This is Not an Overstatement: Next to the death & resurrection of Jesus, the single greatest event in the Bible is the coming of the Spirit into the lives of the Believers. It is His presence that guarantees we are saved and enables us to fulfill God's commands and blessings. The Holy Spirit's arrival on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) is a really BIG deal.
This Sunday, as a church we begin our study of Acts 2. This dynamic chapter will fulfill the OT hope and promise and grant new vision and power for the believer's daily life. It becomes the standard by which all future churches aspire to and will be judged by. I believe this with all of my heart!
Please be praying for us and the church in Forest Hills. The issue of the Holy Spirit, and His filling, has been so abused and denigrated by so many that it is a constant battle to insure a proper reception and response. I believe there is a cleansing (purging) that is taking place here in NYC, and that God is using FHCC as a foundational piece in this process. Please pray that His will is accomplished.