Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Importance of Presence

Earlier this week, my son celebrated his birthday without daddy being home.  Yes, daddy sent a present, made an early morning phone call where he and 17 of his  Navy friends sang 'Happy Birthday' over the speaker phone, and even had a full 'cake and ice cream' party prior to daddy's departure; however, all of this still was not enough. 

On the night of his birthday, my son waited by the compute with baited breath to Skype with daddy on his birthday.  You see, every night since daddy left on assignment, I have been able to Skype with the boys while they were in their beds and say our evening prayers together.  My son was expectation the same on the night of his birthday, but on that night daddy couldn't Skype.  Of all the nights and days of the week, my internet was out and there was no way to connect.  So, I called my son and prayed with him and his brothers.  I believed everything was OK wife sent me a text stating that all he wanted all day was to 'see' daddy on his birthday.  In fact, he even told his teachers at school that this was his only wish.

Well, that's all it took.  I immediately got creative and sacrificial and somehow managed to access Skype via my cell phone.  I called my son and he got to see daddy on his birthday.   There was no lengthy or revelatory conversation; in fact, he didn't say much of anything.  He just smiled and watched me through his computer.  All he needed was to 'see' his daddy to be happy.

Q - Are you seeking 'our Father?'  So many Christians just go through life without earnestly seeking the Father's face.  It's bad enough that most simply do not pray, but when you consider the gift of the Holy Spirit, and His revelatory power, it is truly amazing the level of Christian apathy.

My son reminded me of the power of 'face time' with daddy.  An exchange of words is great, but there is no substitute for engaging and observing the love and beauty of another (Rom 8).  Seek an encounter with God today.  Do it right now.  Pray and ask to 'see' Him.  No, you probably won't get a literal vision, but I promise you an encounter.  If not in that moment, then certainly at some point in your day when grace is displayed in all in beauty.  The truth is - He wants face time with us even more than we want it with Him (John 3:16).