Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Church Business Meeting
Topics to be discussed include:
1. Church Leadership and Accountability
2. Financial Report
3. Accomplishments of 2009-10
The night will also be dedicated to the future ministry of the church. While the past year has accomplished much, we are only beginning to scratch the surface. Come get a burden for where God is directing you and I in ministry. We truly believe the next twelve months will be our most effective yet!
FHCC Business Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 28 @ 8pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)
Have a Question? Email us prior to the Business Meeting for a response.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Church Van Needed
If you or your church knows of a passenger van (full-size or mini-van) for sale or donation, please contact us as soon as possible. Many Jewish and Gentile people stand to know Jesus as a result of your generosity.
Contact Us:
Pastor Jeremy
Forest Hills Community Church
O - 718.247.7309
C - 717.519.9258
*Forest Hills Community Church is non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and all gifts and donations (including vehicles) are tax-deductible.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Fall is for Change: Salvation
The truth of the matter is that the passage above is the reason why FHCC exists. When my family and I moved here in 2006, myself and a young college intern simply hit the streets at night and talked to people about Jesus. Those who wanted to receive, received; and those who did not, simply were given a kind word and left alone. Looking back, it was like no time at all before we began holding bible studies with 15-20 young people. From that experience FHCC was birthed into the church it is today.
This past week Anthony and I hit the streets of Forest Hills to see God do it all over again. It was a very quiet night with very few people on the street or in the shops. Yet, it only takes one conversation to make the night effective. Within moments the conversations began firing up with old friends and new. We met a group of four young men who were all over the spiritual map. They were invited to church and Anthony was able to share his story about he met Jesus at FHCC. The conversation was fantastic and everyone we met was encouraged, including the couple who wanted nothing more than a "hello" from us.
The point is that the Bible works, Jesus is alive, and there are people out there that God desires to save through our obedience. Let's never forget our roots. Not only was FHCC birthed through the practice of Luke 9, but so was the very first church of Jesus. God never changes, and neither should our obedience and trust in His Word. Go invite people to church!
Forest Hills Community Church
Sunday Mornings INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)
This past week Anthony and I hit the streets of Forest Hills to see God do it all over again. It was a very quiet night with very few people on the street or in the shops. Yet, it only takes one conversation to make the night effective. Within moments the conversations began firing up with old friends and new. We met a group of four young men who were all over the spiritual map. They were invited to church and Anthony was able to share his story about he met Jesus at FHCC. The conversation was fantastic and everyone we met was encouraged, including the couple who wanted nothing more than a "hello" from us.
The point is that the Bible works, Jesus is alive, and there are people out there that God desires to save through our obedience. Let's never forget our roots. Not only was FHCC birthed through the practice of Luke 9, but so was the very first church of Jesus. God never changes, and neither should our obedience and trust in His Word. Go invite people to church!
Forest Hills Community Church
Sunday Mornings INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Fall is for Change: School
I know that some may be offended by this last line, but it is true. School has always been about more than learning history, math and science. It is a social environment when values and behaviors are taught and received. Tragically, as our society has progressed more and more towards "open education" (existentialism), subjects of absolutism have taken a back seat. The result is that kids today exult experience over objectivity; relevance over Truth.
Please pray for not just our son, but every kid who is back at school this season. Pray that God will guard their minds against the things of this world, and that parents everywhere will rise to their God-given responsibility to be "first teachers" to their children.
Fall is for Change
One area in which we can shed a little more light, is in regards to the infrastructure of our church plant. As we approach our third year of ministry, there is much to be rejoicing over as God has provided us with a full-time secretary, two rental/meeting facilities, and a host of faithful supporters both inside NY and abroad. While details are still way off in the future, the necessary groundwork for the stability of "game changing" ministries are being laid.
Nothing comes easy in life or ministry, especially in New York City. Yet, because of the effective will of the Lord, and the subsequent faithfulness of His people, all things are possible and expected. Please, please pray for us and the ministry here in NYC. Pray that many will come to know Jesus, and that Gospel witness will go forward without hesitation.
Monday, September 6, 2010
I'm Scared Being a Daddy
As the sales associate handed me my shoes, however, he leaned in and whispered, "Sometimes I am scared to be a dad." I did not need to ask him what he meant, because every man should be scared to be a daddy. Especially Christian men who know the great responsibility and consequences of being one.
Without flinching, I looked right at the young man and said, "You should be. Being a dad is very hard and very consequential. It is for this very reason that I thank God that I have Him as my example, and embrace the biblical truth that being a Dad is God's intention for every man."
I talked briefly about the Lord's first command to Adam and Eve was to become parents. This is not only because God loves life, but also because it is "Godlike" to care selflessly for others. To know the love and behavior of God, directs me in how to care for and love my three boys, even when they are behaving in the worst possible way.
I also shared with him the importance of repentance. No one is ever going to be a flawless daddy, but every daddy should display righteousness at all times. This means that when we sin or act improperly to our kids, our wives, or anyone else, we must immediately repent and do so in the sight of kids. You cannot take back your sinful behavior, but you can display a proper response to such. Kids need to know that bad behavior is wrong and must be addressed immediately.
The guy took it all in, but I could tell his troubles were in need of more than a 5-min conversation. I left him with an invitation to church and my cell phone number. Please pray with me for my new friend, his wife and little boy. May he make Jesus his Lord and perfect example of fatherhood.
Friday, September 3, 2010
September Prayer Requests

We ask, therefore, that you please pray with us for the following ministry opportunities:
1 - Leadership Retreat
Since arriving in NYC just 4-years ago, God has blessed the church plant (FHCC) with some dynamic individuals who have a burden to see families, friends, and enemies come to know Jesus through His local church. All of these individuals are relatively new believers, having been saved just prior to attending FHCC, or saved as a result of attending. Regardless, all are fully committed to the church and its ministry. Therefore, we will be taking a weekend in Sept. to pray and seek God's vision and strategy for reaching ALL of Forest Hills with the Gospel. Please pray for discernment.
2 - Jewish Ministry
God did not call us here simply to start a church or to live in a Jewish neighborhood. Our primary purpose for existing is the evangelization of the Jewish community. While it may seem obvious/effective to hold a Jewish holiday service; unfortunately, these rarely work in any measure. The Jewish community is programmed since birth not to set foot in a church, or attend Jewish ceremonies apart from the Jewish community. Therefore, we need a new approach for engaging the Jewish community with the Gospel. Will you pray that God will simply give opportunity for one-on-one Jewish evangelism? We all know that God works through individuals, not programs, anyway.
3 - Safety of the Family
The full canon of Scripture declares the persecution of God's people. Since moving to NYC we have experienced it in every measure, and we accept it. However, we do ask that we would not suffer needlessly or in weakness. May God protect our children, His church, and His servants. Amen!
THANK YOU for making this worthy and Godly endeavor possible!!!
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