Beginning in May, small gatherings will take place in different shops, restaurants, cafes, parks, etc. around Hershey. Their purpose will be to simply gather church members for times of fellowship, Bible study, and worship (prayer or otherwise). Our understanding is that Acts 2 is more than an explanation of 'tongues' but, rather, a definition of how the God's empowered church is to operate.
When the early church gathered to worship Jesus, the Spirit descended, and He drew those outside the church into a conversation (and subsequent conversion v.37) with the church. Our hope is to simply live out Acts 2:42-47 in and around Hershey, PA. We will gather to fellowship, read/study our Bible, and pray together. It will not be weird, obnoxious, or freaky. We will not try to make a name for ourselves. And the event will have just as much appeal and application for non-believers as it would for aged believers in the faith.
The ministry and power of the Gospel is beyond the control of anyone of us. People are only saved (and the church is only powerful) when the testimony of Jesus is taught and lived out.
Q: Are you living in Central PA and looking for a church or Bible Study? Consider joining us in Hershey. LifeChurch-Hershey