Ministry is extrememly difficult here in NYC. For starters, this is NYC; the people are mean and have little or no desire to hear about Jesus, especially from an "outsider." Routinely, those who come to minister with us become frustrated and hurt when then give their first "invite card" to a NYer getting on the subway. Many cry...
Secondly, the people of NYC live to work. During the day there are very few people around which makes ministry incredibly difficult. Typically, ministry hours are very early in the morning (7-9am) or very late at night (6-9pm).
Thirdly, NYers don't like gimmicks or promises that cannot be realized immediately. Outreaches and crusades have little to no effect here in the City. The best way to reach people is through one-on-one evangelism and religious services on traditional days (Sundays and holidays). NYC is not Latin America...
Finally, there is no housing in NYC. A visiting team would be responsible for their own transportation, housing and meals. The average person will walk 10-12 miles per day in ministry, spend $40 a day in meals, and accrue a hotel bill of $100/night/double occupancy. It is not cheap or easy to do ministry in NYC, and thus the city is a spiritual mess.
Please understand that this warning above is not to discourage anyone from coming to NYC and partnering with us. We would LOVE to have you! However, we want you and your team to have the best experience possible, and that begins with realistic expectations. We would love to have you, but we know this ministry is not for everyone...
Still feeling called? Then email us today!