Once again, the church’s annual Easter Eggstravaganza was an incredible success! Not only was the weather absolutely perfect, but the entire church came out to serve the hundreds of people who attended.
We learned after our first years of ministry in Queens that the culture here is nothing like the culture of PA. A great event or service project, no matter how meaningful, simply does not persuade people to come and visit a new church. Additionally, religious holidays in NYC only affect the “already religious.” There is no common spiritual conviction that leads people to pay tribute to God, but only a secular desire to be with family and enjoy the day off. What this means for our young church is that Easter is one of the least attended Sundays, as members go to be with their families or vacation.
To accommodate for this cultural particular, we gear our outreaches not only to be attractional, but primarily ministerial. Since we cannot expect people to come to church, we, instead, take the church to them. Each aspect becomes an intentional means of communicating the Gospel and inviting people to respond or ask questions. For example, each Easter egg not only had a piece of candy inside, but also a short explanation of John 3:16. The crafts were illustrations of the cross and/or empty tomb, and every food and refreshment came with an invitation to and explanation of our church. Of course, there were also “Story Time” areas where church members shared the truth of Jesus and “roaming evangelists” witnessing to our guests. The day was full of testimonies, new contacts, and even some new believers!
But the real story is the work of the Spirit taking place through incredible people God has given us the privilege to pastor. They are the one who made planned, coordinated, prayer-walked, invited, and staffed the event. Their changed lives were what gave credibility to the stories and Bible verses they shared. There is a real work of the Holy Spirit taking place each week in Forest Hills. Every worship service is a passionate pursuit for His holiness and power. We don’t swing from the rafters, but we do worship with reckless desperation and anticipation while people come to know Jesus.