Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thoughts on the USAToday article

Many people have reached out to me from across the sphere these past 24-hours. I've had calls from lawyers looking to take our case (didn't know we had one), old friends and colleagues sending messages of encouragement, and have even had Christian news people call to inquire about the church. It has been an amazing experience, but I'm still waiting for that one call from someone who is not a Christian.

Honestly, it's all about Jesus; not me. I didn't say those things on camera or in an interview to "fire up" the Christian community, I said them to provoke the Lost into considering Jesus. I just want people to stop seeing church as a building or a weekend social/religious hour. The church is the people of God at all times (Acts 2:42-47), and I pray this article simply furthers this truth and its implications.

Who knows, may be a few new people will show up this Sunday in PS 144 because of the article. I hope so. But even if they don't, I pray that the Christians who do attend, and those who have read the article, will incorporate the Biblical description and command of the church into their daily lives. Maybe non-Christians will not be directly impacted by this article, but maybe they will be indirectly saved as Christians live as the church from here on out.

It's all about people meeting Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and serving like Jesus as a missionary...