Spirit even more.
Maybe sometimes we just need to get out of the way...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I'll Fight You and Give You a Bible (!!)
When I saw my drunk confrontational friend sitting with two other hipsters, I knew it was going to be a good night. As I asked to get a minute with my friend, the other two immediately asked me to sit down and join them. And as I began speaking to the guy I know about the Holy Spirit telling me to come back and give him a bible, the table literally lit up!
The guy immediately took the bible and began looking it over while the other two began twenty questions. As it turns out, they were your typical post-modern 20-somethings who were not against Jesus, but were against Christianity and the church. What threw them, however, was that I was young, carrying a bible without a name tag and uniform and talked about Jesus like HE really mattered to me, personally. I didn't freak out about their questions or begin apologizing for mistakes I personally never made. Instead, i talked about my Lord, Savior, God and Friend, Jesus.
The conversation lasted over and hour and ended with the original guy remaining indifferent towards Jesus, but his two drinking friends contemplating Jesus. It was they who agreed to take and read the bible I was offering, and they even mentioned that they would check out a local church. It was an incredible night and I was blessed to walk out with not only my teeth, but three new friends!
In hindsight, I have no regrets for how the night was handled or the results that came about. This is not because I did everything perfect, but rather that I did a few things right like listen to the Holy Spirit, defend Jesus and love strangers. I say all of this not to brag, but rather to boast about the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit. It was Him who gave me love, compassion, wisdom and resolve. It was Him who opened the eyes of the people in conversation. It was all about Him.
Too many Christians are too busy operating in the flesh with Christian motives. This does not work. Doing Christian things in the manner that the world does them, or with an attitude of fear, accomplishes little to nothing. What the world needs is the power of the Holy Spirit. What made my conversation different from the many these young people have had with other Christians was the power of the Holy Spirit.
I know this post is full of assumptions, but please consider it. Please consider how often you do or do not evangelize. If you don't share your faith, then I think you may have proven my point... If you do, then please consider the response of you and those you engage. Is it you doing to work or is it the Holy Spirit?
I've written enough posts this month alone to solidify my case that I am nothing and He is everything. I am so humbled that I not only get to be a missionary and church planter to NYC, but that I get to be a Christian for Jesus and receive the promise of the eternal Spirit residing and empowering my daily life. Thank you, Jesus, and save many more!
The guy immediately took the bible and began looking it over while the other two began twenty questions. As it turns out, they were your typical post-modern 20-somethings who were not against Jesus, but were against Christianity and the church. What threw them, however, was that I was young, carrying a bible without a name tag and uniform and talked about Jesus like HE really mattered to me, personally. I didn't freak out about their questions or begin apologizing for mistakes I personally never made. Instead, i talked about my Lord, Savior, God and Friend, Jesus.
The conversation lasted over and hour and ended with the original guy remaining indifferent towards Jesus, but his two drinking friends contemplating Jesus. It was they who agreed to take and read the bible I was offering, and they even mentioned that they would check out a local church. It was an incredible night and I was blessed to walk out with not only my teeth, but three new friends!
In hindsight, I have no regrets for how the night was handled or the results that came about. This is not because I did everything perfect, but rather that I did a few things right like listen to the Holy Spirit, defend Jesus and love strangers. I say all of this not to brag, but rather to boast about the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit. It was Him who gave me love, compassion, wisdom and resolve. It was Him who opened the eyes of the people in conversation. It was all about Him.
Too many Christians are too busy operating in the flesh with Christian motives. This does not work. Doing Christian things in the manner that the world does them, or with an attitude of fear, accomplishes little to nothing. What the world needs is the power of the Holy Spirit. What made my conversation different from the many these young people have had with other Christians was the power of the Holy Spirit.
I know this post is full of assumptions, but please consider it. Please consider how often you do or do not evangelize. If you don't share your faith, then I think you may have proven my point... If you do, then please consider the response of you and those you engage. Is it you doing to work or is it the Holy Spirit?
I've written enough posts this month alone to solidify my case that I am nothing and He is everything. I am so humbled that I not only get to be a missionary and church planter to NYC, but that I get to be a Christian for Jesus and receive the promise of the eternal Spirit residing and empowering my daily life. Thank you, Jesus, and save many more!
Friday, September 30, 2011
I'll Fight You and Give You a Bible
This past week, the boys and I decided to try a new place to talk about Jesus. It was closer and was more "restaurant" than bar. Well, turns out the only people in this restaurant were here to drink...
Nevertheless, we opened our bibles and had a great conversation about following Jesus and the difference he makes, when all of a sudden a creature was standing over me. It was a medium build guy with a drink in his hand and a smile on his face. He was also fixed like a laser beam on one of my brothers. Seeing an opportunity, I asked the man what was up and invited him to sit with us as we talk about Jesus. He agreed.
Sadly, the man did not want to talk about Jesus, but rather how my one friend resembled a famous person on TV. When he did mention Jesus, it was weird and he equated Jesus with a "tingle" he gets from time to time. I stated that Jesus was better than any "tingle" because He is God and saves sinners from sin and death. Well, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The man jumped up, stated how offended he was and walked off...for five minutes...
When he came back, he was in a violent mood and ready for a fight. Again, seeing an opportunity I rose to meet him eye to eye and toe to toe. I reminded him that he came and sat at our table, interrupted our conversation about Jesus, and if he wanted our attention he was going to have to get it by talking about Jesus. In an instant the man changed demeanor, began apologizing and walked off. My friend's were freaked out...
As I was driving out of the parking lot later that night the Holy Spirit spoke to me clear as a bell, "Go give him a bible." Without hesitation I turned the car around, got a bible out of my trunk and marked the Gospel of Mark. This dude was getting saved tonight... Problem was that now he was not alone, but with several others smoking cigarettes and drinking more beer.
(To be continued...)
Nevertheless, we opened our bibles and had a great conversation about following Jesus and the difference he makes, when all of a sudden a creature was standing over me. It was a medium build guy with a drink in his hand and a smile on his face. He was also fixed like a laser beam on one of my brothers. Seeing an opportunity, I asked the man what was up and invited him to sit with us as we talk about Jesus. He agreed.
Sadly, the man did not want to talk about Jesus, but rather how my one friend resembled a famous person on TV. When he did mention Jesus, it was weird and he equated Jesus with a "tingle" he gets from time to time. I stated that Jesus was better than any "tingle" because He is God and saves sinners from sin and death. Well, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The man jumped up, stated how offended he was and walked off...for five minutes...
When he came back, he was in a violent mood and ready for a fight. Again, seeing an opportunity I rose to meet him eye to eye and toe to toe. I reminded him that he came and sat at our table, interrupted our conversation about Jesus, and if he wanted our attention he was going to have to get it by talking about Jesus. In an instant the man changed demeanor, began apologizing and walked off. My friend's were freaked out...
As I was driving out of the parking lot later that night the Holy Spirit spoke to me clear as a bell, "Go give him a bible." Without hesitation I turned the car around, got a bible out of my trunk and marked the Gospel of Mark. This dude was getting saved tonight... Problem was that now he was not alone, but with several others smoking cigarettes and drinking more beer.
(To be continued...)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Bibles Don't Belong Here
Last week I went out to a sports bar with my friend here in PA. As always, we were hanging out, talking about Jesus, and I had my Bible with me. We were there intentionally having a good time and looking for opportunities to share Jesus with others. After all, this is what being a Christian is all about...
After several attempts to engage others, we prepared to depart but the Lord prompted me to talk to the table behind us before leaving. Turns out two of the three persons knew my friend and had remembered me from High School. I shared about being a pastor in NYC and asked them is they knew Jesus. One girl affirmed that she was a Christian and member of a great church. The guy at the table quickly pointed at my Bible and said that he didn't like that book, especially the second half as it was all about Jesus and not burning bushes and snakes. Finally, the other girl at the table responded that she didn't know if there really was a God. She never felt compelled to pray and had never really considered if God had ever done anything for her.
I challenged her to seriously consider that IF there is a God, what might the consequences of such be for her directly. I did not feel led to enter into philosophical or scientific reasoning, but instead to make it personal. What would it mean for her is God did exist and did create her on purpose?
It was awesome to see her mind consider the question and then to hear her Christian friend for the first time share the claims of Christianity with her. But in the midst of that incredible exchange, the devil showed up through the guy at the table. Immediately he began getting in my face and berating me for bringing a bible into a "bar." "People don't want that in here," he said, "it belongs in a church. Get out of here with your questions and opinions. We don't want it here!"
Tragically, his response caused the entire table to cease talking about Jesus...except for the girl who claimed to not believe in God. While the Christian girl tried to calm the man down, the other girl defended both me and the bible stating that she enjoyed the conversation and felt very grateful we talked with her. As we left these three personalities and positions to the workings of the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for my three new friends, but also pray that God will use you to share Him with others. Here we were in the midst of Central Bible, a very Evangelical community, and yet there are many who have not only heard about Jesus but who do not expect Jesus to be mentioned outside of a church building. What has happened to Christianity? How have we allowed Jesus to become so "personal" that we no longer talk about Him with others??
After several attempts to engage others, we prepared to depart but the Lord prompted me to talk to the table behind us before leaving. Turns out two of the three persons knew my friend and had remembered me from High School. I shared about being a pastor in NYC and asked them is they knew Jesus. One girl affirmed that she was a Christian and member of a great church. The guy at the table quickly pointed at my Bible and said that he didn't like that book, especially the second half as it was all about Jesus and not burning bushes and snakes. Finally, the other girl at the table responded that she didn't know if there really was a God. She never felt compelled to pray and had never really considered if God had ever done anything for her.
I challenged her to seriously consider that IF there is a God, what might the consequences of such be for her directly. I did not feel led to enter into philosophical or scientific reasoning, but instead to make it personal. What would it mean for her is God did exist and did create her on purpose?
It was awesome to see her mind consider the question and then to hear her Christian friend for the first time share the claims of Christianity with her. But in the midst of that incredible exchange, the devil showed up through the guy at the table. Immediately he began getting in my face and berating me for bringing a bible into a "bar." "People don't want that in here," he said, "it belongs in a church. Get out of here with your questions and opinions. We don't want it here!"
Tragically, his response caused the entire table to cease talking about Jesus...except for the girl who claimed to not believe in God. While the Christian girl tried to calm the man down, the other girl defended both me and the bible stating that she enjoyed the conversation and felt very grateful we talked with her. As we left these three personalities and positions to the workings of the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for my three new friends, but also pray that God will use you to share Him with others. Here we were in the midst of Central Bible, a very Evangelical community, and yet there are many who have not only heard about Jesus but who do not expect Jesus to be mentioned outside of a church building. What has happened to Christianity? How have we allowed Jesus to become so "personal" that we no longer talk about Him with others??
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's Not TOP GUN, It's Better
Recently I had the incredible opportunity to hang out at a Navy Recruiting Station. All my life I have longed to join the Marine Corps, so to hang with the recruiters was a real treat. I just love hanging with the military!
Of course, the guys quickly asked me what I do and why I am not in the military. I told them that I tried joining the Corps several times, but have not yet felt a release from the Lord to do so. In the meantime, I keep serving in the Heavenly Corps as a pastor and church planter. This, of course, always draws a response...
The Chief at the station shared how he used to go to church all the time, but then felt like he was going "too much" so he stopped all together. He also asked why some churches are like rock concerts and others like funerals? Turns out his comments were two sides of the same coin: religion without relationship.
I explained to him that it is impossible to truly go to church "too much" if the church is truly all about its biblical mission. No one has ever stated that they were spending "too much" time with their kids, their wife, or any other loved one; therefore, it is not rationale to say that we are spending "too much" time with Jesus in church. If we love Jesus and Jesus is being preached at the church, then who could spend enough time in church?
Styles of church should be nothing more than a means of expressing a particular's cultures love for Jesus. For some this is like a rock concert, for others it is a more solemn event: style is simply preference. I have even found that in churches that are not my preferred style I can still have a great time and feel comfortable when it's all about loving Jesus.
We talked for over an hour about faith, Christianity and Jesus. I gave him a bible with my card and email. Please pray for the Chief and his walk with the Lord...and please pray for more chaplains!
Of course, the guys quickly asked me what I do and why I am not in the military. I told them that I tried joining the Corps several times, but have not yet felt a release from the Lord to do so. In the meantime, I keep serving in the Heavenly Corps as a pastor and church planter. This, of course, always draws a response...
The Chief at the station shared how he used to go to church all the time, but then felt like he was going "too much" so he stopped all together. He also asked why some churches are like rock concerts and others like funerals? Turns out his comments were two sides of the same coin: religion without relationship.
I explained to him that it is impossible to truly go to church "too much" if the church is truly all about its biblical mission. No one has ever stated that they were spending "too much" time with their kids, their wife, or any other loved one; therefore, it is not rationale to say that we are spending "too much" time with Jesus in church. If we love Jesus and Jesus is being preached at the church, then who could spend enough time in church?
Styles of church should be nothing more than a means of expressing a particular's cultures love for Jesus. For some this is like a rock concert, for others it is a more solemn event: style is simply preference. I have even found that in churches that are not my preferred style I can still have a great time and feel comfortable when it's all about loving Jesus.
We talked for over an hour about faith, Christianity and Jesus. I gave him a bible with my card and email. Please pray for the Chief and his walk with the Lord...and please pray for more chaplains!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
We Don't Ask
**Again, another one of the "philosophy-of-ministry"-related posts.
Going back to preconceived ideas and notions, is it any wonder why the book of Acts seems so foreign/radical to our current practice of church? Read the majority of books written on how to conduct church and you get more secular and corporate influence and reason then common sense. Did you notice that the Apostles were uneducated rednecks, yet they turned the world upside down with their ministry and preaching? How did they do this?
Now, some will point to Paul and his impeccable schooling and secular religious life. Well, this is true and noteworthy, but the ministry philosophy of Paul was nothing like the church today or the Sanhedrin's policy of his day. Paul and the apostles simply loved Jesus and loved others in the only way they knew how: like a family.
Read Acts 2:42-47. When you complete this assignment, take a minute and wrote down all that this passage describes concerning the behavior and practices of the early church. When you have created this list, ask yourself HOW they accomplished such? Does their ministry philosophy look more like an intimate family or a formal, hourly, program-driven institution? It's a no-brainer, really.
Man, we don't ask the question! We simply assume, inherit, or steal from the works of others in the name of achieving success and then wonder why our works don't look much like the biblical account.
Please hear me, I am not saying that big churches or programs are inherently evil. Programs can and do serve an invaluable service to the Kingdom, but they cannot be the chief solution. Programs and slick presentations are man-based and dependent, not Spirit-inspired and dependent. (For most churches, their success depends on the power company, not the presence of the Holy Spirit.)
Perhaps the Early Church's behavior as a Spirit-dependent family, expressing selfless love one for another while being centered on the teachings of Scripture and the worship of God, was the cause of its success. Church history seems to lead to the conclusion that the more formal and institutional the church becomes the less effective and supernatural its efforts.
Stop assuming, church leaders, and start asking the very simple question: how is this possible? Stop looking to the secular and human and start looking to the Spirit. The wisdom of God is often found in the foolishness of this world (I Cor. 1).
Going back to preconceived ideas and notions, is it any wonder why the book of Acts seems so foreign/radical to our current practice of church? Read the majority of books written on how to conduct church and you get more secular and corporate influence and reason then common sense. Did you notice that the Apostles were uneducated rednecks, yet they turned the world upside down with their ministry and preaching? How did they do this?
Now, some will point to Paul and his impeccable schooling and secular religious life. Well, this is true and noteworthy, but the ministry philosophy of Paul was nothing like the church today or the Sanhedrin's policy of his day. Paul and the apostles simply loved Jesus and loved others in the only way they knew how: like a family.
Read Acts 2:42-47. When you complete this assignment, take a minute and wrote down all that this passage describes concerning the behavior and practices of the early church. When you have created this list, ask yourself HOW they accomplished such? Does their ministry philosophy look more like an intimate family or a formal, hourly, program-driven institution? It's a no-brainer, really.
Man, we don't ask the question! We simply assume, inherit, or steal from the works of others in the name of achieving success and then wonder why our works don't look much like the biblical account.
Please hear me, I am not saying that big churches or programs are inherently evil. Programs can and do serve an invaluable service to the Kingdom, but they cannot be the chief solution. Programs and slick presentations are man-based and dependent, not Spirit-inspired and dependent. (For most churches, their success depends on the power company, not the presence of the Holy Spirit.)
Perhaps the Early Church's behavior as a Spirit-dependent family, expressing selfless love one for another while being centered on the teachings of Scripture and the worship of God, was the cause of its success. Church history seems to lead to the conclusion that the more formal and institutional the church becomes the less effective and supernatural its efforts.
Stop assuming, church leaders, and start asking the very simple question: how is this possible? Stop looking to the secular and human and start looking to the Spirit. The wisdom of God is often found in the foolishness of this world (I Cor. 1).
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sharing Isa
This past weekend was the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, and with the exception of all the FDNY guys in uniform and National Guardsmen in the transit station, you would have never known it was a significant day. Something is wrong with our country... But something else is wrong with the church.
Besides a few churches protesting the "clergy free" aspects of the 9/11 ceremonies, many made little effort to use the events of 10-years ago to promote God's glory to the world. Instead, the day was all about Patriotism and the evils of radical Islam. Nothing wrong with talking about those two issues, but there is something greater: JESUS.
At FHCC, we committed to make the day all about the God of Life, not the false god of terror and death. Instead of promoting a country, we are going to promote an eternal Kingdom. We're going to redeem 9/11 for God's glory! And when you commit to a promise like this, you know God is going to honor it...
The very next day, as I was riding the train into Manhattan, I noticed that three young fundamental Islamic men were sitting right behind me. Immediately, I turned around and said "hello" in Arabic. Turns out they were all on holiday from the UK and visiting NYC for the first time. They wanted to know all about City and what to see. Sensing an opportunity, I mentioned some cool sites but was also quick to point out the great sins of the City. I told them that as a Christian, I often have to look down or break into prayer when I am in NY; there is just so much that offends God. Immediately, these young men were hanging on my every word because they have never heard a Christian speak like this before.
As I continued to share my story about church planting, pastoring and being a daddy to three small boys, the guys became even more animated. Next thing I know, the whole train car is blatantly listening in on our conversation (one guy was hanging over the seat)! At that point I knew it was time to talk directly about Jesus (Isa in Arabic).
While the Koran makes much of Jesus, many Muslims know very little about the truth of who He is and what He said and did. I informed the men that they should read the Gospels because not only did Mohammad claim that he did, but also because of the wonderful way that Jesus explains God. Rather than only promote the justice and power of God, Jesus also communicated the LOVE of God.
To God's glory, the conversation ended with the men committing to read the Gospels and thanking me emphatically for talking with them. They had learned so much about Christians, Jesus, and the never before heard topic of God's love.
Besides a few churches protesting the "clergy free" aspects of the 9/11 ceremonies, many made little effort to use the events of 10-years ago to promote God's glory to the world. Instead, the day was all about Patriotism and the evils of radical Islam. Nothing wrong with talking about those two issues, but there is something greater: JESUS.
At FHCC, we committed to make the day all about the God of Life, not the false god of terror and death. Instead of promoting a country, we are going to promote an eternal Kingdom. We're going to redeem 9/11 for God's glory! And when you commit to a promise like this, you know God is going to honor it...
The very next day, as I was riding the train into Manhattan, I noticed that three young fundamental Islamic men were sitting right behind me. Immediately, I turned around and said "hello" in Arabic. Turns out they were all on holiday from the UK and visiting NYC for the first time. They wanted to know all about City and what to see. Sensing an opportunity, I mentioned some cool sites but was also quick to point out the great sins of the City. I told them that as a Christian, I often have to look down or break into prayer when I am in NY; there is just so much that offends God. Immediately, these young men were hanging on my every word because they have never heard a Christian speak like this before.
As I continued to share my story about church planting, pastoring and being a daddy to three small boys, the guys became even more animated. Next thing I know, the whole train car is blatantly listening in on our conversation (one guy was hanging over the seat)! At that point I knew it was time to talk directly about Jesus (Isa in Arabic).
While the Koran makes much of Jesus, many Muslims know very little about the truth of who He is and what He said and did. I informed the men that they should read the Gospels because not only did Mohammad claim that he did, but also because of the wonderful way that Jesus explains God. Rather than only promote the justice and power of God, Jesus also communicated the LOVE of God.
To God's glory, the conversation ended with the men committing to read the Gospels and thanking me emphatically for talking with them. They had learned so much about Christians, Jesus, and the never before heard topic of God's love.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Reach Many or Reach THE One
**Just to give you all a "head's up," a couple of these posts are geared toward those involved in ministry. This is not to say that they are irrelevant for the lay person, but rather that my intended audience is my fellow ministers.
It's is so easy to overlook the obvious because of our preconceived ideas and notions. We read a biblical passage and because we are familiar with it, or a complimentary theological idea, we gloss over its implications and keep on reading. Man, what a disservice we do to the Scriptures and our ministries!
Perhaps the greatest gloss on our part is in regards to the conversion of Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9). Here we have God supernaturally interrupting Paul's life, saving him and calling him into ministry. I am not going to argue over the Calvinist or Arminian process, but suffice it say that the man had an encounter with God and was saved, period. It is an amazing story, and we who read it are all grateful that God did all the work to save this one man. But, what about the incredible implications this story carries with it, such as: if God could miraculously appear to Saul and save him, then why not do it for many others, if not all?
Now, I know all the academic and historical answers, but I want to challenge them. I do not think the answer is a matter of God's respect for man's "free will," cessationism, or any other nonsense. Sure, elements of these arguments may be true, but I believe they create as many questions as they answer. But what if the reason God singled out Saul was because of the biblical principle that it is not how many you save, but who you save?
Like it or not, we are all hung up on numbers, especially here in the West; the bigger the better is a common defense. Church planting and being a pastor is no different, it is all about how many people are attending your church. Again, I recognize that each person represents a soul and Jesus preached to thousands, but what about that underlying biblical principle that it is who your reaching, not merely how many?
Romans 9 through 11 reminds us that it is the remnant who will be saved and that it is God who elects the individuals to be saved. Might the church and world be better saved if the church would adjust its evangelism strategy to accommodate these elements? Perhaps instead of trying to make the Gospel palatable to the masses or assume that conversion equal disciple, we could focus on the one who God is investing and seeing the promise of God fulfilled through him/her. Quality always supersedes quantity.
I want to hear, "Well done, Good and Faithful Servant," not, "Well, you had a big church, but where are the Christians?" at the end of my life. Again, I am not saying that "big" is equal to "bad," but I would like us to question why it is we do what we do. God's ways are not our ways. Perhaps, the Kingdom exists in a MUSTARD SEED?
It's is so easy to overlook the obvious because of our preconceived ideas and notions. We read a biblical passage and because we are familiar with it, or a complimentary theological idea, we gloss over its implications and keep on reading. Man, what a disservice we do to the Scriptures and our ministries!
Perhaps the greatest gloss on our part is in regards to the conversion of Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9). Here we have God supernaturally interrupting Paul's life, saving him and calling him into ministry. I am not going to argue over the Calvinist or Arminian process, but suffice it say that the man had an encounter with God and was saved, period. It is an amazing story, and we who read it are all grateful that God did all the work to save this one man. But, what about the incredible implications this story carries with it, such as: if God could miraculously appear to Saul and save him, then why not do it for many others, if not all?
Now, I know all the academic and historical answers, but I want to challenge them. I do not think the answer is a matter of God's respect for man's "free will," cessationism, or any other nonsense. Sure, elements of these arguments may be true, but I believe they create as many questions as they answer. But what if the reason God singled out Saul was because of the biblical principle that it is not how many you save, but who you save?
Like it or not, we are all hung up on numbers, especially here in the West; the bigger the better is a common defense. Church planting and being a pastor is no different, it is all about how many people are attending your church. Again, I recognize that each person represents a soul and Jesus preached to thousands, but what about that underlying biblical principle that it is who your reaching, not merely how many?
Romans 9 through 11 reminds us that it is the remnant who will be saved and that it is God who elects the individuals to be saved. Might the church and world be better saved if the church would adjust its evangelism strategy to accommodate these elements? Perhaps instead of trying to make the Gospel palatable to the masses or assume that conversion equal disciple, we could focus on the one who God is investing and seeing the promise of God fulfilled through him/her. Quality always supersedes quantity.
I want to hear, "Well done, Good and Faithful Servant," not, "Well, you had a big church, but where are the Christians?" at the end of my life. Again, I am not saying that "big" is equal to "bad," but I would like us to question why it is we do what we do. God's ways are not our ways. Perhaps, the Kingdom exists in a MUSTARD SEED?
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Problem with Convictions
Nothing happens by accident. The past several months have been revolutionary for myself and the church. God has allowed us to go through so many hardships and victories, yet none of which we were able to anticipate. Both the highs and the lows have been nothing less than miraculous, but they have all stemmed from the sovereign eternal will of God for us and the church. The truth is that God allow these things to reveal His holy convictions for our lives and ministry.
The truth is that ALL of us allow our understanding of God's will to be corrupted and shaped by our personal preferences and experiences. Now in all fairness, it is also true that God allows our tendencies and experiences to reveal His will; but there is a difference between revealing and shaping. Revelation comes in a pure form, "shaping" implies alteration and manipulation. I believe God's will is REVEALED, not shaped. This may sound contradictory and like splitting hairs, but I challenge you to consider it...
Regardless, I am amazed at the beauty of God's intervention in my life, both before this summer and now in the midst of this amazing season of challenge and victory. The result is a greater revelation of God's will for the Sweetens and the church in NYC. In revealing His will He has revealed our convictions and calling. It is a bittersweet experience because they seem so unexpected, atypical, and controversial; but isn't that just proof coming from a God who is separate from this world and holy?
Yes, but is merely being unexpected, atypical and controversial proof that it is from God? No. What is validating, however, is what this divine call and conviction will accomplish: souls for the Kingdom.
Luke 19:10 declares that the sole mission of Jesus was "to seek and save the Lost." He then goes on to teach a parable about servants who were given their Master's minas (currency) yet failed to do His business. Although they were once called "servants" and members of his Kingdom, their failure to obey and continue His work resulted in banishment and death. The point is that Christians must ALWAYS be about seeking and saving the Lost, period.
Yes, this is hard and leads to places we would rather not want or expect to go, but we must if the Master is calling and has entrusted us with His business. We and the church have always known this truth and tried earnestly to carry it out, but we can't do it our way with our understanding for our set period of time. We must always be led by the Master to do the Master's work. This is what having convictions is all about.
Please don't read too much into this post and seek a message or assumption the text does not support. But do pray for us, the church in NYC, and you and your local church. Ask God is you are perceiving His revealed will or if you are allowing that will to be shaped and compromised by your preference and experiences. Also, please consider if you are doing the Father's work of seeking and saving the Lost. If you are leaving that work to someone else, please consider Luke 19:20-27.
Be led by His convictions...
The truth is that ALL of us allow our understanding of God's will to be corrupted and shaped by our personal preferences and experiences. Now in all fairness, it is also true that God allows our tendencies and experiences to reveal His will; but there is a difference between revealing and shaping. Revelation comes in a pure form, "shaping" implies alteration and manipulation. I believe God's will is REVEALED, not shaped. This may sound contradictory and like splitting hairs, but I challenge you to consider it...
Regardless, I am amazed at the beauty of God's intervention in my life, both before this summer and now in the midst of this amazing season of challenge and victory. The result is a greater revelation of God's will for the Sweetens and the church in NYC. In revealing His will He has revealed our convictions and calling. It is a bittersweet experience because they seem so unexpected, atypical, and controversial; but isn't that just proof coming from a God who is separate from this world and holy?
Yes, but is merely being unexpected, atypical and controversial proof that it is from God? No. What is validating, however, is what this divine call and conviction will accomplish: souls for the Kingdom.
Luke 19:10 declares that the sole mission of Jesus was "to seek and save the Lost." He then goes on to teach a parable about servants who were given their Master's minas (currency) yet failed to do His business. Although they were once called "servants" and members of his Kingdom, their failure to obey and continue His work resulted in banishment and death. The point is that Christians must ALWAYS be about seeking and saving the Lost, period.
Yes, this is hard and leads to places we would rather not want or expect to go, but we must if the Master is calling and has entrusted us with His business. We and the church have always known this truth and tried earnestly to carry it out, but we can't do it our way with our understanding for our set period of time. We must always be led by the Master to do the Master's work. This is what having convictions is all about.
Please don't read too much into this post and seek a message or assumption the text does not support. But do pray for us, the church in NYC, and you and your local church. Ask God is you are perceiving His revealed will or if you are allowing that will to be shaped and compromised by your preference and experiences. Also, please consider if you are doing the Father's work of seeking and saving the Lost. If you are leaving that work to someone else, please consider Luke 19:20-27.
Be led by His convictions...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Here We Go Again...
Been taking some time off from posting during the month of August for a variety of reasons. For starters, I had the awesome privilege of traveling the first week to Phoenix for the Assemblies of God General Council. this bi-annual event allows ministers and missionaries from all over the world the opportunity to come together for worship, encouragement, networking, and church business. While not a glorious task, the principles and notion of a unified organization (denomination) are, in fact, biblical (Acts 15) and I am honored to play a role in a fellowship like ours. Looking forward to seeing what God has next in store for the A/G.
Additionally, I have used this month to enjoy time with the family and the church. Our church is preparing for another season of harvest with the Fall fast approaching. The summer was very hot and very challenging. With the ruling of the Federal Court banning church use of public schools, many in the congregation decided that being a portable church involved too much effort and decided to worship elsewhere. I thank God, however, that the majority took to heart the biblical language and example of the church in Scripture. The "church" is not a building but a people. It does not exist for the needs of the saved, but for the purpose of redeeming the Lost. You don't come to church to "take," you come to give and be a part of God's mission. This is what it means to be a church, and this is what the 50 individuals of Forest Hills Community Church are giving their lives to!
So, pray for us as we enter the Fall season. We are still searching for a new meeting space and the options are slim. God is in charge and the fields are "ripe unto harvest." Please pray that workers will be sent out and that the CHURCH will emerge from homes, coffee shops and other public and private gatherings and that many Jews and Gentiles will meet Jesus!
Additionally, I have used this month to enjoy time with the family and the church. Our church is preparing for another season of harvest with the Fall fast approaching. The summer was very hot and very challenging. With the ruling of the Federal Court banning church use of public schools, many in the congregation decided that being a portable church involved too much effort and decided to worship elsewhere. I thank God, however, that the majority took to heart the biblical language and example of the church in Scripture. The "church" is not a building but a people. It does not exist for the needs of the saved, but for the purpose of redeeming the Lost. You don't come to church to "take," you come to give and be a part of God's mission. This is what it means to be a church, and this is what the 50 individuals of Forest Hills Community Church are giving their lives to!
So, pray for us as we enter the Fall season. We are still searching for a new meeting space and the options are slim. God is in charge and the fields are "ripe unto harvest." Please pray that workers will be sent out and that the CHURCH will emerge from homes, coffee shops and other public and private gatherings and that many Jews and Gentiles will meet Jesus!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thoughts on Healing
Been a hard afternoon, but one full of God's providence. In light of my upcoming trip to General Council, I have been working on a sermon two-weeks from now based on Acts 3:1-10. The passage is very familiar and powerful because it involves a supernatural healing at the mere mention of Jesus' name. So many have been encouraged by the story's very simple retelling of the events that led to a lame man being instantly healed; Peter and John command the man to stand and he does with praises unto God. It is so simple and challenging.
No sooner had I cracked the outline on the passage, then my phone and email inbox begin filling with prayer requests for healing. Brain tumors, cancers, mental anguish and anxiety, etc. are effecting my immediate world and friendships. People are suffering and in desperate need to God's mercy and power and the timing of these events cannot be coincidental. So, how should we respond?
Before we address the healing, I feel it imperative to address the nature of sickness. With limited exception, sickness is NOT the fault of the afflicted (John 9:3). Yes, every man's sin furthers the plight of creation and breeds evil, but this should not lead one to the conclusion that if one is sick that he/she is being punished by God. The Bible is replete with the prophets, apostles and common people of God suffering the effects of sickness. Evil simply exists and effects all of us on this side of eternity, period.
After concluding that sickness is merely a component of living in a fallen world, the decision remains with how to treat it. Sadly, more people choose to focus on evil than its cure. Perhaps this is because of our carnal nature and obsession with the physical, but either way the practice is destructive. No good ever comes out of focusing on the problem, we must focus on the cure.
One of the many strengths of the Christian belief is that the biblical description of God is that He is sovereign. God is not limited by anything, nor does anything take place that is outside of His permissive will or ability. Additionally, the Bible declares that He is absolutely "good." This not only defines His essence, but also, by default, declares all of His works/actions/behaviors/ to be "good." These are important and imperative qualities when considering evil and its effects. Because God is sovereign and good, the effects of evil/sickness is never without purpose or cure. This is not to say that man can discern what this purpose is, this truth is reserved for God and God alone. Rather, by knowing that God has given purpose to evil/sickness it gives credence and necessity to look to Him in times of trouble. What matters is that God is always in control.
But His goodness is not abstract or merely theoretical, it's practical and demonstrated particularly in response to evil. The incarnation of Jesus (Jesus coming to earth as a man) proves that God's goodness and sovereignty are real and effective. God takes on the very thing that is susceptible to sickness/evil and overcomes it through the power of the Spirit. Additionally, He preserves not only His body, but he makes it priority to heal those who are sick and dead. God cares for the flesh and overcomes evil's effects toward it (Matt. 8:14-17).
As significant as God's concern for the flesh is, it is not the sole concern of the incarnation. The true significance of God becoming a man is so that He may suffer fully the effects of sin on our behalf and overcome them for all eternity (I Thess. 5:9-10). Jesus came to heal the soul, not merely the body and this is what matters most. I know this is hard to fathom from this side of eternity (John 11:35), but it is true. We should seek and expect God's healing in our physical bodies, but more important is that He be seen as the Healer and Victor over evil's effects on our soul.
If you are sick, then pray to the Lord for healing (James 5:13). God has demonstrated His love, concern, power and will to heal, therefore, expect it with a gracious heart. But, do not major in the minors, loosing sight of God's greatest demonstration of His goodness and love for us: His salvation and healing of the soul. Receive Jesus for who is fully is: God the Healer and Victor over flesh and spirit. The flesh is significant, but far greater is redemption of the soul.
No sooner had I cracked the outline on the passage, then my phone and email inbox begin filling with prayer requests for healing. Brain tumors, cancers, mental anguish and anxiety, etc. are effecting my immediate world and friendships. People are suffering and in desperate need to God's mercy and power and the timing of these events cannot be coincidental. So, how should we respond?
Before we address the healing, I feel it imperative to address the nature of sickness. With limited exception, sickness is NOT the fault of the afflicted (John 9:3). Yes, every man's sin furthers the plight of creation and breeds evil, but this should not lead one to the conclusion that if one is sick that he/she is being punished by God. The Bible is replete with the prophets, apostles and common people of God suffering the effects of sickness. Evil simply exists and effects all of us on this side of eternity, period.
After concluding that sickness is merely a component of living in a fallen world, the decision remains with how to treat it. Sadly, more people choose to focus on evil than its cure. Perhaps this is because of our carnal nature and obsession with the physical, but either way the practice is destructive. No good ever comes out of focusing on the problem, we must focus on the cure.
One of the many strengths of the Christian belief is that the biblical description of God is that He is sovereign. God is not limited by anything, nor does anything take place that is outside of His permissive will or ability. Additionally, the Bible declares that He is absolutely "good." This not only defines His essence, but also, by default, declares all of His works/actions/behaviors/ to be "good." These are important and imperative qualities when considering evil and its effects. Because God is sovereign and good, the effects of evil/sickness is never without purpose or cure. This is not to say that man can discern what this purpose is, this truth is reserved for God and God alone. Rather, by knowing that God has given purpose to evil/sickness it gives credence and necessity to look to Him in times of trouble. What matters is that God is always in control.
But His goodness is not abstract or merely theoretical, it's practical and demonstrated particularly in response to evil. The incarnation of Jesus (Jesus coming to earth as a man) proves that God's goodness and sovereignty are real and effective. God takes on the very thing that is susceptible to sickness/evil and overcomes it through the power of the Spirit. Additionally, He preserves not only His body, but he makes it priority to heal those who are sick and dead. God cares for the flesh and overcomes evil's effects toward it (Matt. 8:14-17).
As significant as God's concern for the flesh is, it is not the sole concern of the incarnation. The true significance of God becoming a man is so that He may suffer fully the effects of sin on our behalf and overcome them for all eternity (I Thess. 5:9-10). Jesus came to heal the soul, not merely the body and this is what matters most. I know this is hard to fathom from this side of eternity (John 11:35), but it is true. We should seek and expect God's healing in our physical bodies, but more important is that He be seen as the Healer and Victor over evil's effects on our soul.
If you are sick, then pray to the Lord for healing (James 5:13). God has demonstrated His love, concern, power and will to heal, therefore, expect it with a gracious heart. But, do not major in the minors, loosing sight of God's greatest demonstration of His goodness and love for us: His salvation and healing of the soul. Receive Jesus for who is fully is: God the Healer and Victor over flesh and spirit. The flesh is significant, but far greater is redemption of the soul.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Thoughts on the USAToday article

Honestly, it's all about Jesus; not me. I didn't say those things on camera or in an interview to "fire up" the Christian community, I said them to provoke the Lost into considering Jesus. I just want people to stop seeing church as a building or a weekend social/religious hour. The church is the people of God at all times (Acts 2:42-47), and I pray this article simply furthers this truth and its implications.
Who knows, may be a few new people will show up this Sunday in PS 144 because of the article. I hope so. But even if they don't, I pray that the Christians who do attend, and those who have read the article, will incorporate the Biblical description and command of the church into their daily lives. Maybe non-Christians will not be directly impacted by this article, but maybe they will be indirectly saved as Christians live as the church from here on out.
It's all about people meeting Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and serving like Jesus as a missionary...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Many of you have been asking about the coverage we received last month when USAToday visited our church concerning a federal court ruling. Well, I am happy to report that the story as officially been released, and we made the FRONT PAGE !!
Please celebrate with us in this incredible testimony. It's not about numbers or publicity; it's all about Jesus! Our prayer is that through this experience the Gospel will be advanced and people will come to know Jesus and His church. It's not about Forest Hills or the Sweetens in any way...
Additionally, we want to thank you, our supporters, for giving each month. If it were not for your continued sacrifice we would not be able to be pastors and church planters. Thank you for giving!!
There is more to be done in this city and nation and we are resolved not to rest until Jesus returns. Let's rejoice in the victory and be the church.
-Jeremy & Christine Sweeten
Pastors and Church Planters in Jewish New York City
AG US Missionary # 293-4370
Please celebrate with us in this incredible testimony. It's not about numbers or publicity; it's all about Jesus! Our prayer is that through this experience the Gospel will be advanced and people will come to know Jesus and His church. It's not about Forest Hills or the Sweetens in any way...
Additionally, we want to thank you, our supporters, for giving each month. If it were not for your continued sacrifice we would not be able to be pastors and church planters. Thank you for giving!!
There is more to be done in this city and nation and we are resolved not to rest until Jesus returns. Let's rejoice in the victory and be the church.
-Jeremy & Christine Sweeten
Pastors and Church Planters in Jewish New York City
AG US Missionary # 293-4370
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Thoughts on Family
Being a dad, a husband, a son, etc. is tough. Let's face it, living in a community of any kind is difficult, because people are always taking or needing something from you, or you are taking or needing something from them. This is not a rash overstatement, but simple truth.
Some would argue over the reasons for this turmoil and come up with radical, illogical political or social solutions, but that would be missing the BIG PICTURE. You see, community is good and necessary. God has designed us to live together and never alone. In fact, He says that being alone is "not good" (Gen. 2), and this is precisely why He created man and woman in harmony with using the plural (Gen 1:27-28).
Community might be a pain in the neck at times, but that is because of sin. My sin and your sin, because all sin separates (Gen. 3). To live a happy life is not to live in solitude or in man-created communes, but to enjoy the redemption of Jesus and live in holy community with Him at the center (See Leviticus and Rev. 21). But, before we can enjoy this ultimate society, we must first learn to excel in the minors: family.
The redemption offered through Jesus not only cures our hostility with God, but also our hostility with our fellow man. When a person becomes a Christian, the first area of his life that is to be impacted is his household. (Check out the Bible: God saves households because one person is saved first.) If this does not happen, then something has gone terribly wrong or has failed to be enacted.
My question for all of us is this: Are we living in Holy Communion in our families?
Some would argue over the reasons for this turmoil and come up with radical, illogical political or social solutions, but that would be missing the BIG PICTURE. You see, community is good and necessary. God has designed us to live together and never alone. In fact, He says that being alone is "not good" (Gen. 2), and this is precisely why He created man and woman in harmony with using the plural (Gen 1:27-28).
Community might be a pain in the neck at times, but that is because of sin. My sin and your sin, because all sin separates (Gen. 3). To live a happy life is not to live in solitude or in man-created communes, but to enjoy the redemption of Jesus and live in holy community with Him at the center (See Leviticus and Rev. 21). But, before we can enjoy this ultimate society, we must first learn to excel in the minors: family.
The redemption offered through Jesus not only cures our hostility with God, but also our hostility with our fellow man. When a person becomes a Christian, the first area of his life that is to be impacted is his household. (Check out the Bible: God saves households because one person is saved first.) If this does not happen, then something has gone terribly wrong or has failed to be enacted.
My question for all of us is this: Are we living in Holy Communion in our families?
Thursday, June 30, 2011
More Thoughts on Preaching
This week we wrapped up our study of Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost, which is really a defense of salvation theology. Sure it explains the gifts of tongues and the personhood of Jesus, but ulitmately the sermon is a call to salvation. Peter's remarks on the pouring out of the Spirit is that the Jews (regardless of how religious) are not the true sons of God as evidenced by their lack of the Spirit.
All of Peter's remarks about Jesus are not merely historical for the people are said to already know the history of Jesus; in fact, Peter states that these men listening to his sermon were participants in His death and witnesses of His resurrection. What Peter is doing in his remarks on Jesus is stating that Jesus is the giver of the Spirit as attested to by His life, death, resurrection and ascension. All of these claims are not about mere history or theology but about calling people to a response. Peter is imploring these devout Jews to change their view of Jesus.
All Christians possess the Spirit and, therefore, all Christians are called and enabled to preach. But when we preach, we must preach so as to call people to a response about JESUS. It is not enough to stimulate people to good works or thoughts on God; we must call people to Jesus.
Acts 2:14-41.
All of Peter's remarks about Jesus are not merely historical for the people are said to already know the history of Jesus; in fact, Peter states that these men listening to his sermon were participants in His death and witnesses of His resurrection. What Peter is doing in his remarks on Jesus is stating that Jesus is the giver of the Spirit as attested to by His life, death, resurrection and ascension. All of these claims are not about mere history or theology but about calling people to a response. Peter is imploring these devout Jews to change their view of Jesus.
All Christians possess the Spirit and, therefore, all Christians are called and enabled to preach. But when we preach, we must preach so as to call people to a response about JESUS. It is not enough to stimulate people to good works or thoughts on God; we must call people to Jesus.
Acts 2:14-41.
Monday, June 27, 2011
A First Win

Friday's events got even better when we received word that USAToday would be joining us for service on Sunday. They had heard about our "housing dilemma" and wanted a local church to highlight in NYC. Following a phone interview, they decided it would be really cool to take pictures of a service, interview our folks, and see what "portable church" is really all about. Oh, they would give our church national media attention for free...
When Sunday arrived, I still had told no one of the news media joining us for service. If people were going to come to church and serve the Body, then they were going to have to do it for the right reasons, not merely to get on camera. Sure enough, everyone on our Setup team arrived on time and ready to work. Needless to say, the media was very impressed to see a church of 50 have 20 people arrive 2 hours before church to work in the heat without coffee or compensation.
Oh, and I didn't tell the media that this Sunday was also BAPTISM Sunday...
With 45 people in attendance this week, the church was truly visible and unified. No one cared about the news crew being there, they were thrilled that Jesus was present and His mission shining clear for all to see. People worshipped, soaked up the Word, and were excited to see five people baptized...only 9 people ended up getting baptized.
Following the sermon from Acts 2:37-41, four people from the audience spontaneous responded to the Holy Spirit's call to be baptized. They didn't do it because of emotions or as a publicity stunt. These people were moved by God, saved, and led into obedient righteousness. It was awesome and the pictures scream a MILLION words to the glory of God!
I want to close by stating that this is a FIRST win of many for the church. The month of June was a defining moment for us as a church, and I believe one of refinement. Instead of freaking out in the face of adversity (well, maybe a little freaking out at times...), we dug into Jesus, His Word and listened to the Holy Spirit. We are a new church with new, cleared mission and more dedicated people united around a common goal: Jesus' fame. We are all MISSIONARIES ready to be trained and sent out so that spontaneous baptisms are the normal experience.
Jesus said that He came to "seek and save the Lost." We are the means of extending that grace to others (Matt. 28:19-20), and when we go out in His name people are saved supernaturally! Let's go, Church.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Thoughts on Preaching
Acts 2 is an incredible passage for numerous reasons. In addition to its declaration of the Spirit's coming and the radical move He had on the early church, the passage also teaches us much in regards to the preaching of the Gospel. Peter proves to be quite the orator and prophet in Acts 2 and there is much that we (regardless of our occupation) can learn from his sermon.
First of all, Peter teaches us it is necessary to be bold. Without hesitation, the man calls upon the prophecy of Joel and makes known to the people that it is the End Times and that they are on the wrong side of Judgment. In addition to this, he then goes on to proclaim (at numerous points) that those who are listening to his sermon are guilty of the murder of God's Messiah.
Some would like to look at these bold moves by Peter and rationalize them due to the culture and audience of the day; but is this a legitimate rebuttal? Closer examination does not affirm such. The truth is that the people Peter were addressing were no different that any other people of our day. They struggled with the biblical concept of resurrection, the judgment of God, and religious identity. They were arrogant, literal, traditional, and religious; just like our world today.
Peter never backed down from the truth of Scripture because he knew it was true, necessary, and God's gift of grace to mankind. If Peter would not have preached with boldness, then 3,000 people would not have been saved that day.
There is more that Peter's sermon teaches us about preaching, but for now I think it prudent to wrestle with BOLDNESS. Q: Are you bold in your presentation of the Gospel?
First of all, Peter teaches us it is necessary to be bold. Without hesitation, the man calls upon the prophecy of Joel and makes known to the people that it is the End Times and that they are on the wrong side of Judgment. In addition to this, he then goes on to proclaim (at numerous points) that those who are listening to his sermon are guilty of the murder of God's Messiah.
Some would like to look at these bold moves by Peter and rationalize them due to the culture and audience of the day; but is this a legitimate rebuttal? Closer examination does not affirm such. The truth is that the people Peter were addressing were no different that any other people of our day. They struggled with the biblical concept of resurrection, the judgment of God, and religious identity. They were arrogant, literal, traditional, and religious; just like our world today.
Peter never backed down from the truth of Scripture because he knew it was true, necessary, and God's gift of grace to mankind. If Peter would not have preached with boldness, then 3,000 people would not have been saved that day.
There is more that Peter's sermon teaches us about preaching, but for now I think it prudent to wrestle with BOLDNESS. Q: Are you bold in your presentation of the Gospel?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Thoughts on the Church
I am not sold on the contemporary model of "church." I believe that our local church recently losing access to its rented facility was the best thing for us at this time. (I am, however, praying for the permit to be renewed at the school because it is a great place for KIDS.)
Everything is changing over here and I covet your prayers. God willing, I will have a formal proposal and thesis to present to your in the coming weeks concerning my understanding and application of a biblical "church."
In short, we (and many others) have been working against our own convictions. The church is to be the incarnate and corporate witness of God, not the mere place we gather for an hour or an individual apart from community...
Everything is changing over here and I covet your prayers. God willing, I will have a formal proposal and thesis to present to your in the coming weeks concerning my understanding and application of a biblical "church."
In short, we (and many others) have been working against our own convictions. The church is to be the incarnate and corporate witness of God, not the mere place we gather for an hour or an individual apart from community...
Friday, June 17, 2011
June Prayer Points
Boy, I am sure am glad we waited to post this month's Prayer Points, because we would have been way off! Following a great month of ministry and supernatural encounters, we were anticipating another great month and the unveiling of a new discipleship and evangelism process. Turns out the Lord has other things in mind.
On June 4th, the NYC School Board successfully sued to ban all churches from using its facilities for worship purposes. This dynamic decision affects over 60 churches, including Forest Hills Community Church. As of June 30, it looks like the church will be homeless...again.
Please join with us in praying for the following:
1 - A Permanent Facility - Actions have already been taken to repeal the court's decision, however, this can take anywhere from a week to several years to go into effect. Pray that the Lord will have His way in this situation and that FHCC will not experience any interruption in its evangelistic and discipleship endeavors. (Tough to get people to go to church when no one knows where it is...)
2 - Qualified Leaders - Church leadership is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for merely a meek personality or a business professional. Ministry is hard and there is no other office or profession quite like it. Pray that God will appoint and train those whom He has called to assist in the ministry here in NYC. The Harvest is plentiful...
3 - Family Protection - The kids are growing up fast, and we don't want to miss it. Ministry is a 24/7 endeavor, but we need time with each other uninterrupted. Please pray for this to be possible and appreciated by all.
Thank you all for your love and support! Without you, we couldn't do what God has called and blessed us to do.
On June 4th, the NYC School Board successfully sued to ban all churches from using its facilities for worship purposes. This dynamic decision affects over 60 churches, including Forest Hills Community Church. As of June 30, it looks like the church will be homeless...again.
Please join with us in praying for the following:
1 - A Permanent Facility - Actions have already been taken to repeal the court's decision, however, this can take anywhere from a week to several years to go into effect. Pray that the Lord will have His way in this situation and that FHCC will not experience any interruption in its evangelistic and discipleship endeavors. (Tough to get people to go to church when no one knows where it is...)
2 - Qualified Leaders - Church leadership is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for merely a meek personality or a business professional. Ministry is hard and there is no other office or profession quite like it. Pray that God will appoint and train those whom He has called to assist in the ministry here in NYC. The Harvest is plentiful...
3 - Family Protection - The kids are growing up fast, and we don't want to miss it. Ministry is a 24/7 endeavor, but we need time with each other uninterrupted. Please pray for this to be possible and appreciated by all.
Thank you all for your love and support! Without you, we couldn't do what God has called and blessed us to do.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Holy Spirit and Us
This is Not an Overstatement: Next to the death & resurrection of Jesus, the single greatest event in the Bible is the coming of the Spirit into the lives of the Believers. It is His presence that guarantees we are saved and enables us to fulfill God's commands and blessings. The Holy Spirit's arrival on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) is a really BIG deal.
This Sunday, as a church we begin our study of Acts 2. This dynamic chapter will fulfill the OT hope and promise and grant new vision and power for the believer's daily life. It becomes the standard by which all future churches aspire to and will be judged by. I believe this with all of my heart!
Please be praying for us and the church in Forest Hills. The issue of the Holy Spirit, and His filling, has been so abused and denigrated by so many that it is a constant battle to insure a proper reception and response. I believe there is a cleansing (purging) that is taking place here in NYC, and that God is using FHCC as a foundational piece in this process. Please pray that His will is accomplished.
This Sunday, as a church we begin our study of Acts 2. This dynamic chapter will fulfill the OT hope and promise and grant new vision and power for the believer's daily life. It becomes the standard by which all future churches aspire to and will be judged by. I believe this with all of my heart!
Please be praying for us and the church in Forest Hills. The issue of the Holy Spirit, and His filling, has been so abused and denigrated by so many that it is a constant battle to insure a proper reception and response. I believe there is a cleansing (purging) that is taking place here in NYC, and that God is using FHCC as a foundational piece in this process. Please pray that His will is accomplished.
Monday, May 9, 2011
May Prayer Points
After an incredible season of Outreach and Evangelism during the Spring holidays, we were all excited and eager to see what God was going to do through us and His church in May. Originally, we had planned on kicking off the new month with a sermon series on the book of Acts. God, however, had something else in store.
Days before "kick off" Sunday, the Lord clearly spoke and said that the people of FHCC and NYC were not yet ready to live and receive the implications found in the book of Acts. Sin and apathy were still too prevalent and would only frustrate us as we read and anticipated God doing the miracles of Acts in our lives and city. Instead, God called us to proclaim Ephesians 5:1-20, and then call the church to repentance.
So with a church filled the Sunday after Easter with new guests and families, we read the rebuke of the Lord regarding sin and apathy. It was a powerful message and it led to the spiritual confrontation with many in our church and community. God was glorified, His church purified, and His witness exalted. It has been an amazing beginning to the month of May!
We now feel the Lord releasing us to begin our study of the book of Acts entitled, "RADICAL: When God Dwells with His People." It is going to be fantastic, but also incredibly tough. The miracle of Acts is not simply the power of God being displayed in physical demonstrations and healings, but more miraculously in the lives of the church. The church was full of POWER, because they HATED sin (Acts 5), LOVED Jesus (Acts 4), and DEPENDED COMPLETELY on the Holy Spirit (Acts 5). This is not an easy task for mortal men...
Please join with us this month in praying for the following:
1 - GREATER dependence on the Holy Spirit
2 - More Jewish people to hear the Gospel and come to Faith
3 - Health and Sanity for the family - it is especially tough living as a Jesus-loving FAMILY in NYC
4 - More Workers in the Harvest Field of NYC
Days before "kick off" Sunday, the Lord clearly spoke and said that the people of FHCC and NYC were not yet ready to live and receive the implications found in the book of Acts. Sin and apathy were still too prevalent and would only frustrate us as we read and anticipated God doing the miracles of Acts in our lives and city. Instead, God called us to proclaim Ephesians 5:1-20, and then call the church to repentance.
So with a church filled the Sunday after Easter with new guests and families, we read the rebuke of the Lord regarding sin and apathy. It was a powerful message and it led to the spiritual confrontation with many in our church and community. God was glorified, His church purified, and His witness exalted. It has been an amazing beginning to the month of May!
We now feel the Lord releasing us to begin our study of the book of Acts entitled, "RADICAL: When God Dwells with His People." It is going to be fantastic, but also incredibly tough. The miracle of Acts is not simply the power of God being displayed in physical demonstrations and healings, but more miraculously in the lives of the church. The church was full of POWER, because they HATED sin (Acts 5), LOVED Jesus (Acts 4), and DEPENDED COMPLETELY on the Holy Spirit (Acts 5). This is not an easy task for mortal men...
Please join with us this month in praying for the following:
1 - GREATER dependence on the Holy Spirit
2 - More Jewish people to hear the Gospel and come to Faith
3 - Health and Sanity for the family - it is especially tough living as a Jesus-loving FAMILY in NYC
4 - More Workers in the Harvest Field of NYC
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Easter at FHCC

It all began on Friday night with a dynamic time of worship and meditation on the cross. Despite being in a new location, the attendance was strong and several new faces attended. You can listen to the message here.
Saturday is when God really did a miracle. With the church praying for weeks for good weather, the Lord saw it fit to bless us with torrential downpours. This forced our long anticipated Egg Hunt indoors, and none of us knew how this would effect the outcome. Turns out, it made the event bigger and more effective.
Because of the bad weather, families were desperately looking for something to do outside of their house. Additionally, by moving the event indoors it provided the church with the opportunity to personally greet and share Jesus with event attendee. By God's grace over 800 people attended the 2-hour event. It was amazing!
But, Easter weekend is really all about Easter Sunday. This year the weather was perfect and we saw many new families attend the service. Several people gave their hearts to the Lord and everyone is excited to attend church this Sunday. God was exalted this weekend, and He truly has drawn people unto Himself. We are blessed to be His church!
Thank you for praying and giving!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Passover Update
Last night we hosted 25 people in the celebration of Passover. While many were members of the church, a significant number were not, and of these, almost all were not Christian.
The service took place without a single incident. Not only were the people excited to learn the culture and customs of the Jewish tradition, but they were way more interested in seeing how Jesus completes and supersedes the Passover experience. Several Jewish women who attended were amazed at how literally Jesus (Yeshua) met and exceeded Jewish expectations and religious law. By the end of the night, they were in complete agreement that He was, and is, the Messiah!!
Please continue to pray for these two incredible women of faith! We have no idea how much courage and boldness it took for them to attend a Christian Seder and acknowledge the legitimacy of both Jesus and the New Testament record. Please pray for their salvation!
Please also pray for the countless conversations that will take place this week and into eternity. After having revealed to so many the Messianic significance of Passover, every one who attended last night Seder is now eager to show their faith with the Jewish friends! Last night's miracle is only beginning to show its effects. Pray that many will come to know Jesus this Passover season!
THANK YOU all for your prayers and financial support. We could not have done with any success without YOU!
The service took place without a single incident. Not only were the people excited to learn the culture and customs of the Jewish tradition, but they were way more interested in seeing how Jesus completes and supersedes the Passover experience. Several Jewish women who attended were amazed at how literally Jesus (Yeshua) met and exceeded Jewish expectations and religious law. By the end of the night, they were in complete agreement that He was, and is, the Messiah!!
Please continue to pray for these two incredible women of faith! We have no idea how much courage and boldness it took for them to attend a Christian Seder and acknowledge the legitimacy of both Jesus and the New Testament record. Please pray for their salvation!
Please also pray for the countless conversations that will take place this week and into eternity. After having revealed to so many the Messianic significance of Passover, every one who attended last night Seder is now eager to show their faith with the Jewish friends! Last night's miracle is only beginning to show its effects. Pray that many will come to know Jesus this Passover season!
THANK YOU all for your prayers and financial support. We could not have done with any success without YOU!
PS> Pictures coming soon.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Need Your Prayers

Please pray with us for the following:

1 - Passover Seder Service - We are hosting our second annual Passover dinner service for the Jewish community to come and learn about Jesus, the Deliverer. Last year's service was miraculous, and we are beliving for even greater results this year.
2 - Easter Weekend - Every year we go large and hard over the Easter weekend. It all kicks off on Good Friday with a honest and somber reflection on our sinful plight and the great sacrifice of God. This year we are holding the service in our new location (public school) and are switching our meeting time to the evening. Please pray for salvation and attendance.

The Saturday following is our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Last year over 700 people attended and heard about Jesus. This year we want to see not just attendees, but converts. After all, its all about Jesus; not the candy.

The Saturday following is our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Last year over 700 people attended and heard about Jesus. This year we want to see not just attendees, but converts. After all, its all about Jesus; not the candy.
The weekend concludes with our Easter Service. This year we will use the opportunity to launch our new sermon study through the book of Acts. We believe that God wants the events and miracles of Acts to still be carried out today and in greater frequency. This study is already proving to be a historic moment in the ministry here in NYC, as many are seeking the Spirit with new and renewed fervency. Please pray!

3 - Health - Every year about this time the family gets socked with a nasty cold that only gets passed around. We are already suffering... Please pray for deliverance and healing.
4 - Finances - God continues to supply and we THANK YOU for your generous love and financial support. Without you, there would be NO CHURCH & NO WITNESS in Forest Hills, NYC.

3 - Health - Every year about this time the family gets socked with a nasty cold that only gets passed around. We are already suffering... Please pray for deliverance and healing.
4 - Finances - God continues to supply and we THANK YOU for your generous love and financial support. Without you, there would be NO CHURCH & NO WITNESS in Forest Hills, NYC.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Joining the Ministry

I love it when we have members of supporting churches visit us for a service at FHCC! This week we were surprised to have members of a church in PA join us for Sunday worship. They were able to meet the people, worship alongside of us and get to see the difference God is making in Queens, NY. But the really cool part is that they have the unique privilege of taking partial ownership in the success!
If it wasn't for their prayer and financial support, there wouldn't be a church in Forest Hills. Our church is blessed with solid Christians who give of their time and treasure to the ministry, but it still is not enough to pay all the bills or accomplish the full mission. We still need help from the outside, and gratefully there are many who are willing to do so!
If you have chosen to partner with us, then you are just as much a part of God's success in NYC than anyone of us! We are the products of your worship to God, with a greater harvest yet to come. THANK YOU!
If you would like to partner with us, then now is the time to join. Not only is our church plant continuing to see lives saved, but we are also preparing to launch a new church in the next 12-months. Your commitment to pray and give financially puts the tools and resources in our hands to get the job done. And by giving directly to the ministry, we ensure that 100% of your gift goes directly towards the work here in NYC and will grant full accountability to you, our supporter.
Join the Ministry in NYC:
Make checks payable to "MatchlessFire Jewish Ministries"
Mail to:
MatchlessFire Ministries
PO BOX 4114
Forest Hills, NY 11375
All gifts are tax-deductible under the IRS 501(c)3 rules.
If it wasn't for their prayer and financial support, there wouldn't be a church in Forest Hills. Our church is blessed with solid Christians who give of their time and treasure to the ministry, but it still is not enough to pay all the bills or accomplish the full mission. We still need help from the outside, and gratefully there are many who are willing to do so!
If you have chosen to partner with us, then you are just as much a part of God's success in NYC than anyone of us! We are the products of your worship to God, with a greater harvest yet to come. THANK YOU!
If you would like to partner with us, then now is the time to join. Not only is our church plant continuing to see lives saved, but we are also preparing to launch a new church in the next 12-months. Your commitment to pray and give financially puts the tools and resources in our hands to get the job done. And by giving directly to the ministry, we ensure that 100% of your gift goes directly towards the work here in NYC and will grant full accountability to you, our supporter.
Join the Ministry in NYC:
Make checks payable to "MatchlessFire Jewish Ministries"
Mail to:
MatchlessFire Ministries
PO BOX 4114
Forest Hills, NY 11375
All gifts are tax-deductible under the IRS 501(c)3 rules.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
NYC Mission Teams
Ministry is extrememly difficult here in NYC. For starters, this is NYC; the people are mean and have little or no desire to hear about Jesus, especially from an "outsider." Routinely, those who come to minister with us become frustrated and hurt when then give their first "invite card" to a NYer getting on the subway. Many cry...
Secondly, the people of NYC live to work. During the day there are very few people around which makes ministry incredibly difficult. Typically, ministry hours are very early in the morning (7-9am) or very late at night (6-9pm).
Thirdly, NYers don't like gimmicks or promises that cannot be realized immediately. Outreaches and crusades have little to no effect here in the City. The best way to reach people is through one-on-one evangelism and religious services on traditional days (Sundays and holidays). NYC is not Latin America...
Finally, there is no housing in NYC. A visiting team would be responsible for their own transportation, housing and meals. The average person will walk 10-12 miles per day in ministry, spend $40 a day in meals, and accrue a hotel bill of $100/night/double occupancy. It is not cheap or easy to do ministry in NYC, and thus the city is a spiritual mess.
Please understand that this warning above is not to discourage anyone from coming to NYC and partnering with us. We would LOVE to have you! However, we want you and your team to have the best experience possible, and that begins with realistic expectations. We would love to have you, but we know this ministry is not for everyone...
Still feeling called? Then email us today!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Heading Out West
The convention kicks off Saturday night be a time of refreshments and fellowship highlighting the many ministries already supported by the church with updates. Additionally, a newly appointed missionary will be on hand to share her incredible story of how God has called her to one of the most difficult regions and people groups in the world! It's gonna be fantastic!!
Then on Sunday morning, I have been asked to share in the main service concerning the work in NYC, and particularly our work to the Jewish people. There is so much to report and even I can't imagine h0w good God has been to us. Finally, I will also be sharing practical ways we all can partner together for the advancement of Jesus' salvation in both Pittsburgh and beyond.
It all starts this weekend, and I hope to see you there!!
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