This past weekend I had the privilege of attending chapel on base. It was a great service with very kind and loving people who were committed to their local church and their God. Everyone talked with each other as if they were family, and when the time came for the preaching of the Word, they were excited and eager to receive it. It was a great, great military base church.
However, despite their love and generosity, I still felt out of place. Please understand that this had nothing to do with them, but everything to do with me. You see, when I enter a new environment, I look for the missionary opportunities. Even when I was pastoring in NYC, one of the biggest perks for me was seeing who the new people in the service were and beginning a meaningful conversation with them. At the base chapel this Sunday, the entire back row was filled with new Army recruits, and I knew that many of them were only there because they were in desperate need of divine encouragement after a week of being yelled at by the Sergeant. Unfortunately, their location inside the church, along with the watchful eye of their instructor, made conversation with them impossible. I tried my hardest anyway, even choosing to stand the entire service in the back of the sanctuary. My hope was that one of them would make a run for the bathroom and I could follow them out for a 'not too awkward' conversation. No such luck...
But all was not lost! Whereas the Army soldiers in the sanctuary were bound and gagged, there was a whole platoon coming out of the chapel basement and into the lobby area. They were talking among themselves so I knew I could converse with them, too. As it turns out, they were Muslims who had just finished morning prayers and study in the downstairs Sunday School classrooms. We talked at length about life, the military and faith. We didn't quite have time for an altar call, but there was a moment of deep contemplation among them when I shared my pastoral experience with them. They were blown away by how many times God saved/changed a person's life or provided miraculously in times of need. A seed was surely planted.
I left the chapel service truly blessed and feeling close to God. No, I didn't hear much of the sermon and I wasn't able to enjoy the old hymns; but, I did hear the voice of God and surely felt His presence as I ministered His truth to others. Sunday was an incredible day in the Lord because I was doing what I was created to do. I didn't just go to church - I was the church.
The church is Christ's body, and each one of us is a special part for a special purpose. Find your identity and do it!