The bible study notes this week totally came alive today at my work's Christmas party!!!!!! ("It's a gift from God that Abimelech comes back into the life of Abraham in ch. 21 .") As you know this job has been incredibly emotionally and spiritually draining, and I have wanted to quit for a long time. However, I always felt the Lord calling me to stay and witness. Finally, the many months of persevering are reaping rewards!
My old boss (volatile, bad temper, intimidating one)(her husband works at my job now) came to the party and I told her about what Jesus has done in my life and how love him and I want to live for Him now. She wants to talk more with me.
I also talked to one of the electrician's and he was shocked that our church is in a movie theater (he is roman catholic) and he said he wants to check it out just because he is curious. I gave him a Christmas flyer and told him he can check out the website and podcasts.
Everyone kept asking me to drink and I was like I don't need it, and their like yeah we know you don't need it , we don't need it either, but were drinking it. I'm like I haven't had a drink in 2 years and and it's not that I don't need it, but I don't WANT it! I was so confident and joyous!!!! Gave Lecrae (Christan Rapper) CD to my coworker for Christmas gift (secret santa).
I prayed all day for strength, wisdom, confidence, humility. God answered and he started all the conversations and I answered my coworkers with the joy of the LORD!!!! We were all at one big table so everyone heard our conversations!!!!!
God is doing His thing in NYCity. People are being saved, sanctified, and sent out as missionaries to their world!