Thursday, January 21, 2010

Helping Haiti

This Sunday our church plant will be taking a special offering to help the people of Haiti. I must admit that at the moment I am very excited to partner with the Spirit in rebuilding that country, but when I first learned of the tragedy this was not the case. It was not because I did not have compassion on the hurting, the orphan, the lonely, hungry and sick, but rather that I simply did not know WHAT to do.

Sure, I could part with a Christian "compassion" ministry and send medical teams and food distributors, but isn't that what the other, secular, organizations do? Why compete with an agency that is bigger and better equipped to reach those need? Why can't the church do what the church does best and PREACH the Gospel in times of tragedy? Why isn't there an organization that partners exclusively with churches for the ministry of Jesus' church? Why can't there be a way to see SOULS saved in Haiti, not simply physical lives?

For days, I laid silent to our church about how we could help in Haiti until the Lord revealed His plan of action. Then, a friend of mine told me about a new ministry that just launched, but was already on the ground in Haiti helping the souls of Haiti:

Led by pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Church, this ministry is committed to reaching SOULS in the midst of tragedy. Yes, they will try effortlessly to reach the physical needs, but above all they are called to preach the Gospel and build up the local church. They are committed to not just seeing buildings rebuilt, but to seeing the Kingdom of God enlarged!

Please, please consider partnering with this awesome ministry, and ask the Spirit (not the heart or the world) how to respond to the sovereign work of God.