Thursday, April 29, 2010

Become a Fan

Our church plant "Forest Hills Community Church" has recently created a "Page" on Facebook. With this great tool you can keep up to date on what is happening inside the church, view the lives that are daily being changed, and see pictures from events and happenings. It's an absolutely fantastic feature!

To join, simply visit this link and select "Like" in the upper right-hand corner. If you have an smartphone with the Facebook app, then you can also add this page to your "Favorites."

God is doing so much in New York City, and we are thrilled at the many means now available to share His success with others!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Passover Seder Results

On March 30th, Forest Hills Community Church held its first Passover Seder for the Jewish community. Despite torrential downpours (and Jeremy having a fever of 102 and being hospitalized the night before), a great crowd of Jewish people attended the event eager to see how Christians would celebrate their holiday. By God's providence there was a 1-1 ratio of Jews to Christians, which caused the night to be full of interaction.

Jeremy led the Seder service reading for the traditional Jewish Hagadah, instead of a "Messianic" Hagadah. This was on purpose, as the desire was to reveal Jesus from the Jewish Scriptures, which provide more than enough opportunity to demonstrate Jesus and His NT teachings. This revealing of Jesus from the Jewish Hagadah also caused the Jewish people in attendance to ask questions about Jesus and the Christian church. It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit work so vividly through their questions, and Jeremy's response from both the Old and New Testament. At one point, a Jewish man in the audience simply cried out, "I'm sure I will make it home tonight! God is dealing with me!"

The night lasted over 3 hours and everyone in attendance walked away thrilled with God's "Christian" church in Forest Hills. Several have also attended a Sunday service and/or Bible study. The entire event (the weeks of evangelism beforehand, the event itself, and the follow-up) has been a tremendous success and instrument in the Lord's hand. Plans are already in place to hold High Holiday services in the fall. Please being praying now for these ministries.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


We are currently looking for ministerial interns in NYC. If you are sensing God's call into full-time vocational ministry, then we strongly encourage you to spend your summer with the Sweetens.

This summer our church plant (Forest Hills Community Church) will serve as a training ground for ministry. Students accepted into the program will serve the church in a variety of capacities including: administration, evangelism, and discipleship. No area of the church or its ministry will be "off limits" to the intern.

In conjunction with learning the ministry side of Christian service, interns will also be required to undergo personal growth and development. Weekly classroom settings will take place where students will learn: theology, leadership, servanthood, and character development. These classes will be taught by Jeremy, academic in nature, and highly interactive. Students must come ready to learn and contribute.

Internship classes will limited to 10 students, and applicants must submit their application before May 1st. The cost for this 8-week internship is $3,000.00 which includes room, board, and ministerial materials.

Summer Term: June 1 - July 30
Fall Term: September 1 - October 31

Request an Application

Saturday, April 10, 2010


This past week my family and I took a Sabbath in PA. I must say that living in the city is very exotic and a great experience. It also is the only means by which we can fulfill God's call on our lives to reach the City for Jesus. However, with that being said, I must also admit that living in the suburbs is a real treat!

You have no idea how great is was to watch my kids run and play in their own yard, enjoy the peace of knowing that my kids were safe and not under threat from an intruder or predator, and to be able to walk outside the front door into "space" and not someone's conversation or home. Again, we fully appreciate the unique challenges that God's call has placed upon our lives, but it is also great to appreciate the areas where we are not called to live.

Well, today is Saturday; time to head back to the City and preach Jesus. 172,000 people in Forest Hills are counting on my obedience...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taking a Sabbath

It is way too easy for us as humans living on this side of "the Fall" to ignore God's advice and example of rest. I love working for Jesus and seeing salvation as much as the next guy, but if I ignore Godly wisdom then I really have become a ministerial hypocrite.

After an incredible week proclaiming the Passover, the Atonement and the Resurrection, I am now enjoying the rest each event promised. My kids and my wife are my treasure from God, and I am going to enjoy them.

Results of Easter Week will be posted next week.