Sunday, March 27, 2011

Joining the Ministry

I love it when we have members of supporting churches visit us for a service at FHCC! This week we were surprised to have members of a church in PA join us for Sunday worship. They were able to meet the people, worship alongside of us and get to see the difference God is making in Queens, NY. But the really cool part is that they have the unique privilege of taking partial ownership in the success!

If it wasn't for their prayer and financial support, there wouldn't be a church in Forest Hills. Our church is blessed with solid Christians who give of their time and treasure to the ministry, but it still is not enough to pay all the bills or accomplish the full mission. We still need help from the outside, and gratefully there are many who are willing to do so!

If you have chosen to partner with us, then you are just as much a part of God's success in NYC than anyone of us! We are the products of your worship to God, with a greater harvest yet to come. THANK YOU!

If you would like to partner with us, then now is the time to join. Not only is our church plant continuing to see lives saved, but we are also preparing to launch a new church in the next 12-months. Your commitment to pray and give financially puts the tools and resources in our hands to get the job done. And by giving directly to the ministry, we ensure that 100% of your gift goes directly towards the work here in NYC and will grant full accountability to you, our supporter.

Join the Ministry in NYC:
Make checks payable to "MatchlessFire Jewish Ministries"

Mail to:
MatchlessFire Ministries
PO BOX 4114
Forest Hills, NY 11375

All gifts are tax-deductible under the IRS 501(c)3 rules

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NYC Mission Teams

We are thrilled that so many would love to consider coming to NYC and contribute to the ministry in a "hands on" fashion. Many hands make light work, and we would love to host you, your church, or para-church ministry. However, before you contact us about possible dates and experiences, we feel it is imperative to give you a little insight concerning ministry life in NYC.

Ministry is extrememly difficult here in NYC. For starters, this is NYC; the people are mean and have little or no desire to hear about Jesus, especially from an "outsider." Routinely, those who come to minister with us become frustrated and hurt when then give their first "invite card" to a NYer getting on the subway. Many cry...

Secondly, the people of NYC live to work. During the day there are very few people around which makes ministry incredibly difficult. Typically, ministry hours are very early in the morning (7-9am) or very late at night (6-9pm).

Thirdly, NYers don't like gimmicks or promises that cannot be realized immediately. Outreaches and crusades have little to no effect here in the City. The best way to reach people is through one-on-one evangelism and religious services on traditional days (Sundays and holidays). NYC is not Latin America...

Finally, there is no housing in NYC. A visiting team would be responsible for their own transportation, housing and meals. The average person will walk 10-12 miles per day in ministry, spend $40 a day in meals, and accrue a hotel bill of $100/night/double occupancy. It is not cheap or easy to do ministry in NYC, and thus the city is a spiritual mess.

Please understand that this warning above is not to discourage anyone from coming to NYC and partnering with us. We would LOVE to have you! However, we want you and your team to have the best experience possible, and that begins with realistic expectations. We would love to have you, but we know this ministry is not for everyone...

Still feeling called? Then email us today!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Heading Out West

This Sunday I am thrilled to be speaking at Calvary A/G in Irwin, PA. It is time for their annual Spring Missions Convention, and this year they have planned an exciting and resourceful schedule of events to get every involved in missions.

The convention kicks off Saturday night be a time of refreshments and fellowship highlighting the many ministries already supported by the church with updates. Additionally, a newly appointed missionary will be on hand to share her incredible story of how God has called her to one of the most difficult regions and people groups in the world! It's gonna be fantastic!!

Then on Sunday morning, I have been asked to share in the main service concerning the work in NYC, and particularly our work to the Jewish people. There is so much to report and even I can't imagine h0w good God has been to us. Finally, I will also be sharing practical ways we all can partner together for the advancement of Jesus' salvation in both Pittsburgh and beyond.

It all starts this weekend, and I hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How You Can Help

By God's grace, many of our supporters are looking for additional ways to support the ministry beyond their existing monthly financial support. As a result, I would like to formally address these requests and petition for greater participation in the ministry here in Queens, NY.

1 - Funds for Special Projects: Due to the incredible cost of living in NYC, the monthly donations we receive from our supporters only covers the personal living expenses of our family. The ministry (church plant) we have established pays all its own monthly bills (with the exception of my salary), but is unable to do much more than the predictable (rent, telephone, utilities, etc.). Seasonal outreaches such as Easter, Passover, Christmas, Fall Harvest, etc. routinely present a challenge for the ministry, as funds are not always available in the assigned budget. A generous gift, in addition to the monthly support already being received, would help make these outreaches possible. The average cost to secure the supplies and permits (this is NYC, after all), typically costs $1,500.00.

Specifically, we are looking to host a PASSOVER meal and service on April 19. The average price for a Kosher passover meal is $25/person. A gift from you, your small group or church would make it possible for us to provide a meal and teaching on Jesus to a Jewish person during this Passover season. By God's grace, we were able to do this ministry last year and saw 6 Jewish people come to a greater knowledge of Jesus.

Additionally, we are looking to sponsor a large Easter outreach for the entire community. Our church meets inside of a school with a very large playground. By God's grace, we have secured a permit to rent the space the Saturday before Easter and hold a large Easter egg hunt and salvation service. Our plans are to not only place candy in thousands of eggs, but also a specific bible verse revealing Jesus as Messiah and Savior. We would like to rent a stage, sound system, and purchase literature to preach to those who come about Jesus' deliverance and provide Bibles to all who attend. Funds will be needed to rent these materials and purchase the Bibles and food.

Funds for both of these events will need to be secured prior to April 19, 2011.

2 - Weekend Excursion: Of course, what would also be of great service is your participation in a weekend of ministry. If we can first secure the funds for the outreach, nothing would be greater than having you and your church on-site ministering alongside of us and the local church. If you are interested, please let us know and we can talk about travels plans and expenses.

THANK YOU for all you do already. We look forward to seeing a greater participation and advancement in the Gospel in 2011!

Donations to the Ministry should be made payable to:
MatchlessFire Jewish Ministries
PO BOX 4114
Forest Hills, NY 11375

Monday, March 7, 2011


When I imagine heaven the image is quite simple: GLORY. I try not imagine persons or physical objects as they would only serve to stifle my desire to be there. I say this because my ideals are constantly changing.

Nevertheless, I understand the importance of descriptive language in capturing the essence and joy of what heaven will be like. After all, even Jesus and the writers of the Bible used physical, descriptive language to describe heaven in the context of their audience. Therefore, when I am asked about heaven, I simply respond with a comparison for the ideal here on earth. The truth is that Disney World is nothing but a cheap knock-off of heaven.

Heaven vs. Disney World
The Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom will seem ridiculously boring compared to the Tree of Life that dwells in God's Kingdom. Cinderella's castle is great, but lacks an occupant and is limited in its jurisdiction (Advertureland, Tomorrowland, Fanstasyland, Frontierland, Toontown and Liberty Square). Heaven, however, will have a magnificent temple where God, Himself will dwell, and there will be no end to His majestic and peaceful jurisdiction. Epcot (the environmentally planned community of tomorrow) is man's ideal and creation, and, therefore, promotes man. Heaven is God's planned community and will exalt His power, wisdom and achievements. Man will benefit in the Kingdom because of the infinite power of God alone.

So, what is heaven like? It is greater than any stretch of man's incredible imagination and desire. Heaven is better than Disney World!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kosher Notes on the Law

I hope all are enjoying our very in-depth and expansive study on KOSHER living. Each week it is prayed that those hearing and receiving these messages will take notes in the information being taught, wrestle with its implications, and then put all things into good use. The church has even gone so far as to make available Kosher notebooks for the aid in this endeavor and its success is unprecedented.

So, get out your pens and notebooks, because here is a new chapter in thought...

On the Law:
Beginning on February 27th, the church has begun a study on the work of reconciliation through the Law of the Mosaic Covenant (a.k.a. the Law of Moses, or the Old Testament). In so doing, we have begged the question as to what purpose, and with what intention, has the Law been given? In a day and age where "Law" is presupposed as being weak and condemning, individuals must humbly as if this assumption is, in fact, correct.

Law as a form of Grace
In the simplest form, it is imperative that we understand the greatness that is the Law of God. I know it has gotten a bad rap from rebellious secular and religious sources, some even going to far as to take the book of Romans out of context. The truth is, however, is that the LAW is a gift from God (John 1:16-17), and God only gives ‘good” gifts (Matt. 7:11)! Therefore, we need to see the law for what it is: our tutor and vehicle of redemption.

The Law:
  1. Atones for and Prevents Sin
  2. Is Necessary for Fellowship with God
  3. Is Effort-based (a.k.a. WORK!)
  4. Provides Conditional Relief (limited and temporal)
  5. Acts as tutor regarding the subject of Sin’s Depth, God’s Sovereignty, and Man’s Responsibility
The Law is good and serves not only the "good purpose" of God, but of man in revealing to him the way to God and the mean of preventing man from further separation and destruction. The Law is certainly good to those who seek a relationship with God.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I would rather be known for my theology then my leadership style. For my goal in life is not to draw men unto me, but unto Him. This is only possible with a right theology.

People need to stop reading books, and read THE book.

March Prayer Points

This past February saw an influx of miracles inside the ministry here in Forest Hills. Not only did the church move into a new and greater facility, but we saw new families join the church and many people donate their lives to the service of Jesus and His church. It has been a tremendous season in regards to "new growth."

Yet, at the same time, this past month has been a tremendous struggle. It is no wonder that the biblical writers use military language and describe their lives as a "war." Ministry is hard, it is never ending, and it tears at every fiber of your being as you see the Lost despise and hate the things of God. This is not a challenge unique to the vocational minister, but to all who serve under the banner of "Christianity."

Therefore, my earnest prayer for this month, and for all of those that follow, is that we (the Church) will not grow weary, but will remain strong, steadfast, and confident in HIM who calls and enables. Like a good soldier, our job is not to accomplish through our rational or reason; but rather to trust and obey the will and words of our Superior. It is His battle we fight, and it is always and only for His glory.

Onward Christian soldier...