Nevertheless, I understand the importance of descriptive language in capturing the essence and joy of what heaven will be like. After all, even Jesus and the writers of the Bible used physical, descriptive language to describe heaven in the context of their audience. Therefore, when I am asked about heaven, I simply respond with a comparison for the ideal here on earth. The truth is that Disney World is nothing but a cheap knock-off of heaven.
Heaven vs. Disney World
The Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom will seem ridiculously boring compared to the Tree of Life that dwells in God's Kingdom. Cinderella's castle is great, but lacks an occupant and is limited in its jurisdiction (Advertureland, Tomorrowland, Fanstasyland, Frontierland, Toontown and Liberty Square). Heaven, however, will have a magnificent temple where God, Himself will dwell, and there will be no end to His majestic and peaceful jurisdiction. Epcot (the environmentally planned community of tomorrow) is man's ideal and creation, and, therefore, promotes man. Heaven is God's planned community and will exalt His power, wisdom and achievements. Man will benefit in the Kingdom because of the infinite power of God alone.
So, what is heaven like? It is greater than any stretch of man's incredible imagination and desire. Heaven is better than Disney World!