When it comes to Bible Studies and teaching classes, there are many different roads and avenues to take. Some prefer "small group," others "home groups," and still others prefer a traditional Sunday School approach. After much trial and error here in Queens, we have discovered that our demographic really open responds to assertive & formal lecturing in a formal classroom environment. "Why" this is, I do not know. Perhaps because this approach treats the material as no different than any other science, philosophy or accepted material. Perhaps, because it is the the 2000's and there is a longing for education and academics (you can't turn on the computer or TV without seeing a degree program of some kind). Or perhaps it is simply because people want to know that what we are offering as Christians is more than an experience or a religion, but rather a lifestyle built on defensible truth! Whatever the reason, however, people are coming in who are NOT Christian, they are bringing with their non-Christian friends, and they are coming with consistency.
As far as material go: we just hit them with the Bible. The more open and more honest /straightforward the topic and the Biblical text, the better. Lately, what we have been conducting is a Monday night bible study that uses the exact same text and message as the previous Sunday morning. We call these classes, "UNplugged," becuase we do not seek to"preach" the message like Sunday AM, but rather "teach" the message. It's a raw, interactive experience.
We do, however, take some steps to maintain order and guidance. On our website, and in person, we provide a two-page outline each week with question prompts, historical insight regarding the specific text, as well as the spiritual/doctrinal truth that the passage communicates. We also all the evening to take a less formal approach. We frequent stop to ask questions, or allow questions to be asked of us or the text itself. Sometimes a person may attempt to take us off track, but a gentle and firm word brings us right back. This corresponding teaching approach has proven beneficial not only to new guests who may or may not have come to our Sunday morning service, but also to our regular crowd. (Let's face it, sometimes we all hear things Sunday morning that we want more information on or simply want to hear again.) A corresponding Bible allows deeper and more sustained growth; and it's easy for any pastor to do! (Now, I only have to write one sermon a week, and I get more out of the work too!)
If you or your church is looking for a way to see new conversions and greater connection, then I highly recommend this compatible approach. We certainly are not the first to come up with this idea, nor have we perfected the means, but God is using it. If you would like to see samples of our outlines, messages, or anything else, then please visit our church website (www.fhcchurch.com). God is saving people in NYCity, and it's all because of and for Him.