This passages is wonderful for several reasons, not the least of which is its emotional/romantic appeal, but also for its theological principals. It is not that Abraham and the servant just happened to concoct a scheme and hoped for the best. Instead, their plan and counsel was found in the the wisdom of God, and thus received the blessing of God. Abraham and the servant were prophetic in their qualifications for a wife. Each of their requirements were covenant characteristics that are necessities for both the marriage covenant and the covenant with God. It has been fantastic teaching our people about how faithful, good, and redeeming our God is and He calls us into covenant with Him.
But it is not just the spiritual that is highlighted inside of the text, their is an equally rich teaching on marriage and dating. It seems that our world just keeps continuing to destroy and denigrate marriage into a romantic whim, and dating into a primeval romp of emotions. There is no call for diligence in selecting a dating partner, and marriage is all but completely optional. This is not God's desire for His creation. Marriage is suppose to be a mirror of His relationship to us. When we corrupt marriage, we corrupt our understanding of God!
We thank God that chapter 24 has allowed us the opportunity to call people not only into a relationship with a sovereign God, but also into the lifelong blessing of marriage. Men are being called to be men, and women are being reminded to hold out for nothing but the best. All are being encouraged to demonstrate nothing less than "hesed" (covenantal loyalty) towards their spouse, and to mimic the actions of Jesus in every area of their lives. It has been such an encouraging series, and we look forward to sharing with you the personal testimonies of those who have been impacted in the upcoming weeks!
Listen to the Messages here.