By God's grace, many of our supporters are looking for additional ways to support the ministry beyond their existing monthly financial support. As a result, I would like to formally address these requests and petition for greater participation in the ministry here in Queens, NY.
1 - Funds for Special Projects: Due to the incredible cost of living in NYC, the monthly donations we receive from our supporters only covers the personal living expenses of our family. The ministry (church plant) we have established pays all its own monthly bills (with the exception of my salary), but is unable to do much more than the predictable (rent, telephone, utilities, etc.). Seasonal outreaches such as Easter, Passover, Christmas, Fall Harvest, etc. routinely present a challenge for the ministry, as funds are not always available in the assigned budget. A generous gift, in addition to the monthly support already being received, would help make these outreaches possible. The average cost to secure the supplies and permits (this is NYC, after all), typically costs $1,500.00.
Specifically, we are looking to host a PASSOVER meal and service on April 19. The average price for a Kosher passover meal is $25/person. A gift from you, your small group or church would make it possible for us to provide a meal and teaching on Jesus to a Jewish person during this Passover season. By God's grace, we were able to do this ministry last year and saw 6 Jewish people come to a greater knowledge of Jesus.
Additionally, we are looking to sponsor a large Easter outreach for the entire community. Our church meets inside of a school with a very large playground. By God's grace, we have secured a permit to rent the space the Saturday before Easter and hold a large Easter egg hunt and salvation service. Our plans are to not only place candy in thousands of eggs, but also a specific bible verse revealing Jesus as Messiah and Savior. We would like to rent a stage, sound system, and purchase literature to preach to those who come about Jesus' deliverance and provide Bibles to all who attend. Funds will be needed to rent these materials and purchase the Bibles and food.
Funds for both of these events will need to be secured prior to April 19, 2011.
2 - Weekend Excursion: Of course, what would also be of great service is your participation in a weekend of ministry. If we can first secure the funds for the outreach, nothing would be greater than having you and your church on-site ministering alongside of us and the local church. If you are interested, please let us know and we can talk about travels plans and expenses.
THANK YOU for all you do already. We look forward to seeing a greater participation and advancement in the Gospel in 2011!
Donations to the Ministry should be made payable to:
MatchlessFire Jewish Ministries
PO BOX 4114
Forest Hills, NY 11375