I hate to run the possibility of being cynical, but I suspect that Western (read: American) Christianity is really all about self-medication. In other words, we do not go to church to get what really need, we go to get what we really 'want.' Most messages, programs, and church environments are entirely built around getting you or I (the audience) to feel good, find encouragement in what we want to believe in, and only view God as a means to our own happiness. After all, God really wants you and I to be 'happy,' whatever that means...
I'm sorry, but I believe in the God of the Bible who is infinitely greater than I am and whose will, purpose, and glory far surpasses His individual love for 'me.' Yes, He loves me and cares for me as a Father, but the role and identity as Father, Friend, and Giver are only conditional attributes to be used to describe particulars of His relationship to us. In other words, God is my Father, because I exist as His child; but if I did not exist, would He still be considered Fatherly? No. What God is consistently and unconditionally is SOVEREIGN and HOLY. Therefore, what should be our primary means of worship and knowledge of God should be these two above all. Church should be a place where we are brought LOW and into SUBMISSION to God, first and foremost.
Of course, embracing and celebrating God's love is not wrong or naive, but it must not become our primary means and reason for worship and relationship. This warps everything into a conditional relationship and places my desire, comfort and existence before His. Error - in fact, such a mentality and position is the foundation of sin itself.
Let me ask you a question: What would happen to your theology and relationship with God if the story of Job was real and personal? What about Hosea? What about Paul's call to go to Jerusalem and suffer for 'the name?' Would you still worship? Would you still love Him? If the answer is 'no' or if you find yourself trying to conjure up a theological defense on why your God would never allow such fate to befall you, then your God isn't the one of the Bible, he is merely the image of your self-conscience.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Stressed Out Kids
School is starting and I am getting all kinds of crazy messages and prayer requests from my young brothers who are still in grade school. It seems that they all are stressed out and nervous for the new school year. Some are even having panic attacks and other physical symptoms.
When asked what they are so nervous about, there is never a real or specific answer, just apprehension over the 'unknown' and an inability to handle the adrenaline. Some of this is normal, but what is new and alarming to me is that these kids are unable to comprehend and handle the everyday stress of a normal life. I mean, honestly, these kids are not facing anything that you or I didn't face then and do not face now. It's really concerning, because if they cannot handle something as simple as the first day of school where all they have to do is 'show up,' how are they going to handle paying bills, going to work, or any other commitment that requires responsibility? I'm not sure we (as a society) are doing a very good job raising our youth to be responsible individuals.
I love these kids and am so very grateful that the Lord has placed my family and I in a position to love and serve so many kids in His name and Word. Besides praying with these stressed out brothers, we are also showing them through both the Word and our own lives, the peace and provision that comes through obedience and dedication to the Lord and His commands.
Matt 6:33-34 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Reflecting on the Simplicity
Our Wednesday night Bible Studies in Harrisburg have been absolutely amazing! I cannot even begin to describe the number of miracles, healings, divine encounters, and explosions of faith have takes place over the past three months. God has been at work and He has done it in the most simplistic ways imaginable.
Consider this: our largest group meeting has only been 9. The cost for meeting inside of Starbuck's week: $2.12 for a cup of coffee. The cost for teaching materials: $0.00. We simply read the Bible. The amount of money spent of marketing, connections, etc.: $0.00 We use social media (Facebook & text messaging) and good ol' fashion "word of mouth." There have been no hand outs, no video clips, no weird illustrations or social programs. We just get together and READ the BIBLE and SEEK JESUS - that's it! And you know what?...He always shows up in power and confidence.
American Christians: Stop chasing fads and trying to 'woo' people into the church and/or a relationship with Jesus. THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB! Your job is to love the Lord and be contagious in your love and pursuit of Him. He is lovely and sufficient enough to win people to Himself. All we need to do is allow Him to be revealed.
Consider this: our largest group meeting has only been 9. The cost for meeting inside of Starbuck's week: $2.12 for a cup of coffee. The cost for teaching materials: $0.00. We simply read the Bible. The amount of money spent of marketing, connections, etc.: $0.00 We use social media (Facebook & text messaging) and good ol' fashion "word of mouth." There have been no hand outs, no video clips, no weird illustrations or social programs. We just get together and READ the BIBLE and SEEK JESUS - that's it! And you know what?...He always shows up in power and confidence.
American Christians: Stop chasing fads and trying to 'woo' people into the church and/or a relationship with Jesus. THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB! Your job is to love the Lord and be contagious in your love and pursuit of Him. He is lovely and sufficient enough to win people to Himself. All we need to do is allow Him to be revealed.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Back to School
The kids went back to school this week and everyone is very, very happy...except for Mom and Dad. Christine and I are those weird parents who actually enjoy having the kids home and being able to share life's moments together. Yes, it is easier to grocery shop or do errands without the drama, but they are only young and living at home once.
No one will ever love our kids they way we can, and, therefore, no one can teach them about life, the Lord, and social skills like we can. It is a high calling to be a parent and I am so very, very glad the Lord has entrusted my wife and I with the challenge of raising three boys.
No one will ever love our kids they way we can, and, therefore, no one can teach them about life, the Lord, and social skills like we can. It is a high calling to be a parent and I am so very, very glad the Lord has entrusted my wife and I with the challenge of raising three boys.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Chilling with the Young Guns
We have been so blessed in so many ways since moving back to PA, especially in regards to ministry opportunities. Man of you know of our ongoing relationship with a local Christian school and serving as campus ministers and mentors. Well, this summer has been full of requests from former and current students to 'hang out' and be mentored in the Christian life and faith. It is so rewarding to 'coach' these young men (teenagers) in what it means to be a Leader and a Follower for Jesus in spiritual, cultural, and relationship matters. Plus, it is hilarious to hear some of the crazy attempts at reasoning and the goofy mistakes teenagers seem prone to make!
But, in addition to pouring into these lives, Christine and I are making the most with our three boys. Their school year begins next week and promises to be very challenging with all of our ministry changes approaching. PLEASE pray with us for our boys, their faith, our interaction with them, and for a wonderful transition into a new school year and ministry adventure (and/or location). PLEASE.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Great Day with His Church
I am so very grateful or the men and women who God has put in my life. A lot of crazy things have been taking place and there is even more uncertainty in the near future. I could be a wreck and twitch and try to solve every problem on my own, or I can allow Jesus, through His Church, to guide and comfort me through every obstacle. I like the "Jesus Option" best and it gives me (and other members of Jesus' church) to not only experience the power of the Spirit, but also serve as a means of His Spirit.
By the way, tonight is also Starbuck's Bible Study on Paxton St. If you have not yet join us for a round of discussion on the Gospel of John, then make tonight your night! We kick off at 7pm and wrap up around 8:15p. I guarantee you will have a blast meeting new people and learning about Jesus and His Word in a powerful new way.
By the way, tonight is also Starbuck's Bible Study on Paxton St. If you have not yet join us for a round of discussion on the Gospel of John, then make tonight your night! We kick off at 7pm and wrap up around 8:15p. I guarantee you will have a blast meeting new people and learning about Jesus and His Word in a powerful new way.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
I love the Local Church
Today, I was incredibly blessed to preach in both morning worship services at RIVER OF GOD church in Enola, PA. This church is truly awesome (Grounded in the Word, Generous, Pentecostal, Led by Leaders, etc.) and has long been a soild source of support for our family and ministry. It is a great feeling to be so loved and trusted by a church and its leadership!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Loving on a Brother
It was great to spend a few days in the deep South loving on fellow brother and his two young sons. "James" is a fellow church planter and Navy chaplain who I met last year during chaplaincy school. We quikcly became friends, as did our families. However, just a few months ago, this incredible family lost their wife and mommy to a tragedy and God sent us to bless them as His church and presence.
In addition to bringing food, cooked meals, and a lot of love, we were able to play together, share stories and needs, and return a sense of 'normal' to a very sad situation. God was very, very present and we simply cannot describe the emotions and ministry we received in and through this time together.
Please keep this family in your prayers!
Saturday, August 2, 2014
First Stop - Annapolis

I'd be lying if I said I did not get goose bumps every time I see a Plebe, Midshipmen, or Officer on this campus. You never know, they could be future parishioners, colleagues, or even Commanding Officers (a.k.a. my Boss)!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Family Mission Tour
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