Many of you have been asking about the coverage we received last month when USAToday visited our church concerning a federal court ruling. Well, I am happy to report that the story as officially been released, and we made the FRONT PAGE !!
Please celebrate with us in this incredible testimony. It's not about numbers or publicity; it's all about Jesus! Our prayer is that through this experience the Gospel will be advanced and people will come to know Jesus and His church. It's not about Forest Hills or the Sweetens in any way...
Additionally, we want to thank you, our supporters, for giving each month. If it were not for your continued sacrifice we would not be able to be pastors and church planters. Thank you for giving!!
There is more to be done in this city and nation and we are resolved not to rest until Jesus returns. Let's rejoice in the victory and be the church.
-Jeremy & Christine Sweeten
Pastors and Church Planters in Jewish New York City
AG US Missionary # 293-4370