When I saw my drunk confrontational friend sitting with two other hipsters, I knew it was going to be a good night. As I asked to get a minute with my friend, the other two immediately asked me to sit down and join them. And as I began speaking to the guy I know about the Holy Spirit telling me to come back and give him a bible, the table literally lit up!
The guy immediately took the bible and began looking it over while the other two began twenty questions. As it turns out, they were your typical post-modern 20-somethings who were not against Jesus, but were against Christianity and the church. What threw them, however, was that I was young, carrying a bible without a name tag and uniform and talked about Jesus like HE really mattered to me, personally. I didn't freak out about their questions or begin apologizing for mistakes I personally never made. Instead, i talked about my Lord, Savior, God and Friend, Jesus.
The conversation lasted over and hour and ended with the original guy remaining indifferent towards Jesus, but his two drinking friends contemplating Jesus. It was they who agreed to take and read the bible I was offering, and they even mentioned that they would check out a local church. It was an incredible night and I was blessed to walk out with not only my teeth, but three new friends!
In hindsight, I have no regrets for how the night was handled or the results that came about. This is not because I did everything perfect, but rather that I did a few things right like listen to the Holy Spirit, defend Jesus and love strangers. I say all of this not to brag, but rather to boast about the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit. It was Him who gave me love, compassion, wisdom and resolve. It was Him who opened the eyes of the people in conversation. It was all about Him.
Too many Christians are too busy operating in the flesh with Christian motives. This does not work. Doing Christian things in the manner that the world does them, or with an attitude of fear, accomplishes little to nothing. What the world needs is the power of the Holy Spirit. What made my conversation different from the many these young people have had with other Christians was the power of the Holy Spirit.
I know this post is full of assumptions, but please consider it. Please consider how often you do or do not evangelize. If you don't share your faith, then I think you may have proven my point... If you do, then please consider the response of you and those you engage. Is it you doing to work or is it the Holy Spirit?
I've written enough posts this month alone to solidify my case that I am nothing and He is everything. I am so humbled that I not only get to be a missionary and church planter to NYC, but that I get to be a Christian for Jesus and receive the promise of the eternal Spirit residing and empowering my daily life. Thank you, Jesus, and save many more!